Do you smoke shisha, despite the risk of contracting infection or disease?

May 15, 2012 10:24am CST
I see a lot of people smoking shisha in my city, I ahve even tried it myself a few times, but little did I know that whilst I smoked it, I could contract an infection or disease - even air-borne tuberculosis. To me, smoking a pipe which possibly hundreds of other people have smoked before you, and having not been witness to the proper cleaning and decontamination of the pipe after use, is pretty offputting, not to mention distasteful. Despite this, people still do it. Yes it might be 'social' or taste better in comparison to normal tobacco, but is it really worth the risk? One might say that you could develop cancer due to smoking yet people still do it...TB and other similar infections are likely to get you way before the cancer does!
3 responses
@GardenGerty (158139)
• United States
16 May 12
I do not smoke anything, and I would not share a pipe. I will admit I am going to have to look this up to know exactly what it is.
17 May 12
They seem intriguing to those that have never seen one before. I think once you see a picture you will recognise it and may have even seen one somewhere.
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@GardenGerty (158139)
• United States
17 May 12
I had thought it might be a hookah, which is what I have heard it called. Nope, not gonna smoke it.
@Lance26 (956)
• Philippines
15 May 12
I tried once out of curiosity when I went to Kish Island. Honestly, I didn't enjoy shisha even with flavors as I am not a smoker myself.
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
15 May 12
Shisha Pipe - Shisha Pipe may be a health hazard.
Some people just don't think that much when they are out socializing. It is fashionable and 'in' to do - everybody is doing it. It is only when something happens will they be feeling sorry that they did. Smoking is bad for health. Using an unclean apparatus to smoke is even riskier.