What is your passion?

@didi13 (2926)
April 22, 2012 7:02am CST
In my attempt to guide my children to a life as beautiful and easy, they always talk about the passion which changes every gesture in joy. They explain that when you are passionate about what you do, no effort, you still find it hard to bear. And they cite the example of musicians who studied hours and hours every day without toil, they feel like because if he had, or could not do that, but would break down, tired. About athletes who run or train every day, not because they must, but because it found its purpose and joy of living. About people who write with passion, for whom not sleeping can be a blessing meant to bring them almost a haven tab printed. About those who cook for pleasure, preschimband kitchen into an art. Those who dance not because they want to win a dance competition, but because so, moving his body to music, bring their soul in harmony with nature. The best way to fulfill your heart, and pride, and financial ambitions is to choose a profession once you have found passion. And, beyond that, everything becomes easier. Because they can live and work with passion, a natural exercise of destiny. Or you can live without passion. But ... how hard, what a shame ... What is your passion?
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12 responses
@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
23 Apr 12
Hi, I am really glad to hear that you want to teach your children to lead their lives through their passion. I am going to do the same, too when I become parents. I agree that, when you do something with your passion, everything will come along. It is not only you can climb the career ladder easily but also the material. You will feel like you are not working when you actually work. So, yes, I agree. It is better for you to work with your passion. If you havent found one, find it! :) My passion is writing.. I do enjoy writing. Though sometimes, I do have writer's block. But I am just happy doing it. There's no big deal at all. Lol.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
23 Apr 12
What i have to say that go and grab your passion.You would finally achieve that.For me and i have to say that my passion now is to get the ideal school.To persue my dream for a short period of time.However,this need my effort and every time i saw my friend who already get there,i do really feel encouraged.
@GemmaR (8517)
22 Apr 12
I think that everyone should have a passion in life, but the sad thing is that not everybody is able to find what their passion is in the time to be able to put it into practice. My passion is music, and I would love to be able to make a living out of it, but I know that this is not going to be possible for a fair amount of time because I would have no money to live on while I was setting myself up as a musician. I am going to invest into property and let it out so that I have a regular income to be able to live my dream, and I know that I will be able to do that at some point in the near future, hopefully.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
22 Apr 12
I have two passions. One of them is travelling. I am very interested in other countries and cultures and I love to explore a new country. If I had lots of money I would travel much more than I do today, because the list of countries that I want to visit is very, very long. Every country is a unique opportunity to experience another culture and I don't think that I will ever get enough of that. If I have to choose between travelling and new things for my home I choose travelling. My other passion is art. I am an artist, and art is very important to me. I can spend hours on my art. When I paint or draw I forget everything around me. All of a sudden I discover that it is really late and I totally forgot to eat. I love to experiment and "play" with the colours and I can't imagine that I will lose my interest in art. In some periods I don't paint much, but I always return sooner or later.
@yanzalong (18980)
• Indonesia
23 Apr 12
When we have targets in life, we have to achieve them with great passion. Otherwise, you will back down in the way. Passion is very important as it acts like a boost.
• India
22 Apr 12
Hello friend, Singing is my passion. I love music very much. I learning music and I practise it in everyday. I learn music from my childhood. So it is my childhood passion. Have a nice day.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
22 Apr 12
I have multiple passions that bring me so much joy and I am really happy to do them and I try to get better at them daily. Right now my biggest passion is natural medicine and I'm working hard at college right now so I can get to a more specialized school so I can learn as much as possible about it and become the best healer I possibly can. I'm also incredibly passionate about gardening and farming and I can't wait until it's warm enough for me to be able to plant my plants out in my garden. I have a lot of awesome varieties that I'm trying to grow and I can't wait to get started on them. I'm really passionate about music both playing it and writing it and I get an incredible amount of pleasure out of writing lyrics for a song. I feel so accomplished whenever I can get some really good lyrics down onto paper. I also am really passionate about basketball and it's a great way for me to get exercise and it makes me really happy to play. There are so many great things in life to do that it's hard to say that I only have one passion because I enjoy doing so many things.
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
22 Apr 12
hi didi. My passion is choral music. you are right in everything that you wrote in here. If you have passion in what you are doing, you get so obsessive in improving in your craft. Just last week, i attended a short workshop on choral music which was handled by no less, the choir master of Philippine Madrigal Singers. He said, we dont always have to win competition. What matters is that, when you are practicing, you have to sound a lot different from where you came in.
• United States
22 Apr 12
I have a few but my top after my kids is computers.. I enjoy fixing and learning new things with them. I just started working with html and php. I am enjoying it a lot. I also love to read books and wright story's and poems.
@tabatha7 (187)
22 Apr 12
I guess one could say that what I care about most is my family, which includes my friends because I consider them to be my chosen family. I do write sometimes, and it is another passion of mine, as is photography. It would be nice to say that I'm passionate about my job, but I am really quite miserable there & am hoping to find something else that is better and to which I am better suited... What a great question!
• Philippines
22 Apr 12
my biggest passion is learning. i believe that knowledge can never be replaced and learning paves the way of earning more knowledge, which is important for an individual. i love to learn things especially when it is all about things which i do not have any background of.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
22 Apr 12
My biggesr and utmost one is theatre. Of course I can't go each and every night to see a play because of financial limits, but when I can, I go (way more than the average person does, I try to go at least once a month, and I am always on the hunt for good ticket prices), and I read a lot about theatre, attend theatre-themed lectures and programs and write reviews about the plays I've seen in my blog and so on, and so forth. I am passionate about discovering new music, Eurovision (guilty pleasure, I know), reading, writing (I'm not talented, but that doesn't stop me from doing it) and make-up :).