Why India stays back in Olympics even with the Huge Population.......

@venkit (2955)
July 31, 2012 7:29am CST
India occupies the 2nd position in the World population which includes 17% of world population. But even with this Large population India finds very difficult to win medals. China with is 19% of world population always stays at top in all competition. They participate in almost all events, that too with more than one person, and wind a lot number of medals. USA, who are third in the world population also performs well and gain a lot of medal. India just managed to win a Bronze till now. India struggles to win the medals, I think India doesn't provides much facilities to the sport persons and the government doesn't show much interest to this field. That,s why India struggles in this field... So what do you think about this issue.... Share your views...
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14 responses
• India
2 Aug 12
Indian government don't take sports seriously. But other medal winning nations take it seriously and work for that. Here Government don't spend money to make training, practice, coaching or to provide international facilities to make the things happen. Even if coach or coaching is available it will be just two or three months before the start of Olympics, but others do it for whole four year. If a person is spots person in India(other than cricket, because it is controlled by board not government) he cannot find his earning s to live from his sports. Because government don't give sportsperson much money or job that they can do. In that also if someone comes from poor financial background, he/she have to work the whole day to find the earnings for their daily living, then they have to find time for Practice.even if they do so also, here recommendation and money plays leading role. Capability or talent don't get preference. I am sure that we have better talented persons to represent in Olympics, but we are not able to find them or they are avoided. And in India every thing is corrupted, even if Government plans to invest more in sports, it will not reach the sports person or go to improve their training facility.A big portion of the money will goes to pocket of ministers and politicians. So as we face the problem in other areas, sports in our nation is also equally suffering.
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@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
Surely here the really talented one will not get selected. and the government is not spending money to improve the facilities for sports, but our former president had a lot of money to make tour in foreign countries. Liken that every politician is thinking about how to make money, no one want to make our nation pride. If a competition is held to select the most corrupt nation or person, our political leaders will surely get all three medals.
@anuraga (41)
• Australia
1 Aug 12
Politicization must responsibility for this problem. They must have a master plane how to produce a sportsman or woman in their childhood for each event. and also they some how find latest technology for sports. In India cricket is becoming a gamble. Most valuable investment are being done for it. But it hard to find sponsor for other sports. Also mega investment should be done for a sport. Sport officers......hum I don't like tom talk about them.
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@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
Ind India politicians have master plan only to make money for them. Who care sports and its growth? And sponsors come for publicity, they know that cricket is more popular. If some one perform well in other sports, it will also become popular and sponsors will come for that also.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
2 Aug 12
In order to win medal in the olympic, USA and China had allocated so much money $$$ on training of their athlete to compete, it is a serious matter for both countries, they not just want to see their sport representatives to the Olympic to compete but also to win many medals, the athlete usually had to train full time, have the best coach hired by the country to train them, fully modernize training facility specially build for them, and the best food plan ready for them. It cost a lot of $$$ and plenty of works to keep the program going, May be India is not willing to spend that much money to train their national athletes, that make it difficult for them to compete and win, it is the pride of both countries to see their representatives win medal and listen to their national anthem play out loud through out the Olympic stadium in front of world audiences. Indian government may want to change their attitude toward Olympic and show more interests in winning instead of just attending the event, begin to scout out sport talents and nurture them, then one day India will be the top winner of medal too like China and USA.
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
yes, they spend money for their training coaches and players. they want to make their nation pride. Here 1.75 Lakh crores was shared by politicians in 2G scam,if at least 5% of that were spend for the training or coaching facilities, then our face in Olympics would have been different. And USA and china have good plan and sketch to win medals. All, players, coaches and the government in china and USA work for their medal with dedication. here the camp will for only just a month ago. Our government's attitude and people's attitude should change. We need to participate in Olympics for medal, not just for representation.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
31 Jul 12
Hi venkit I am totally agree with you on this thing.. India is far behind in compare of other countries even though we having large population. I guess only game is more appreciated here is Cricket!! I mean other games are surely not getting that much popularity.. India should surely concentrate on Olympics as it is world level and it is about pride for country if we can win more meddles.. Indian government should think about this and arrange few things so that people attract towards other games like these. Hope someday we can do something like other countries in Olympics too.
