LEGEN - wait for it - DARY!

August 26, 2012 3:36pm CST
Ring a bell?! Yes! It's Barney Stinson's famous catchphrases of all time in "How I Met Your Mother". He's totally a funny guy, he acts so natural, and that's what you call awesomeness (are you with me?). Remember how he asks for "high-fives"? So uber hilarious. So if you guys are watching this series, please share your favorite catchphrases from any of the characters and let's laugh together =)
4 responses
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
hahaha..Yes the slapsgiving day is really really funny! Yes I was able to watch a couple of series. Robin is also funny in her music video. I never thought she can do that!
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
Yeah! slapsgiving day gave me a tummyache for laughing too much. Poor Barney xD Come to think of it, I don't remember watching HIMYM with you huh?! Let's watch it some time and laugh together =D
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
26 Aug 12
I like the show a lot. Just now I can't think of any more catchphrases than those that have been given here; although I am sure there are more. I like the things like bringing up Robin's past with the Robin Sparkles videos. Oh, just thought of one: "Suit Up." Some of the running themes are funny like: "the naked man." It was funny that it totally failed to work for Barney.
• Philippines
26 Aug 12
Woot woot! The song suddenly came up to me, The Beaver song, hahaha. Don't you think Robin really looks like a teenager on that music video? Oh and one more song something like Going to the Mall? Hahaha
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
27 Oct 12
I like how Barney got to help name Lily & Marshall's kid---with the middle-name ... the best middle-name EVER ... "Wait For It ..." Now you know that name's loaded for a "Hu's on first"-joke later in the kid's life!
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
26 Aug 12
I love How I Met Your Mother! It's one of the funniest comedy series I've ever seen. I really love the parts with the slaps like slapsgiving :P.
• Philippines
26 Aug 12
Hahaha! Yeah, how could I forget that? Slap bet! I am like ouch! while laughing. Oh, isn't it there's a song for it? Totally forgot the tune haha. Oh come out you guys! I know you've watch this series. Share a laugh with me and doroffee.