Please! tell me I don't need a new laptop?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
August 30, 2012 12:51am CST
I have an older model laptop it's a Thinkpad T60 so far it seems to run fairly well but over the past week I noticed that my laptops power (adapter) is (leaking) blue colored (liquid) I googled to get more info on this issue and most of the articles I found said throw the laptop away or it could cause a fire is that TRUE? should I get rid of my laptop? please say that's not true, will I burn the house down if I keep using my laptop?? Note: the portion of the adapter that plugs into the wall is not leaking only the portion that connects to my laptop it's leaking a small amount of the blue stuff OMG! I hope I don't have to save for another laptop sigh! can you all tell me if I should get rid of my laptop or just replace the adapter?
3 responses
@Melody968 (124)
• China
30 Aug 12
Hi Apples! Well noted you are at a lost about dealing with your Thinkpad T60. I think it is better not to make a conclusion so early. My suggestion is to buy or find a new adapter to it and try again to see if any other problems. If it is just the problem for the adapter, it is no need to get rid of your old laptop. Anyway, it like a old friend to you since it accompany and help you for so long time. Is a new laptop expensive in US? A cheapest new laptop is about 3000RMB (500USD) in China. I think to buy a good lap top must be very expensive. Another solution is somebody to repair it for you. Of course, if you find it was no help after replace the adapter or it can't be repaired any more, it is better to get rid of your old laptop.
@vipline (134)
• Greece
30 Aug 12
Like melody said the problem might be the adapter!So go buy a new one which might cost 10-15$ or less and then check.If the problem remains i suggest taking your laptop to an experienced computer technical!
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
30 Aug 12
Thank you for your suggestions you both have given me a much better option to consider I'd really hate to have to get rid of my laptop and lose all my data files not to mention the price for a new laptop will cost me a small fortune, so I think I'll try getting a new adapter & battery.
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
30 Aug 12
Better change the adapter first before throwing your laptop for good. The blue liquid may well be from the battery as there are no other source I could think of that would emit a liquid discharge other than melted parts of the laptop itself. Better check the battery too. Good luck!
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
30 Aug 12
I have taken the old battery out since posting this topic, and I noticed that the blue liquid has almost stopped leaking, so maybe you're right I'll try getting a new battery first because I really don't want to have to save for another laptop.
@bloodmask (590)
• India
31 Aug 12
If you are good with your old laptop then just change the laptop adapter and it cost less than buying a new laptop. I think you will find some kind of good adapter now a days.