Going to meet someone.... lol

@shibham (16977)
June 27, 2012 6:26am CST
Hi everyone... I have not ever attended a birth day of someone whom i loved by heart. Promise. Yesterday night. I asked our college principal for a casual leave of today. He granted me... thanks to him... today morning i went to market to buy a cell phone... i have bought... went to flower shop to buy red roses... ooopppsss, no flower for continuous rain and temporary/artificial flood here.... then i rushed to plant's shop and ordered a rose plant... oh, it is available, i have bought.... next i went to order a birthday cake... my phone has rang...no, no birth day cake. someone has told me that s/he does not like to celebrate that way. Okay, after this post. I shall go to meet someone who is celebrating her 30th b'day today. Now i have to dress... i am in hurry... Oh, forgot to told you... it is my love's birthday and will marry her on 24th September, 2012. Friends... what type of birthday gifts you like to receive from your dearest one? i have now cell phone, rose plant, a lady's purse and a hand fan made by bamboo and obviously a chocolate. .......... now have to dress. cheers friends.
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24 responses
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
27 Jun 12
Congratulations! I hope you have a good time today. As for me, the presents doesn't really matter because I prefer her presence.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Jun 12
Well said1 Presence is more important than presents.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Thanks choybel.. Absolutely true. Presence is more important than presents as kala di also has said. Have a nice time.
• United States
27 Jun 12
wow shibham! it is wonderful to hear that you are so excited about celebrating your fiance's birthday with her! your choices of gifts and gestures are very kind and generous and i hope she had a wonderful birthday time with you! i enjoy celebrating mr.psychoartist's birthday with him as well, and he does with me...when you really love someone the date of their birth is very significant don't you think? my husband and i like to surprise each other with gifts and also, a cake is very important! sometimes we have our cake first thing in the morning of our birthday day, with breakfast, and then celebrate later in the evening with a special meal and gifts....for me, the biggest gift is that i have mr. psychoartist as my own, and i hope that you and your fiance feel the same way! happy birthday to shibham's fiance!
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@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Thanks psychoartist. yes, really we have enjoyed a lot together in her home in the presence of her mom and brother and my brother in law and cousin. Yes, the birth date of our dearest one is really a significant date and we should try to make it a memorable one. I ordered a cake but she cancelled it as she did not like to enjoy that way. Thanks for the wishes. have a nice time.
• United States
28 Jun 12
I hope that your fiance had a wonderful birthday. When a boyfriend of mine had his thirtieth birthday, I planned a special day for him as well. I showed up at his house early in the morning with breakfast. Then, we went and got his present to himself (a new motorcycle) and I gave him my present, which was accessories for the motorcycle. After we took a ride on the bike, we went for a nice walk, had lunch, and then relaxed in his pool. He did not eat junk food or sweets much, so we just had a cupcake instead of an actual cake. It was a great day.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Jul 12
Oh, now i have understood. Anyway, dont be upset. Do hope that you will meet him very soon as a friend and cheer the party.
@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Hi purple... Yes, she had a wonderful birthday, at least i can think. Oh, what a nice way of celebration of someone special's birthday. Hmmm... he really was proud of you. Well, are still with him? sorry, if it sounds private, then need not to answer. have a nice time,
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Jun 12
No, we are not still together, but we did stay friends and still did things together as friends after we broke-up. In fact, we remained in contact with each other until after he got married and moved away, but then we lost touch due to his living in another state - neither of us had a cell phone at that time, and calling long distance from our house phones was too expensive.
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@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
27 Jun 12
Good to hear from you that you are making her birthday a memorable one.It's not usual for me to hear from a guy getting busy for his loved one, you are such a great man.
@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Thanks baby. I am highly appreciated. hahaha. Have a nice time.
