The time has finally come for me to lose weight.

United States
June 27, 2012 10:48pm CST
Today I really felt like I was on the verge of a heart attack. I felt dizzy, had pains in my chest, I felt week, and my left arm was going numb. I really hate to do it, but I will have to try and lose some of this 300 lbs that is weighing me down. My only problem is I plan to do it with more exercise, and between my bad knees and the heat wave that's happening. I'm already dreading the torture I'm gonna put my body through, but my babies are too small to be without a dad so I have to do it. Mylotters I need a lot of encouragement, because I'm doing this against my will.
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16 responses
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
28 Jun 12
Philly, I highly encourage you to do it. I was fat too, and it was hard for me being a former athlete, I was so lazy to do any activity and I love to eat. Like you I found I was dizzy and had chest pains. I couldn't climb a flight of stairs anymore. I went to work my way back to my athlete form. I lost a lot of pounds, now I can run up any flight of stairs. You should consult your doctor first if you can do some running. Ask him if you can jog or sprint. I will help you plan your routine if you want. No need to spend long hours in the gym or a long time jogging. That wastes a lot of time and energy, although some gym time will help a lot to achieve your goals faster. First we need to get you to lose some of your fat. I did some research of my own. It appears our fat isn't just on the outside, some of it is inside so we need to work to get them all off. If you're 300lbs you should be 6 feet or taller. If not don't worry but you have a lot to work on. Let's try to make it easy on you as you start. Remember it is all hard work and it takes a long time to get back in shape, you have to will yourself to do it like some of us did. But once you succeed everything is worth every drop of sweat. I have been coaching some of my friends for a while now and it works, as long as you put your mind to it. I will be here to support you on your quest. cheers.
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
28 Jun 12
Smash Hulk Smash! lol.
• United States
28 Jun 12
I'll take it one day at a time, and go from there. This is definitely the hardest challenge Ive faced.
• United States
28 Jun 12
Hulk had to take a nap after 10 crunches and dancing with the twins.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
28 Jun 12
I think you should immediately start losing weight, a body weight of 300 lbs is no doubt a great concern for health. But at the same time you should consult with a doctor, especially a cardiologist and have necessary investigations like a post prandial blood sugar estimation, a lipid profile, an ECG and so on. You should have to strictly follow a diet restriction. What is your age and what is your blood pressure. You may also need a blood test for TSH, T3 and T4 to rule out hypothyroidism.
• India
29 Jun 12
If your BP is actually what you have mentioned is at this young age of 34, you are hypertensive and so I apprehend you are going to be a victim of cardiological distresses. So what you urgently need is to lose weight immediately by hook or by crook.
• United States
2 Jul 12
Ive never dealt with it before, bu I am going to lose some weight for sure.
• United States
28 Jun 12
Im 34, and the last time I took my blood pressure it was border line high. I think like 132 over 89 if I remember it right. My blood sugars are always normal, cholesterol was good last time I checked as well.
• United States
6 Jul 12
YOU CAN DO IT!!! I have lost almost 40 pounds the last few months. Yes I have gained a few during my diet and got frustrated or lost 0 and feel like crying because I worked my butt off. But hard work and determination will get you to your goal! Think of your kids and that will be awesome motivation. I eat a lot of tuna, wheat bread, egg whites, and chicken. Surprisingly I found Tofu noodles that I love!!! I love pasta so I was happy to find these and they are low in calories and fat. The texture is a little different from regular noodles but add a little pasta sauce or a little bit of butter and parmesian cheese and they are awesome! Good luck and if you have a bad week DON"T GIVE UP!
• United States
6 Jul 12
I'm not gonna give up. I suffered a little set back on my pushups, but I'll just have to keep working my arms till Im back.
• United States
7 Jul 12
Just exercising more won't stave off heart issues, and undertaking a heavy exercise regimen without consulting a doctor is a good way to land in the hospital. You are having health issues due to your weight and a bad diet (I can assume the latter, since you think that a sensible diet consists of "carrots and celery"). See a doctor about your health issues; consult with him/her about increasing your exercise; also, you should get a referral to a nutritionist so that you can learn about proper diet.
• United States
8 Jul 12
I'm pretty sure the exercise is the best thing for me. I really dont think diets work, and I wont suffer one, because people make the assumption that diets work. Every time I hear of a new diet, a few months later a bunch of people are saying it doesnt work. Exercise has never failed me.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I hope that you are feeling better and are able to consult some medical attention for your symptoms. Good health and maintaining weight =go hand in hand and should handled with care. I hope that losing weight will help your situation and i wish you the best of luck and good health along the way.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Just remember to take everything in moderation. Overexerting yourself wil only be a step backeward Going forward is the the goal to strive for and I wish you the best of luck.
• United States
6 Jul 12
I'm going to keep pushing myself, but my limits are all too evident. I look forward to the days when I can take a long walk.
• United States
6 Jul 12
Honestly, I am feeling a little better. I don't know if I lost any weight, but the exercise is doing its job, I just have to make sure I keep doing it. I dont think I will be seeing a doctor any time soon, because my breathings getting better and Im not getting anymore dizzy spells.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
28 Jun 12
Losing weight is definitely not easy, however, you have the right motivation to do it. Exercise has so many benefits to your health including losing weight. Don't overdo it, just take things nice and slow at first. As you exercise more and more, your energy level will increase as will your desire to keep on exercising. Don't get discouraged at first. Just keep at it, even if you see little or even no results. Eventually you will start to lose. Along with the exercise you should maintain a healthy eating style. Not a diet, just eating sensible and well-balanced meals. Good Luck!
