Maury talk show green room decoys

United States
April 5, 2012 4:59pm CST
Seems like any show they do on cheating they always put the cheater which is usually a guy in the green room backstage & every episode for years now they always put the guy in there with a decoy female to see if he flirts or makes out with them then shows it later. Do the people that do mess around with decoys nuts? If they have watched a few episodes they'd know they were being set up yet they "fall" for it everytime! Honestly to me it makes the show look fake. I know some are fake but some talk shows aren't so kinda brings all the shows down. So IF the show IS real.. Do you think the guys are falling for the stupid decoy? Do you think they mess around knowingly to hurt their significant other? Or is maury another fake show that is bringing all the legit ones down?
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7 responses
6 Apr 12
Most of these shows I think the people that go on them are only on it for one reason. Money, 30 seconds of fame and a 'free holiday'. They usually pay the 'guests' of the show to come to where ever the show is recorded, put up in a hotel and all their food and flights paid for. Why anyone would go on a show because they think their 'man OR woman is cheating' is beyond me. The same with 'DNA tests'. Why not just do the test at home? If they can't afford it, save up their money to get it done. I used to watch these shows all the time but now they aren't worth watching. The only time ill watch one if im flicking through the tv is if its a show about a 'local hero' or something similar. All these 'cheating' episodes became boring and more and more frequent. As for the green room decoys, it shows the guys or girls hitting on them but it doesn't show if the decoy initiates it. I think thats a lil unfair to the person whether their a cheater or not. It's what we call a 'honey trap' here. The 'decoy' will flirt and do all sorts of suggestive 'things' to get the other person interested. Man or woman if you have someone doing it at first it may be hard to resist but doesn't mean it would have lead to anything more.
2 people like this
• United States
17 Apr 12
true i didnt think about the free food, flight and hotel. but still not worth looking like a fool! im my opinion at least
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
5 Apr 12
I have to wonder why all these people go on shows like Maury or Jerry Springer in the first place. I seldom watch them but did see one show recently. In it a girl blamed a guy for fathering her child during a time when she broke up with her boyfriend. She later reconciled with her boyfriend but wanted to determine if the guy she had an affair with would have anything to do with her child. He wanted no part of it and denied that he was even the father. The punch line of the story came when they revealed that the guy was not the father of the child, nor was the boyfriend. The guy came off as a creep but the girl also looked stupid because she said he was the only one she had an affair with. Where do they find these people?
2 people like this
• United States
17 Apr 12
i have no idea! i know a few people that could be on that show but they find enough to have on tons of episodes for years so i would like to know where they find them too
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
5 Apr 12
I've not watched Maury in a long time. However, it may have changed, it may be fake now. In the past it was one of those shows that I didn't find to be fake at all. I would say either the guys just don't KNOW about the decoy (as in they never watch) or it's fake.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 12
honestly im starting to think he is turning fake which kills me because even though i dont watch his much i still always thought he was one of the good ones ya know?
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
7 Apr 12
You said "If this show is real.....". Hello, this show is not real. I used to watch it a lot of years ago and it had interesting topics on it, but it has turned into a Jerry Springer wanna be show. There has got to something better for you to watch.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 12
maury used to be good. but now like you said its like jerry springer. usually i dont watch it just because nothing new and annoying and usually stick to steve wilkos or jeremy kyle that arent jokes. i miss the old maury. i wonder what his wife thinks of it since he is married to the reporter Connie Chung
• Canada
6 Apr 12
I haven't watched this show but from what you are describing it seems to be a fake show otherwise why would any of the guys flirt with the decoy females if the same technique has been used in the previous hsows unless they don't watch this show at all or they are just really stupid or don't care at all. Also, I just don't understand why all these participants show up on these shows anyways. Can't they resolve their issues at home, why bring it to a public platform...
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 12
i think either the episodes or couples with the decoys are either fake, the person never watched the show OR they just want to be a jerk and rub it in to their significant others face
@Lisona (177)
6 Apr 12
We had Maury aired over here in the UK a while ago, we don't seem to see him much now. We Have Jeremey Kyle instead, same kind of reality talk show. Thing is with these types of shows they need to be popular in ratings, so I think some of it is obviously staged, whether its honey traps, made up guests ect. They can be quite entertaining while having your morning tea :0) I think we are all naturally nosey and want to know whats going on in peoples lives hahaha. Makes the rest of us look like we live like angels compared to some of the guests they have on these talk shows, staged or not.
• United States
17 Apr 12
yep i think thats why a lot of people like a lot of things. reality shows and talk shows make us go "dang at least we arent that disfunctional" and with me i love horror movies and i think "at least my life isnt that scary/crazy" lol.. i just got into watching jeremy kyle and i LOVE him! i dont know when they started showing him in the US but i think hes one of the better ones on
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
5 Apr 12
Hi moonlitmagikchild, I have never been a guest on Maury or any other reality show..But the same people guys/girls who are caught in the green room with the decoys are the same dummies who go on that show and take a LIE DETECTOR, knowing that they are lying all the time....Hopefully it helps some of your dilemma.....
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 12
Oh i havent/wont be on the show but it just amazes me how stupid these people are