How do you get your children to do chores

March 22, 2012 6:50am CST
How do you get your children to do chores around the house with out going crazy?
4 responses
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
We have a four year old son and at his very young age we gave him small task like arranging his toys, fixing his shoes every time he came from school, get his used clothes and place on laundry area, turn off the faucet, etc.. . We encourage him to participate on every chores we did in our house, like getting dustpan while we are cleaning the house, hand over the rag, remove the wild plants on our small garden. We believed by doing this, we are showing him how to be responsible and as he grow old he would not resist doing any house chores :D
• United States
23 Mar 12
Good for you! You are definitely on the right track with your son. May things always go smoothly with you and your children.
• United Arab Emirates
26 Mar 12
I used to tell my son to arrange his toys after playing, keep his shoes in the rack, keep his books on the table etc...I started when he was just 1 n half or 2. Now a days he is quite used to all these. I keep on saying him , how to keep the room clean, about hygiene ...he can understand now, and does it with interest...
• United States
23 Mar 12
My chidren are all grown; I have grown grandchildren. When my boys were small, they asked, 'Can I help?' When that question came up, I always let them help with whatever I was doing. (They were asking this at the age of two or so.) My second son (James) came two years and seven weeks afte my first (Tony) - when I was diapering James, Tony would offer to help; I had him bring a fresh diaper and/or a wet wash cloth. My third son (Clay) came 13 months after James; when I was tending Clay, both older ones helped by bringing whatever I needed to do the job at hand. I was married to a man whose opinion of women was "Woman was put on the earh for man's comfort." which to him meant that I was to fulfill his every whim - so I had my hands full with the boys as he didn't help at all. He had a fit when I was letting (and teaching) the boys to help around the house doing what he considered "woman's work". As the boys grew up, thankfully they realized how wrong their father was. Tony is now almost 51 and still helps with his younger brother, Clay, who is now 47. Unfortunately, I lost James in a car accident when he was almost 21. Clay learned to help around the house by being assigned small tasks suited to his age and abilities. Children WANT to help - NEVER tell them 'NO' when they offer. If you do then when you do ASK for help, they will not want to do anything. Although you may not have started your children out at an early age, it is NEVER too late to get them on the right track. Stop cleaning up after them while letting them get away with beig lazy, playing video games, etc. while you work your hind end off! Even if they don't do the job as well a you would like it done, DON'T go behind them and redo; that is a SURE way to get them to feel their efforts are not appreciated! As my mother always said, "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS." If your children are older (teens or such), your task of getting them to help out around the house will be more difficult than if you had started out much earlier in their lives. However, if you don't teach them how to 'keep house' now, you are doing them a grave disservice as soon they will be out on their own and not know how to do for themselves and end up living a very unorganized and messy life.
• China
22 Mar 12
No I am a college student,so iwant to try....crazy? unh////