Do you turn up your sound system's volume for neighbors to hear?

August 2, 2012 2:51am CST
I just hate why this family living across our house is so fond of turning up their sound system while playing some music. If that's their way of showing generosity by sharing their music with the whole neighborhood, I surely don't appreciate it! And, worse, their sound system is so bad, that it really irritates my eardrums. And, sometimes, they would have videoke, that's so loud, and none of them even have the talent to sing. Ooohh, I just hope a spaceship crashes on that piece of land.
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21 responses
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
hahahha.i remembered my father doing it. he's fond of videoke and worst he turned the volume so loud that you can actually feel the vibrations of the walls.that's really a noise but i can't keep him from not doing so because he'll get mad. i don't know the reaction of the neighbors since i never heard them complaining....for years now.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
That surely is noise and Im sure you had some neighbors whose been grumpy the whole time your father was enjoying his music. Some neighbors, like myself, would just keep my silence hoping they'd suddenly realize they have neighbors who may get disturbed by their noise.
• United States
2 Aug 12
Flagella My brother would do the same thing , especially when no parents is home , we would dance and sing lol . You could feel the vibration also but all our friend would come to enjoy the music . No neighbors have complain to us either but we cannot turn up the music that loud whenever our mother was home . I love load music and you can used it to trick your neighbors to think your home when your not , you can do what you have to do and get back home before they could even tell .
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Silverfox, that's a crazy idea you've got there. Perhaps, that's what my neighbors are up to, as well. They actually leave their house while the loud music is on, and they go to the neighbor's and chat. I still don't get the point.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
5 Aug 12
I think it is not a good thing to do that. It is an act of evading someone's private life. I always keep the volume to such a volume such that only I listen to it. I like music and I wonder if the people love it to the same level which I love. I don't like when someone else is listening to my music at the same time when I am hearing it. I am not comfortable with it until someone is given my permission to do so and vice-verse.
• India
6 Aug 12
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Exactly! I mean, I would understand if they have a party going on and need to turn up the volume a bit. But, doing it everyday, is evil.
• Malaysia
6 Aug 12
It is irritating sometimes when your neighbour turns up their speaker really loud. I have a neighbour that's fond of singing karaokes every other weekend. It's not nice to hear at all and it only lasts a few hours but he always starts in the middle of the night and that is quite annoying as it's hard to sleep sometimes with him singing at the top of his voice. I usually keep my speakers on a low volume, just loud enough for me to hear. There's no reason to switch on your speakers to its maximum capacity just because you can. Not everybody enjoys the music you do.
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Oh no, kareoke in the middle of the night, is just so inhumane. I'm sure your other neighbors won't mind you sneaking up to the electric post to cut their wires so they'd lose power.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
i also feel the same way,..we have a neighbor who sometimes turns the radio or sound system so loud..and i know who is behind this..the daughter of this neighbor of ours who plays her music as if she is bragging it to the neighbors..why does she have to turn it so loud? with no consideration and respect towards other really irritates me especially when she turns it up at the time of the day that is not appropriate for is really noisy and disturbing plus sometimes she would sing so loud..her voice too is so irritating to the ears!
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Oh my..the music I can tolerate at a certain level, but a loud voice -- urghh.. that would really beat me up.
• India
6 Aug 12
I have my family members as my neighbors. Every one near to me is very good and do not do such irritating or bad activities but my dad used to switch on the radio in the early morning with loud noise which makes me to get up from my sleep. He was doing it months before but now he is alright.
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Good for you. And, perhaps, if one of your neighbors would be needing loud music for a celebration, everyone including yourself would be enjoying it, together.
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
I can tolerate the noise (as what I can call it because sometimes it's not really very pleasing to hear) especially if there's an occasion because my family also do that if there's something to celebrate. But if it's something like they-want-to-hear-a-music day, I definitely prefer they do it using an earphone. I wouldn't wish for a spaceship to land on their house 'coz that thing might crush our house too. I'll just wish their electricity will be jammed or something so that they cannot use their sound system. hahaha.
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Music for celebration is fine, because that's somehow necessary. But, some people tend to make a habit out of it - like these people across our house.
@Jshean20 (14349)
• Canada
3 Aug 12
I love playing my music loud but I cannot where I live due to being surrounded by senior citizens and they would complain immediately. I don't mind when I hear other people blasting their music, provided that it's the kind of music I like though!
• Philippines
3 Aug 12
You know, I wouldn't really mind either, if the music is good, but my problem is they wake my baby up. It's bad for babies if their sleep is disrupted because it affects their growth and mood. Not to mention the mother's.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 12
That is why I hate the Summer, it brings out the worst in people in my neighbourhood, as soon as the sun comes out people are out in their gardens with smelly barbecues and loud music! Sometimes they will have the music loud right through till 2am in the morning. They have no consideration at all for their neighbours and they can be very selfish. People want to sleep not be woken up or kept awake with their loud music which booms out and the noise carries. It's no good complaining because the authorities will not do anything about it, and if the neighbours find out who has complained they retaliate! Fortunately in the Winter months the noise isn't a problem.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Some good things that Winter brings, huh! That's really annoying. Especially, when you see them having too much fun, that they can't feel for the others around them who are frowning at the sight of them. There are just people who are born inconsiderate.
