Would humans be able to coexists with another intellegent species?

@ajalitus (127)
United States
April 6, 2012 6:12pm CST
Just by looking on the news, you can tell that the world is in much disorder. Humans have so many conflicts among themselves that I think it would be almost impossible to live with another man-like species in peace. What do you think?
2 responses
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
7 Apr 12
yeah... i also think it almost impossible to coexist with another intelligent species while we cannot resolve confilicts among us. Maybe that's why some of us can only see them in the sky and not on the ground LOL... they aware that we are not ready to communicate with them.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
6 Apr 12
You make a good point and I was thinking along the same lines. But one never knows, the appearance(arrival) of such a species might serve to bring about peace not among humans but between humans and the other species. Of course there are the other sides that it would unite humans against the other species or just add one more to the problems that already exist.