@venkit (2955)
• India
31 Jul 12
ya that is right, but here we enjoy cricket, because we are able to win in this sports. And we can find a decent place in international level of cricket. Surely all other sports will be appreciated in same manner if they perform well. The good example is Saina Nehwal, there were not much fans for badminton in India, But when a lady from our nation started doing well in a particular sports, we all supported.And now the appreciation and support that Saina get for her sports is really huge.Now every one is keenly observing how Saina perform in Olympics. So we cant blame cricket, or become jealous on the support that cricket gets. Even though Hockey is our national game we are not able to display good performance in Hockey. Then how will Hockey get good fan support or appreciation? So if some exhibits good performance surely they will get appreciation and support. I think here the difference is with the training attitude and coaching that other sports get.good coaching facility and training should be given prime importance. Next comes the attitude of the sportsperson and the society. see all athletes didn't came up from good background, many started running without boots and after seeing their excellent performance they were groomed by the society and the nation. Here we are not able to find the talent and groom up them from root level. We must say that our Government don't give much importance for sports or Olympic medal, only thing politician think is that how they can earn more by making us fool.
@venkit (2955)
• India
31 Jul 12
surely we need this change to happen more and more. In the past When Kapil Dev's team won the cricket world cup, at that time cricket also didn't have that much support or popularity. Surely now the total situation has changed, so we can hope for the best.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
31 Jul 12
Actually I am not saying like that or jealous from cricket popularity as I am big fan of cricket and right now watching India Srilanka ODI.. . I am just saying that others games also get that much popularity.. But yes things are chaining now here.. In past many times our Hockey team have won medals and cups, but still they were no getting that much attention like cricket... But now people are cheering for other games too.. So yes things are changing and we need this change more and more.
@koopharper (7523)
• Canada
2 Aug 12
It is obvious that India doesn't make winning medals a priority like a lot of other countries. I wouldn't say that is necessarily a bad thing. I love sports and love to watch great athletic performances especially with the Olympics. I know there are a lot of things on this earth that are far more important. I'd be willing to bet though that if cricket were made an Olympic event India would step it up for that one event if nothing else.
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
In International tournament, when all other countries do well, it is pathetic to see India making this much low caliber. We are 2nd in population, so it would be easier to pick more medal probable candidates from 100 crore people than a nation from 1 crore people. It all due to the less importance given by our government..
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@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
2 Aug 12
Hi, Indian government doesn't provide much facilities. most of the politicians are always have self interest. Corruption is spread all over India. Everyone is selfish and no one is ready to for the country.
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
That is the main problem in India, this is what reflect in our performance. In everything we are behind, but we know the status only in sports as there is an international event.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
1 Aug 12
I think it is the "Chalta hai" attitude that really kills India in such events. If you look at the US and China athletes they are very focused to win the medals. On the other hand if you look at our teams such as archers etc., they are more happy just to be there at the Olympics and do not have any further ambitions. That really hurts as they do not give that extra needed to win the medals at this high level!! Cheers! Ram
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
ya that is the Attitude by Indians. Even the players enjoy to be there than winning medal.and if they get medal, then it is like a bonus. Indian players reached London just 15 days before start of matches, see how much time they got to practice there? And what is the level of practice and training they get in India. From all these things, the players them self will conclude that they are not going to win Medal. So they will just Enjoy the condition and the time in these events. Only very few sports have chance of getting medal, all others know that we are going to just make the representation. If this attitude should be changed, then the practice and training condition in India should improve, and the players should get the feeling that they are going to win medal, not for just representation.
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• Chennai, India
1 Aug 12
Recently I've read in an article (Yahoo) that former sportsperson (archery) from Bihar works as a servant maid and was harassed to become a s*x worker, due to their poverty. That's the condition of sports lovers in India. Games in India has become a costly affair, including cricket. (Very few people from poor families emerge as a good player in Cricket too. Otherwise, they are put into lot of insult and demoralization. Talent never got recognition in India.)
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
oh, that is really pathetic. Surely, here money matters for all. only money and recommendation will lift you. Felling shame on my nation hearing this. Yes, in cricket also people who have good hold and money can enter the arena. all else have to wait for the luck...