• Philippines
28 Jun 12
hi shiby, I second the motion what jaiho respond Forget the sari just the plane tickets round trip will do hope you had a great time happy mylotting
@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Bhabi. i have already told her, right? hahaha. @mamu, so you are going to make me bankrupt. hahaha. Thanks you bhabi. I already bought bamboo bangles. have a nice time.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
28 Jun 12
Hi bhaby Of course, di and you can not only have the elephant ride but also get to buy all the costumes and accessories from here... Mamu will be busy in preparing for marriage and we all can spend his money this way.... I am waiting too for my tickets
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• Philippines
28 Jun 12
hi sids, I can bring some of my stuffs like earrings,bangles and also bindi if needed Round trip ticket will do for me
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@viju0410 (2286)
• India
28 Jun 12
Hi shibham, Belated happy birthday wishes to her. No roses and you bought a rose plant - what an innovative way of expressing/impressing your would be... gr8.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Thanks viju, thanks a lot. Answer to return gift : CURRY Have a nice time.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
28 Jun 12
Mamu is a professor. He has rightly selected the rose plant as the gift... Thorns and leaves... no roses and I think the cauliflower would have been a better gift... at least he would have an idea of how the cooking would be
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@viju0410 (2286)
• India
28 Jun 12
and that would have been an ideal 'return gift'..
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
28 Jun 12
Oh how romantic shibham, not only do you have the fun stuff, the chocolate and a rose plant, but also the practical, the purse and hand fan. My husband usually gives me things like flowers, but as a more practical person, I am more blessed when he gives me something I really need or can use. You did both, I am sure your lovely lady loved it all...
• United States
2 Jul 12
I know I would be happy with gifts like that..:)
@shibham (16977)
• India
1 Jul 12
Thanks carmel... I saw her enjoying all my gifts. She was highly delighted that day and it really made me happy enough. have a nice time.
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@ifa225 (14364)
• Indonesia
4 Jul 12
Hi sibhie i forget if i had make a response here or had not Is the married planning going smoothly? If it yes your wedding day will be the same with my birthday lol.. Anyway..a girl would love anything that she get from the one she love for me chocolate is a best gift to melt my heart
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@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Jul 12
Hi ifa... I think 'no'. Yeah, but the program has not run yet. There are days and not a huge preparation too. So, for you, my wedding day will be a rememberable one. Chocolate? hmmm... i think each and every one girl likes it. hahaha. have a nice time.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
28 Jun 12
shiby, I want my sari and two way ticket Well, the last gift I received from my ex- is a brand new car
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
28 Jun 12
It seems mamu is going to forget us all even I have been waiting for my tickets I call him up and the message says - please wait, you are in Queue
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@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Didi, i have already told to bhaby regarding it. So, a branded new car... wow.. what a gift.... @mamu, days are not over. Just wait dear. haha have a nice time.
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• Pamplona, Spain
29 Jun 12
Hiya sids, Waiting for tickets? Got me a bit puzzled there. It all sounds great fun though. Have a nice time.xxx
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
27 Jun 12
Hi mamu I have not ever attended a birth day of someone whom i loved by heart What is that? You never loved your parents? Brothers? Sisters? And even friends? Or they did Never Celebrate their Birthdays?
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@viju0410 (2286)
• India
28 Jun 12
they never invitied our mamu dear...
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@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Dont be silly mamu. you better know, what i am indicating by dearest one. right. I like your sense of humor. Viji, nice counter. thanks for the help. have a nice time.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
28 Jun 12
#viju: So you mean to say this would be wife prepared a Majestic Invitation Card for Mamu That is more scary than romantic now
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@loonys (418)
11 Jul 12
You are moving to fast . Try flowers and chocolate at first..the next b-day try the phone so she can call you when you are late. And the lady purse for the third one and so on.. She is going to be your wife ...don't try to spoil things.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
12 Jul 12
hahahaha... why you did not respond earlier? Then i would think about it. Have a nice time.
@else22 (4317)
• India
4 Jul 12
I am responding your post late for Mylot had been inaccessible.Beside power supply was being cut here at irregular intervals.I had you attended your would be wife's birthday.Am I right? I hope you had a nice time there.So far as the question of my choicest gifts are concerned,I love to give and receive books.On the birthday of my children I give them books.But for young girls I would have to think a lot.I would have to ask either my niece or my younger sister to buy a suitable gift for the birthday girl.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
5 Jul 12
Yeah else. I know, mylot is encountering some glitches from days and honestly speaking it has lessened my interest in mylot. Yes, i attended her birthday and enjoyed it a lot. Personally i like to gift books and plants but as this is the first time , so i though to gift her something different that she will not forget ever. lol. Have a nice time.
