bouquet suggestions?

United States
April 2, 2012 6:09pm CST
I have been thinking a lot about my wedding recently and have started to think about what flowers I would want in my bouquet? I'm pretty sure my colors are either going to be ice blue and black/silver or red and black. I was wondering what types of flowers you think would go with either of those colors and would look good together. Or if you have any other helpful tips or suggestions that would be great!
2 responses
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
27 Apr 12
Stargazers - Blue stargazers that would look good in a bouqet
I've never really been good at flowers, but I've always loved stargazers on bouquet. I think they have blue variants too, so it would go with your ice blue theme. I'll attach a picture I found. Hope it helps somehow.
• Philippines
3 Apr 12
I like the blue ice & silver motif, the colors seemed to be perfect, like the sky and they clouds. ^^ well, for me, a touch of blue flowers should be in the bouquet, like hydrangea or Double Blue or forget me nots then combined it with white flowers lIKE rose(white) or carnation(white) or camellia(white), in arranging it, how about the blue be on the center, then the white ones surrounding the blue ones. You can also put it vice versa, or you can go monochrome like white flowers only for the bouquet or blue one. then the one that wrap the flowers could be silver or blue. Then for the black and red, hmm, how about peony then add the rose white or just white rose? or a bouquet of red and white flowers then the wrapper, red and silver.. Anyway, congratulations. Good luck. ^^