@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
1 Aug 12
I am also surprise, with India's current population there should be many talented individuals who could compete. I think, the lack of support from the government is the main key for this problem. If only, they can offer more trainings, facilities and equipments then it would not be a problem of getting a medal in the olympics. Hopefully by the next year, India will rise and become a great force in the olympics. :) Happy Mylotting!!
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
Every time we hope that India will perform better next time. But i think, Indian performance(up to now)in this Olympics was below the last year's performance. Training, coaching and facility are very much needed to perform well in Olympics, but Indian government is not at all giving importance for it.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
1 Aug 12
It will take the India to spend the money for the preparation of the events. Like the friend above said, if we predict the children who are good at some event from their childhood and then spend the money and time on them to make them prepared for the events then it will give the results. I think the preparation is the factor which matters here. Indians are not different creatures so if they get well prepared then they will also get the results.
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
yes, we have to prepare well for the big events like this. But why the people and government are taking step to make the recuperation? Here no one is taking the sports or games seriously. But if we want get medal in Olympics we all have to work on it taking it as a challenge and profession.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
31 Jul 12
that is very much a common question asked by many people.actually speaking we are just behind china in terms of population factor but as a matter of fact we dont have so many atheletes who are allowed to groom comfortably and government and india must back them attractively with bonus and drive them forward to win medals ,then only people will show interest ,or else only a bunchful will try to participate in games and eventually struggle
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
ya that is right, we are not concentrating to win medals, just need to participate. the support from government to give training and coaching is also not that much good. Even the medal winners in Asian games and all are still job less finding their lives miserable in this busy world. So government should give more bonus and all to groom the medal winning sport person.
• India
31 Jul 12
Hi friend, Nice to meet you again. As you mentioned we have lot of population, but some people don't show their real talent while playing due to various reasons like , bad luck. lack in practice and so on. So we don't have the ability to win the medals.
@venkit (2955)
• India
31 Jul 12
I am not agreeing with you that we don't have the ability to win medals. Surly Luck and practice plays a big role, but even from this big nation there is only less number of peoples to participate. I thing we are failure in finding the talents and giving them coaching and training.
@Pavan_m01 (115)
• India
31 Jul 12
As per my opinion winning medals does not depends on population at all. Winning medals depends on Training facilities, Coaching facilities, The encouragement what the sports person get from goverment and from parents etc. Let me describe the scenario in India. In India to be successfull as a person he should be either cricketer or movie star or a politician. Another option is to study and get the job in some big MNC companys. Same is the thinking of Indian parents. They will encourage there children to be in the same path. 'They will get a cricket bat but they will never buy a running Shoes'. In the grass root level itself Childrens has to be encouraged to participate in all kinds of sport. This is the only way we can get Lot of medals in Olympics or any Global Sports event. Nowadays situation of sports in india is little different than the olden days. We are improving slowly bt definetly. The medals count is also started to improve. In next 15-20 years India also will be a 'Force' in the Sports arena
@venkit (2955)
• India
31 Jul 12
Surely winning medal does not depend on the population. Jamaica is an excellent example for that, they are a very small nation, still they yield many medals.But India on the other extreme, with large area and large population, struggling to find medals is really pathetic.Surely in large population there will be more talents, but we are unable to find them train them and yield medals. And as you said here a sportsperson will not get much encouragement to participate in Olympics, and no good coaches and training facilities also. And as you pointed her only movie star or Cricketer or politician, these are the area on can find their living easy. And the attitude of parents and elders is also to give more focus for education and attain a good job, sports has only very low preference.. But we have to change and find our place with decent medal tally in international level. Hope that we will achieve it some day.
@paulli3 (312)
• China
1 Aug 12
India has a lot of people, like China. but i must say they are not good at sports so India stays bak in Olympics, even though it has many people, but if its goverment can't develop the sports by heart, they can't get good grades in Olympic games, maybe they don't care if they are strong in Olympics games. China has a lot of people, too and China get good grades in 2008 Beijing Olympic gams becuase chinese really care about it and many people practise hardly because they want to get honor for their country and be the pride of chinese
@venkit (2955)
• India
2 Aug 12
China is not only better than India in sports, in all fields they are good. They really use their human resources very well. They are good in production, good in export and all.. Here we stay back in every field and import from them. If we are going like this, we will be forced to import sportsperson to participate in Olympics.In China they are passionate and they want to show the world how good they are. But here nobody wants to do so.