@viji_v2 (727)
• India
27 Jun 12
Wow great! While you are reading this you would have enjoyed well. My Birthday wishes for her. And also advance congratulations for the married life. So how would she enjoyed your gifts?
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@shibham (16977)
• India
29 Jun 12
@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
thanks and i have conveyed your wishes to her. Thanks again for your congratulations. She was really happy and delightful when i offered those gifts. haha have a nice time viji.
@viji_v2 (727)
• India
29 Jun 12
It is great.
1 person likes this
• India
27 Jun 12
shib, good to hear about your fiance's b'day. Convey my b'day wishes to her. Recently my wife's b'day is gone and i gifted a cute saree to her. Also i send an ecard and posted b'day wishes in her fb wall. Good to hear about your purchasing activities. I think my wife and your fiance is in the same age group, last sunday my wife celebrated her 30th b'day.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Thanks prakash. I have already conveyed. So, be lated happy birthday wishes to darshu. I better know about your attitude as a hubby towards darshu. I am following you. lol. Yes, both are from same age group. Have a nice time.
• India
28 Jun 12
I will convey your b'day wishes to my wife. Good to hear that you are following me, surely you will get good name from your wife and i am guarantee for it. Hope you enjoyed a lot with your fiance on her b'day
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
29 Jun 12
Being able to do something important for the Love of your life will always be a Special thing, and Congratulations on your upcoming Marriage. Many times we always want to do something special and always hoping for the Best. Personally sounds like you were planning an awesome time for her, and I hope she enjoyed it as well.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
1 Jul 12
Thanks KrauseHome. yes, she had enjoyed the time with me. I really love her and she feels it. lol. Have a nice time.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Jul 12
Sounds like you were perfectly ready! I usually like to get things with meaning attached. It may be no more than a picture that makes me swoon..lol. I love roses too! Great choice! Oh and chocolate...you seem as though you have done this before.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
1 Jul 12
hahaha.... perfectly ready to love but not so ready to marry.... haha. Dont swoon jen, love always passes through feelings. Nope, this is the first time that i have given chocolate to a girl... a rough and tough guy just trying to be soft. Have a nice time.
@marguicha (216916)
• Chile
28 Jun 12
I have been following your love story and I`m moved. I wish you both all the happiness in the world. You seem to have all sorts of gifts for your loved one. I wish all men were like you. Mine was like that.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Jun 12
Thanks marguicha, thanks a lot. have a nice time.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
2 Jul 12
I am not a really material person and for that reason alone, I have to say that I don't have to receive a gift from the man that I love that is something that is material. The reason for that is that I think that the time that we are able to spend with each other is the greatest gift that he is able to give to me. Yes, he has given me some nice things, but those things pale in comparison to the gift of time.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Jul 12
Hi dora.. Sounds really like materialistic. hmmmm... It is true that the time is the best gift of nature when two lovers get intimacy with each other. I admit that. Have a nice time.
• Pamplona, Spain
29 Jun 12
Hiya shibs, Really am late here posting about your Girlfriendçs Birthday. So wishing her a very Happy Birthday in spite of her not getting the cake or did she? Did she get the Red Roses in the finish? Whatever she got I´m sure she will be very happy with that. Sure she liked the Mobile Phone though that is a must. Many Happy Returns to her anyway and I hope you all had the best time ever. xxx
@shibham (16977)
• India
1 Jul 12
Hi angel... It is okay, after all you are here. Surely i shall convey your wishes. No, she did not share her birth day with cakes but she planted the red rose next day as a symbol of love. Thanks and have a nice time.
• India
2 Jul 12
I am very late in wishing her, but do wish her belated happy birthday from my side. Oh ho! so you purchased a whole lot of gifts for her. Which gift did she like the most? As for me my best birthday gift is always the delicacies prepared by mom for my birthday.
@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Jul 12
No problem Inderjeet. I shall covey your wishes to her and i am sure, she will be delighted. Hmmmm..., i did not ask her as it was seemed that she liked all those items but i guess the mobile handset. ... she tells about that cell phone whenever she calls me. haha. Have a nice time.