We will "BLOW" you're Homes !!!!!

we will blow them up - singson says so. immature
August 14, 2012 10:46pm CST
Hello Lotters, wow, nice really really nice! the government's staff is finally showing their lack of maturity and prediction that they can't handle the situation regarding informal settlers. The Administration's Public works secretary threatens to blow up pens and houses of illegal settlers in the country. they were a few reaction to this statement, one of thelaw makers suggested that isntead of threats, they should at least make more comprehensive programs that would help them relocate. not a referral link. http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/249265/govt-threatens-to-blow-up-illegal-structures-pens they called gordon a dictator during elections, but even he wouldn't result into blowing up informal settler's homes, just plain discipline. do you think he was immature when he said this? or just plain frustrated?
11 responses
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
15 Aug 12
I think both. No mature man would ever say something as harsh as this in public. Didn't he realize that behind those cardboard walls are real people, with families and children? Didn't he realize that behind those make-shift roofs are the "bosses of his boss?" I think he would have fared far better if he just didn't say anything at all. Better yet, he's better with mouth shut ;) So not cool, so uncalled for especially at this time that the country is "emotional" with all the recent calamities and political upheavals (down south). Well, he's a big guy. He can lay down on the bed he made for himself. I hope his "boss" will do something about his staff.
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Hello Raine, they should make him apologize for his remarks. i understand they are immature, uneducated and inpatient, but that doesn't give him an excuse to stood to their level. they went to NCR to find a better life, even though you know very well, that they aren't really doing that much..but they are liability, still this isn't the kind of statement coming from a government official
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
15 Aug 12
Well, an apology really is necessary, though I doubt if that will ever reverse the public's opinion of the kind of person he is. They say what usually comes out of your mouth first is what you truly believe and feel. It's just alarming that he does feel like"blowing up" as a possible solution to the problem. I'm sure they will say that it's just a figure of speech and shouldn't be taken literally. But that is entirely beside the point, saying so will just challenge the intelligence of the public when they should be addressing the real issue. Many times the informal settlers say that the reason they don't want to take the place that is being given to them at the relocation site is because there's no livelihood there. Maybe they should start there to make the relocation sites more livable, so to speak. How, I don't know, that's their job lol! They say that having a job in the government is not only a privilege; it also comes with responsibility. I have worked for the government before, and I think he violated a few of the code of ethics.
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
He did and just apologize for what he said because there's no productive way of saying those things when you're the one trying to make things better. nothing will make better for even saying those statements. he did violate some code of ethics there, besides, he should be more educated than those uneducated ones
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
I think it wasn't at all politically correct but necessary. This is to warn the people that he means business, since he had the audacity to say it out load, he'll probably have the steel hand to implement it. He didn't really say he'll blow up the houses. He'll just blow it up IF they don't leave. I'm sick and tired of the Government being so pro-poor. Although, yeah we are morally obliged to help them, but too much is too much. If they won't leave their shanties then that means they are selfish enough to risk the life of a lot of people. They SHOULDN'T have lived there in the first place. It is their fault that they remain poor. not totally the government, not totally the rich. Now the government is giving them free housing. Giving them homes and land they can call their own EVEN if they don't pay taxes. For us who pay our taxes, what do we get? MORE tax.
• Philippines
17 Aug 12
Hello knicnax, but if you do try to reject and hate them then they will strive more into surviving mode, doing more crimes. there's no future in the provinces for them and that's why they are forced to live in manila or any parts of the NCR. some how in my subdivision, there wasn't any kind of squatters before until this subdivision is commercialized like. the only solution i guess is to create a bit of metropolis on different provinces, that might force others to move to provinces instead.
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@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
26 Aug 12
There is a future for them there, they just think it's brighter here, and it ends up gloomier instead.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
I think he was just irritated and wasn't able to contain the irritation that he showed his immaturity on the matter. I mean, it must have been irritating for him to be in that position and seems like he cannot do anything about it. But yeah, it was a public statement, therefore, he should have shown a little bit of finesse. I think this is what most people lack these days - finesse. It seems that most of us would just express views and thoughts without thinking first, only to be humiliated by what we say and regret after. I have faults like these too but unlike the public official at least mine is limited to a few and not exposed to a lot of people through the media. Perhaps he should re-think his words first before blurting them out. Have a great Mylot experience ahead!
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
18 Aug 12
True. We should always remember that words are words and with the media, every word is captured and sometimes mis-interpreted. Therefore, we must heed and think a lot of times before we respond or react. By the way, it's YOUR not YOU'RE in "Burn you're homes". You're means "you are". So the proper word is "Your". Just my cents. No pun intended. You have a great loooong weekend!
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Hello laydee, he should have indeed thought about it because the statement shows how frustrated he is. well, with the pressure of the work and the situation of the country, it can't be helped. this proves that our freedom of expression is never perfect but it has be more rationale and professional.
