Please tell me more about LOVE.

March 31, 2012 10:19am CST
guys can you tell me how to love? How will you know if the person is loving you? How will you know if it's love or just care? Do Sacrificing your own happiness means love? When your happy of what you're doing with someone else, does it means love?
7 responses
• India
5 Apr 12
Being truly loved doesn’t always depend on how beautiful you are or how attractive your personality is. Finding out an actual reason for true love is simply difficult. Although, being beautiful and having a good personality plays an important role in this love game, the actual reason will always be a mystery. But there is a simple rule to make someone fall in love with you …..” Give Love to be Loved “. I don’t know if it really works in all the relationships but it must be admitted that this is the ultimate rule of making any relationship alive all the time. This is the most practiced and trusted simple trick to start building a pure relationship with someone. If you don’t receive love from people around you, apply this trick. Feel what it actually means. When someone offers you love, it doesn’t only mean that the person is attracted to you, but the person wants to be loved by you. Practically, it is not possible for someone to always love you without expecting love from you. If someone is offering you love, your love is also wanted. Showing your love at this point would increase the amount of love in the relationship and you will start feeling connected with that person. Rejecting love would simply leave you alone having nothing to be proud of. a reply by Tamal. via
3 Apr 12
If you want to know if someone loves you or not, or only care to you, it can be felt in your heart. but remember ask at the pure heart without interfering by your desires.
@shaieen (257)
• Philippines
2 Apr 12
Love is a wonderful feeling. Well, its indescribable to me because we feel love in different ways. Just remember, you'll know that it's love when you feel like flying when you're with that person. You blush, you have that big smile, and at the end of the day, you can't stop thinking about that person. :-) And to answer your question, you'll know that someone is loving you when you feel special, and he's doing efforts for you(like he cancels his schedules just to be with you/comfort you) I think those that you mentioned are one of those many signs of love. Love is caring, and sacrificing whether it's for a boyfriend or just a friend.
31 Mar 12
In my point of view, i consider love as a most beautiful attraction. For example, if you happened to love a girl studying in your college or some other places, you couldn't stabilize your mind until you won't see the girl today.
@steffy89 (23)
• United States
31 Mar 12
There are many ways to tell if someone loves you.He or she might show you affection by kissing you or touching you.They would hold you and make you feel comfortable being where you're at.For example,my boyfriend holds me and kisses me over and over again is one way of knowing you're loved and especially if you have to sacrifice whatever it is in the sake of that other person's being then its love.
• Indonesia
31 Mar 12
Love is one of the greatest blessings God has bestowed on humanity. God has created human nature in such a way that a person will take pleasure from loving and being loved, from friendship and from intimacy.
31 Mar 12
ok,this is very typical question..but according to me.... love is expressed as an action experienced as a encompasses compassion and tolerance,support faith ,determination and reaches the beyond romance and embraces us in all walks of life as it encounter one another and make choices for respecting and caring of each other. The question of how should you love is really only a question,that you can ans from deep within your heart and from your thoughts on the matter...