Are you annoyed w/ the Rallyist violent protest?

violent protest - by people who just think it's not enough
July 23, 2012 9:34pm CST
Hello Lotters, I know they are poor and everything but it seemed while the Philippine National Police practice it's maximum tolerance, I sense some abuse coming from the protesters themselves. though they are poor, they seemed to have less knowledge of what maximum tolerance is. while the cops don't fight back but to shield them, they tend to go their way and wake violence while demonstrating their disappointment. this time annoyed by them. throwing rocks, battles, other liquids, i think there's even pee in bottle being squirt at them. then, one of the trucks glass got smashed and it's driver had injury for being hit by one of the protesters wooden baton. For me, their communist and socialist w/ only agenda is to make an excuse of democracy to keep on complaining. am sure they are connected w/ the NPA that's why the protest never ends. some OFW's are proposing they can protest online, and frustrated that they are making it like a tradition..i think in my view, communist here are using the poor to keep on complaining.
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12 responses
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
I am in agreement with you here Letran, we all know they are poor, experiencing hardship LIKE WE DO... but then i could not see the point of always protesting when in fact why don't they work? i am tired of people complaining about the administration, about the prices of these and that going high, about unemployment about how our school and education sucks, for crying out loud can't they move? i mean somehow yes administration could do something for us the people but as people too, these people need to move, support and work.. one would feel progress if one learns to find the initiative to move, to work, to learn! It is tiring as it is becoming a bad image for the whole country. Yes life is hard, money is hard, work is hard,pay is low, commodities and the prices of it is high..yet we must learn to move on, to fight to work for it.. i mean nothing is fair. plus yes the police who are looking after are only doing their job and their life is at risk.. they should still be given credit for it too. those protesters are too much sometimes. sometimes i feel like all they want is money given to them in cold cash.
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
So many people are only concerned about their personal woes, and are clamoring for quick solutions. Whoever becomes president always gets criticized because some people want some sort of magic wherein a new president would take oath of office and then suddenly life would be so easy, everything would be cheap, and all people will have a lot of money. If that doesn't happen, they always say that administration is doing nothing. People always simplify these things, like running a country is as easy as 123. Nothing is easy. We all have to work hard and instead of complaining, think of ways to solve problems. Screaming in the streets and throwing rocks is certainly not a way to better one's life. I was completely appalled by the behavior of the people in the rally yesterday.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
so true kat, a lot complain about these and that when in fact they have not done anything for themselves. how i wish somehow they learn to support.. Pnoy is not the best president yet he is not the worst too
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello Jazel_Juan, I think it's alright to criticize but it should be done the right way and not with violence. this is a clear thing for the socialist n communist groups, they don't care who gets sick or hurt they just spout their right to complain. they do this of course, to some for money..and they want to make tradition out of it
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
There are people who complain just for the sake of complaining. I think people in general are sick and tired of these protests because they basically have the same protest every year no matter who the president is. it's just recycled protest, meaning the same issue over and over again. Why can't these people get decent jobs and work their az off so they can find a living instead of letting the leftist use them to wreck havoc on the street and hurting themselves and other innocent people in the process. if the NPA really wants a communist philippines why don't they just go to china?
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
My thoughts exactly! I doubt if all of those who joined the protest know exactly just what they are fighting for. A lot of them were kids. I was thinking maybe since in the martial law period being a rebel, a protester, or a critic of the government is somewhat heroic, so people these days just keep yakking and yakking and complaining, but they are not really listening. All they know are their personal woes and would like a president who would suddenly make them rich.
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello Ybong, I think China has disowned their support to the NPA. back in the 80s a FIlipina got busted in the airport allegedly carrying monetary support to the NPA communist that came from the Chinese Govt. with this busted event, they decided not to support the NPA anymore. unless the NPA people speaks mandarin, they'd never be accepted
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Well yes I kind of agree with you in here. Although they seem to have some valid thing to protest against the administration, they do not need to have it violently to get attention from the public. I think they are seeking sympathy from the public to support them but, I think Filipinos are not into violent to easily be swayed to join or support them. That I think is why the armed revolution is not prospering in our country because majority of us are not violent by nature.
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello Rsa101, One OFW commented that we can protest in FB since some of them have access to the internet and media can see. in fact, this country has been an open book for a while and that's why violent protest is not a must. we have gone smarter than that, in fact we shouldn't even going to that kind of protest..
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@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Yeah Social media has played a major role in relaying the sentiments of the nations. I know how powerful this medium is to our society. Since most of us are already connected on the net at some point in time, information can easily flow and can even touch those in power right now. That is why having those protest and marching on the street is starting to become unpopular these days. Even the Jeepney protest seems to be ineffective nowadays.