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@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
if you can't implement something people will dub you as someone who has no political will, if you implement something that would benefit a lot or people in the long run people would call you a dictator. It's dumb if you do, dumb if you don't kind of thing. Flooding is getting worse every year, and everyone knows what the problem is and who causes this problem. i would have to agree that using the term "blasting off"is just a figure of speech in fact I think what the secretary says refers to the pens that are clogging the water ways and not the houses. But if they really have to blast off those houses, then I won't protest.
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Hello ybong, that's the price of our freedom of expression, some people just criticize for no reason. hahaha if they blast that off then it would destroy the bridge or even clogged the place. well, it's only works for dictatorship governments. otherwise, they will be facing human rights issues.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
21 Aug 12
A lot of people living along the waterways or esteros and those below the bridges probably belong to the poorest of the poor. If we're going to categorize the kind of dwelling they have it's sub standard, you can even call it undignified. You can't even call their homes houses, they defecate right into the river. It seems as if, some pigs in some pens are better off since they are fed properly and some even live in air conditioned rooms. For their own good they have to be transferred somewhere else.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
That was a very shocking proposal...maybe they are getting desperate since the people are very hard headed..some of them choose to risk their lives than leaving their houses.. Even though it is for their own good, that is just extreme..
• Philippines
17 Aug 12
Hello stanley, yes they are but it's really is too late though since there's way too many squatters in the area. even here, i just didn't really noticed it now. they never care what is for their own good, they just met, multiply and then stay when ever they want to believe they are comfortable staying.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Perhaps it's only a "figure of speech", why not include the houses of those who allowed and approved titles to some of the structures? Don't forget to include houses of corrupt local government officials from the Barangay up, who benefited from votes of these informal settlers in order to stay in power? I know it's wrong to use that word or phrase, it's not befitting some one in a government position but perhaps it's only to emphasize determination, what ever it is , hope they get it done with, these people are not only endangering themselves but they also endanger all of us.
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Hello Louvie, even though the statement was nothing more than figure of speech it sees a frustration in him but it's unacceptable since he's supposed to be a role model for the government agency. only a dictator would really do something like that, where would they go, and what is the commercial zone on that area.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Friend, I agree with you, it's unacceptable and he should have never said that, there's no use cause sooner or later it might be the flood waters that will do that, I understand and pity these people but they should have never been their or erected anything in the first place
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Well I guess I was also pretty surprised that Malacanan official or Pnoy himself made this statement to the public or maybe just a blown up media misinterpretation of Palace statement. I think that was uncalled for and threatening to the informal settlers. I hope they would retract and maybe restate what they have to say in public especially in front of the media. I know there are issues about professional squatters are rampant in these places where they make money being just like that and when they are given a good relocation site they would opt to sell or have it rented out to someone and goes back as a squatter hoping they would be given another chance to get another relocation site.
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Hello rsa101, this is such a crap! It's not enough for the squatters to have a home but they wanted to squeeze money out of that renter some how. anything just to earn money. i guess that's why they are very mad because the Filipino informal settlers are using their minds in a very bad negative way. well, maybe they should make a contract with the informal settlers that they will never rent the place.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Pretty harsh decisions for them to say that. Plus the main problem would now be those poor families, where would they live? if ever they want them to be removed in those areas they should have a plan to where to put the homeless now. I mean these are human being for crying out loud and not some puppy or something. They should have concrete plans regarding this one.
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Hello Jazel_juan, why would they be blown up if they're just people who didn't have that much. there should be just concrete plans and any frustrations should have divert his negative energy into something positive.they are suffering and those words were no better than making them better.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
He doesn't know what he is saying. He thinks he is untouchable- then he wait till the people revolt against him....:xxx
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Hello Jaihosis, I think he said this out of frustration, but i hope he would apologize for that statement. i don't think he's untouchable since Pnoy can fire him if he did mean that. but right now, i can understand his frustration. but still he needs to apologize to the incident.
@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
15 Aug 12
Hi, I think they're just being hyperbolic or just playing with words. In all cases, its going to hit home for those who don't heed the call to relocate from their present position. Building houses in public lands does not mean being the boss of the bosses. Being boss entails discipline and being able not make an a--s of oneself, being able to help others and not being the cause of aggravating the present plight of flooding that plague the capital of this old Republic.
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Hello rog0322, I don't think i want to play words when giving an answer to an exclusive interview from a group of press.the trouble is that Pnoy started it in the first place and that's why people are acting like boss but look at the statement now of this officer. he should just apologize for the sake of his work
@kulisap (70)
15 Aug 12
I really didn't expect much form Pnoy or his staff. But this is just a real low, even from him. Why would someone even vote and trust a man who's all talk? They say that the Filipino people are now smarter in choosing their leaders, but look at us now? We have the dumbest president ever in history. This just to show how Pnoy really feels about the poor, this should be one more proof that he doesn't really care about the masses.
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
Hello kulisap, Indeed we weren't really supposed to expect that kind of statement coming from some one who is supposed to be helping the poor and not blowing them up. if he hates the job then he should quit indefinitely. i think the President isn't that much good compare to those who didn't win