• United States
28 Jun 12
See Suebee when you say sensible meals to me thats like saying carrots and celery sticks. I can't live off that squirrel food. I plan to increase my exercise regiment so my mobility increase, but I am still going to eat the food that I want. I figure as long as a I burn more calories than I am now, I should be good.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
29 Jun 12
Certainly increased activity is a good way to lose weight.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
28 Jun 12
hey, you can do anything you put your mind to and what i would do is post pictures of your kids anywhere you have snacks so their faces will remind you why you are doing this. also, drink lots of water (even when you feel hungry) it does help!
• United States
28 Jun 12
I really do need to start drinking more water. I keep letting myself get dehydrated.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Jun 12
Well Good Luck to you, You can do this. I would also try to eat more fruits and veggies or change portion sizes. I've read somewhere that the biggest meal of the day should actually be Breakfast. You could also take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar a day to help speed up metabolism, and possibly drink green tea which can help aid in weight loss.
• United States
2 Jul 12
I use to drink green tea all the time. I should start buying it again.
@hestylim (1210)
• Indonesia
28 Jun 12
I think, you can try by slowly reduce your meal. Avoid soft drinks and carbs. I think that will help..
• United States
28 Jun 12
I think Ill switch from soda to Gatorade for a bit. That should help some.
@Tyrillis (55)
• Australia
28 Jun 12
Mate, no offence intended but i've read some of your comments to other responses and also the final sentence of your response leads me to believe you won't actually do anything. You might start doing a bit of walking and maybe eat a bit better but it'll only be for a short time. Unfortunately you will die young unless you change your lifestyle. I hate to hear excuses and all of the other rubbish you're going to come up with. At the end of the day you have only 2 choices. Get your backside and go to the GP for a complete overhaul, see a nutritionist, and start exercising or you will die young and your children will grow up without you...or even worse get fat like you. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and i don't mean any offence but please do the right thing NOW and change your lifestyle.
• United States
28 Jun 12
Your input is very motivating. Ive lost tons of weight in the past and its not really hard to do when you have motivation. Lack of motivation is my problem, and sometimes all I need is a person that doubts me to get me going.
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
2 Jul 12
First thing to do have your doctor following you. Go easy on exercices because when you weigh that much you don't start " bang " with exercises like to try to punish yourself. Do start with " EVERYDAY WALKS " and drink 8 cups of water everyday too. Don't cut meals it doesn't work. Be sure you have a balance meal. ( Proteins, fibers, and the grains.) That is all don't smoke and the deserts well it is always extra. For my part I never buy " pop", too much sugar in it. God bless what you want to accomplish.
• United States
2 Jul 12
Im keeping it easy so far, I have to do it the old fashioned way, just guts and determination.
• United States
28 Jun 12
First of can do it! Hooray for you for actually admitting and taking that first step. Next, you need to be careful on how you go about your new exercise routine. Afterall, you don't want to start off too much and then end up hurting yourself which will lead to more weeks on the couch recovering. Personally, I would recommend swimming as it will help you lift some of your weight, and is better for your joints. Also, stationary bike or elliptical are good choices to start off on. Running is going to be too hard on the knees, and too high of an exertion activity. Small weight lifting will also help bring back tone to your arms and still burns the calories without too high of exertion before you start getting on a regular routine. Speaking of routines, keep one! Have a buddy to exercise with and always do it around the same time of day. Good luck!
• United States
28 Jun 12
Oh if only I had a swimming pull, I would love to go swimming. Its one of my favorite exercises to do.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
28 Jun 12
I know it would be hard for you but always put in your mind that your doing this for the sake of your children and to you own good too. First of all better to consult to a physician and run some test first before you start your plan in losing weight. Much better to see a diatitian or nutritionist to know what kind of food that you can take to help you to lose weight while doing some exercise. Dnt force yourself to do exercise much because you might injure your knee or other parts of the body. I know you can make it just be patient and keep motivated on what your doing. Good luck
• United States
28 Jun 12
I'm pretty comfortable in knowing what my body can handle. As far as nutrition I dont plan on changing my eating that much. I think dieting is the worse thing you can do to lose weight. We eat the foods we like and our bodies arent going to accept the change.
• Philippines
28 Jun 12
You have to consult you physician and ask for an advice. You have discipline your self to loss your wait. I've known lot of people loss their weight because they have the courage to do so. So I hope you gotta be fine soon. :-)
• United States
28 Jun 12
I will be fine. Im setting a goal of 250 lbs, and then ill just try to maintain that. I do not want to get all crazy with it, just enough to extend my years till I get to my 50s or 60s.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
28 Jun 12
You're right; you need to take care of yourself for your babies. They need you. Don't torture yourself because if you overwork your body at first, you will be in pain and really not want to continue. It's best to do it a little at a time and it would probably be a good idea to see a doctor before you do very much. A doctor can help you find the right exercises so you won't endanger yourself. Keep posting about it here and I'm sure people will support you in many ways.
• United States
28 Jun 12
God knows I have experienced this before. I think it will be impossible to overdo it, because my knees dont like to cooperate in these things. I'm going to build myself up slowly, till I get in a decent work out, by that time I should start feeling the energy again.
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
28 Jun 12
Hello PhillyDreamer My first word of encouragement is for you to go to the hospital right now. These symptoms are not a good thing and could be indicative of serious, imminent, life threatening problems.
• United States
28 Jun 12
I'd be more concerned about them if they weren't something I've experienced before. Because of my weight and the fact that I'm out of shape, whenever I lift something or exert myself too much I experience this. I think I also let myself get dehydrated so that explained the dizziness. I actually feel much better now that I soaked in the tub, and am in bed. Now my biggest problem is this annoying eye twitch that has been acting up for 4 days.