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Oh I think many of us Filipinos have that annoying neighbor with the loud radio, or worse, videoke! I can tolerate loud music if it is the kind that is pleasing to my ears. But oh I remember an old neighbor who liked to play the songs of Sexbomb ceaselessly, as well as other trashy novelty songs that got so popular in the early 2000's. I wanted to remove my own ears! As with those singing videoke, what annoys me are those people who can't catch up with the music! I can tolerate those who are out of tune, but those who either sing too fast or sing too slow drive me crazy! Good thing my neighbors now are okay.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Yeah, those novelty songs, and also those adaptations with double meaning. The kids could easily follow the lyrics and sing the songs, which are not really good for them.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
3 Aug 12
and that the neighbors get abucted by aliens? But with the aliens come after you as well? No, I understand what you mean. The next door neighbors grandson used to leave his radio on where our land is closest to theirs. It was so annoying as where he had it the sound would echo. I'd scream out the window telling them to hush, I've even called the cops on them before. They've stopped now.
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
I wish I can do the same. Scream out my window to shut them up! If that won't work, maybe I could just let them buy me a sound proof shield around my fence so they can't annoy me no more.
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
my player - This is my MP4
It is annoying but sometimes I am guilty of that, to. I love my music and sometimes it sounds better if it is loud. I tone it down if somebody says that it gets to his nerve, though.Sometimes, I remove the speaker and I just place my ear phone to my MP4.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Just be considerate all the time, because not everyone has the same taste in music, and not everyone can appreciate your loud music. You can stick to your earphone, instead and enjoy your music as much as you want.
@chelley (129)
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
I remeber my teenage days when I play my cassette tapes at our karaoke and put it in a full volume of 10 with a blast of bass! But when I was starting to work at office and just staying at home on weekends, i just listen to my ipod and listen to the good music :)
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
I think these people don't know anything about IPods and headsets.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
3 Aug 12
I play my music for myself an not for my neighbors. I try to respect them by not blaring my music into their lives unwantedly. I have had this done to me by neighbors in the past and it can make for annoying friendships.
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
That's what conscientious people should do. Unless we're living exclusively within our own area, we should always be considerate of the other people living around us.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
hi jureathome, I have neighboors like that they even play their stereo early in the morning it is so irritating usually I complain to barangay so they will go there and tell them to tune down their volume happy mylotting
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
I did notice one time, that the guards went to their place and advised them to lower the volume. But, nothing can let them stop the bad habit forever.
@youless (112193)
• Guangzhou, China
3 Aug 12
I never want to turn up the sound system's volume because even if a nice music will become to be a noise. Besides, it will bother others. Your neighbors are not considerate. Perhaps you can tell them to turn down the volume with a nice attitude. Such as you can say you are sleepy and you need to have a break etc. I love China
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
I hope they will consider their neighbors too before playing loud music. What if there are babies who are sleeping or who couldn't sleep because of their loud music. I hope they will tone down their volume so that they won't disturb their neighbors.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
I really do hope so, and that is my ultimate concern - the baby is sleeping. Especially on her first month, and I was still recovering. They would wake the baby up, when I should still be resting.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
2 Aug 12
Hi, I can understand how irritating this can be! I have never turned on the sound system loud enough for my neighbors to hear. In fact I do not like it too loud in my room too. It hurts my ears. So I put it on a volume that is okay on my ears. Have you tried to express your displeasure to them? May be it would help if you tell them that it is a constant disturbance to you the way they are turning up the volume. Luckily my neighbors who live on one side of my house do not do this and on the other side I have a dental hospital which is functional only till the afternoon. But my house is on the main road so the noise of the traffic is something we have to live with throughout.Lets hope a spaceship really crashes there!
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
We've tried once or twice before, but they just can't get rid of the habit. Its not just the sounds system, they do the same with their television. The volume is just too loud to be heard by everyone around them. I don't know how they're able to live with so much noise, when they're house is not even that big to take too much sound waves. Ridiculous!
@riyauro (6421)
• India
2 Aug 12
I think my neighbors used to play loud so that they could show off their system since we did not have one like that. But I used to like the music at times. have a wonderful day.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Sometimes, they do play nice music, even with their poor quality sound system. I have to admit, sometimes, I could dance with their music when I do my exercise. But, I get so mad when they play it on, while the baby is sleeping.
@uolyram (266)
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
It is not good to say something that ruin other family, just talk to that neighbor of yours to try to lower the sound of their music. In a way that you cannot hurt their feelings too.
• Philippines
2 Aug 12
Well, we've asked them once to lower the volume because we have a newborn in the house who gets easily disturbed from her sleep. And, they did honor our request. However, the next day, and the day thereafter, they have done the same thing again. I think its just conscious effort of a civilized individual to consider other people's privacy.
• Indonesia
3 Aug 12
talk was well good and them discus bad prayer