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
They are blinded by wrong beliefs on how to manage their life. It is impossible to enlighten them because perhaps, a lot of their leaders might have convinced them well on that manner of expressing theirselves.Nobody listen and they don't know that.They don't know what they were doing
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello Mimiang, I can't entirely blame them, they have poverty since child hood at most and this is their only way to air their disappointments. i think the violent part is something that proves they don't know whom they are stepping on and that is something that a protester shouldn't really do
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
In my honest opinion, these people don't know what they are fighting for or have any ideology at all, I suspect some financing them. They are not real protesters, only poor people who do not know what hard work to progress is all about, they will go out there for a few hundreds of pesosand allow themselves to be manipulated. Last time i saw real protesters was in EDSA I LOL
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
Hello Louievill, the most saddening part is that they are hiring new generations to protest and that is dangerous for the kids when there supposed to be going to school. I agree the real hard core protesters were the ones who went to EDSA and exiled the dictator Marcos. but things are different now and we are free but we have trouble managing this country and every one has relied on the Government.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
Politicians "spoiled" the people especially our poor unintelligent voters to rely too much on government, wonder when these people would learn that you do not rely 100% on government to feed you, cloth you, take care of your children that you make in an irresponsible way, take care of all your medical bills, utilities etc..etc, without doing your part, relying on yourself, contributing by paying taxes and stopping all bad habits and vices,etc...etc...
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
missing fishes  - 4 fishes are missing
hi lk, I think they just waste time and materials I will not be annoyed as long as they are not doing this in front of our house happy mylotting
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello bhabycatch, well they love ART and then burn it like sacrifice. lesson there is that never upload in responses and discussion making at the same time my friend
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
the picture should be on my topic not here
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
The violence yesterday was completely senseless. They were given the chance to hold a demonstration. They were given a place to do it. But still, they wanted to do things their way. They wanted to go where they were not allowed. They pushed, threw rocks, destroyed things in their way. This is not the EDSA Revolution we are famous for. Just a bunch of people joining the flow because being a protester is cool. It makes people think I care about the country and its people because I'm here fighting. Fighting for what? Do they even know what's going on? Did they bother to carefully listen to the SONA? Haaays.
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello Katcarneo, they believed in armed struggle, so i don't think they will listen to such ideas. they are barbaric and uncivilized, the days of the protest are no more, the violence is nothing more than to gain sympathy from the public and media. i think it's idealogy and propaganda, which is why am not amused by the protest anymore
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
25 Jul 12
the way they show their protests is not good and they should stop doing that. they never learn from their previous experiences. i think they really have to stop protesting like that.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
dear LK, This is really sad. I saw different protest/rally but not violent. I guess I shall agree with your opinion on this matter. Such kind of protest sounds like they are being used- by influential whatever power behind these protest. Pity are the ones who let themselves used for the benefits of the others...:xxxx
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello Jaiho-sis, well yeah they should have followed the example of those who are doing it peacefully. I mean, i understand their militants but violence won't make us pity on them and this time i have pity on the cops who are simply doing their job. yeah, they are politically being used to those who have the propaganda
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
hi, i could say that i am a little beat annoyed if there are some rallyist in the road where i will pass through because they only create heavy traffic along the road,why those people protest in the road and will affect the traffic in the road.that is really scary because everyone could be hurt.
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
I dunno but protesters most the time is always complaining. They complain about the government and the treatment they get from the police when they are rallying. They have every right to protest or complain. But in my opinion, if you started violence, it’s your own fault if you get hit back. I am not saying that I am patronizing the police. A relative in the forces doesn’t make me a fan of them. However, it makes me more perspective of the dangers that police have to endure. I take insights from my police relative even though he doesn’t participate in rallies. At least, I get a picture of the danger where he is exposed. Most of the time, in rallies like these police are always blamed because they are the authority figures. They have the might as you say and the tools to potentially kill someone. However, it doesn’t mean that they are the automatic guilty party of any disturbance. There are moments when they are truly the culprit but sometimes, it is the rallyists who throw the first rock and hurts the other party. Then, when they are subdued - they cry foul. That, in my book, is unfair. Again, I respect their right to be heard but the right to be heard doesn’t mean the right to hurt and be completely blameless if melee does happen.
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello Jeanne, they want that kind of violence to show the world that the government sucks. it does but there are people doing their job the best they can.the cops are doing their jobs now not killing protesters. but you can see right now that with the maximum tolerance that the protesters are becoming abusive.
@tri_0217 (101)
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
I think they really don't know what they are fighting for. I am sure that some of them are just there because they are given money to just be there. What are they rallying for anyway? Because they have no jobs? Why don't they find one? Don't blame the government for not having a job. They should blame themselves. Their lack of skill is their own fault. Why didn't they study hard in school? if they have no money to study, why don't they apply for a scholarship. if they can't, why not be a working student. Now they are blaming the government for lack of job? there are plenty of jobs, they just don't have the skill for it.
• Philippines
24 Jul 12
Hello tri_0217, Some people are just paid for that and it's insulting for me because they are giving a bad image to the country. though they are poor, they should realize how they are making an impact to other Filipinos abroad.well, maybe their lack of skill isn't always their fault but they could have just not been so violent