Do you like beards?

@Oktavist (396)
August 31, 2012 2:25pm CST
Sometimes,I happen to come across men with very big beards.I am not a bear fanatic,but sometimes they look great! Although many people think that a long beard makes a man look like he's not caring about himself,I think that to grow a beard you need a lot of dedication and patience. Do you like beards?What's you opinion on them?
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18 responses
• United States
1 Sep 12
only certain men can sport a beard. but mostly, i think that beards can make a man older and depending on the condition of the beard, that they're trying to hide something.
@Oktavist (396)
• Romania
1 Sep 12
Huh,beards indeed make you look a bit older. I have seen people who use beards to cover something on their face.Someone told me that he's growing a beard because he has some nasty acne scars he's trying to hide.That could be a ingenious method of growing a beard.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
31 Aug 12
Looks disgusting to me , I hate seeing long beard when its not religious purpose . I dont see why someone would walk around with so much hair on their face and kissing and it might just go in your partner mouth .
• United States
31 Aug 12
Your answer reminded me of the odor that accompanies the long beards. My nose is sensitive and I could never stand it. Hair has a love affair with sweat. That is why, we use shampoo.
@violann (436)
• United States
31 Aug 12
If the man keeps his beard well groomed I like them. If they are a straggly mess then they should be cut off. Some men look really good with a beard, other do not, then there are the ones who look good either way.
@Oktavist (396)
• Romania
1 Sep 12
Yes,grooming is a very important process that you need to consider when having a beard.If you don't pay attention to it you can end up with a very ugly beard. Yes,these are some kind of people who just look good whether they wear a beard or not.I think most us need to experience all the types,to see where they fit in.
• Malaysia
1 Sep 12
I like beards! However, not the thick beards type; I prefer thin and light beards. I think it will look fantastic when we're old where the beards turn into white. The other interesting point is that when we're thinking of something we can feel the softness of it by touching it up to down and up to down and repeat and repeat...make you feel like someone really looks like knowing a lot!
@rouble92 (65)
• India
1 Sep 12
Well the answer is in your question.It looks fab on some and surely very disgusting on others.A beard looks good on macho men and if we talk about music then it looks great on rock and metal musicians.
@vipline (134)
• Greece
31 Aug 12
Well to be honest beards look good only when they are on the suitables peoples faces.I mean have you ever seen a blonde guy wih a beard!?Ofcource not since It doesnt look nice!But personally even if Im blonde I would like to have a beard when I grow up!So all in all I do love beards only if they suit the face type of that person!
@Oktavist (396)
• Romania
1 Sep 12
Well,yes,I have to agree with you on this one.Not all people look good with all the types of beards. I don't quite have a beard now,because my hair seems to be growing at a rather slow rate.But when I will be able to grow myself one,I will test how I look with it.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
1 Sep 12
Nope I don't like beards even long hair for men, but I saw a video that some men make efforts in staying their beard long and in nice style. There is a contest on that video about beard being fashionable, I can't remember the title but it is like that.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
1 Sep 12
I don't like men with beards. I prefer men to be cleanly saved all the time. Beards give men some negative impression to me while some really look untidy with beards. Certainly I can't like men with beards. I does not become but rather destroy their looks.
@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
1 Sep 12
Such a serious & painful Discussion you started here, I don't want to Responds this discussion but I am helpless, here is my Opinion, I am 22 years old & I am Muslim & I have Small Beard. Sometimes I Grows My Beard Longer, But I Don't Know why I trim them After 1-2 Month. I Know Girls Don't Likes Bearded Guys But I wish My God Sent A suitable & lovable girl for me, I already have enough joke of myself in college & I leave My Study & College, I am so disappointed & in Pain, I don't Know why I feels it so much, I wish the world peoples cares about every human either its bearded or shaven. have a nice day.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
1 Sep 12
Well my own personal opinion is that I don't really like to look at a really long beard on a man because it shows they don't really care much about how they look. But there are some short beards where the man has properly trimmed and shorten the beard on the face and it makes it look really neat and proper. I personally don't like to grow a beard on my face because it really does make it itchy on the face and sometimes some food crumbs gets stuck on it.
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
1 Sep 12
Not at all. I wonder why they even want to grow that. It looks so untidy. i imagine lots of food getting caught in it when they eat.. Especially those with really thick beards, insects and otehr animals could live in there.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
1 Sep 12
Frankly speaking I have never had a man with a beard, I do however really like to see a man with a well maniured beard...I think its a makes a man look very handsome but only when they are kept manicured...and that means short and brused close to the face not hanging...
@hagmic22 (49)
• Israel
1 Sep 12
I am not growing up a beard right now, but I think I might do it in the future. I think that a beard might make certain faces looking better, but I am not sure it is right for everyone. I know some people having a beard wich is not "suiting" them. I think that there are mant reasonos to grow up a beard, ant It doesn't mean the man is not caring about himself. There are people who grow up a beard, because they can't shave due to religious reasons. I heard, for another example, that the famous ex-soccer player, Diego Armando Maradona, grew up a beard in order to blur a scar he had upon his face. I don't know if this is true, but It shows that there are many reasons to grow up a beared.
@imAbigael (475)
• Philippines
1 Sep 12
I think no, it reminds me of my father and it looks like hahahaha well its funny.. and its good to always shave your beards gentlemen's, so it looks clean and handsome :)
• United States
31 Aug 12
I asked this question here few months ago. Most women said they don't like it. I have the same thing to say. What I do notice is that these days men keep it to make themselves look mature. But this never had any effect on me. In my eyes, beards are unattractive. I have always thought like that. It seems that it is engraved in my mind. I think it takes a lot of work to keep oneself look neat and clean. Shaving everyday is a big task especially during the winter time when we don't want to be touching water.
@ilann1 (372)
• Israel
31 Aug 12
5 clock shadow's are kinda hot. I don't know how much of beards they are. They're more of a baby beard... ;)
• United States
1 Sep 12
when i met my finace he was clean shaven, i like it when he is clean shaven but he has this thing with growing his beard out over the winter because it "helps keep his face warm" i dont mind when he grows it out either as long as its not super long. dont get me wrong some guys can pull it off, but others cant
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
31 Aug 12
My husband can able to have a long beards if he want too but i told him to shave everyday because i do not like it, it is very itchy when his beards touch my face. I am glad that he follow what I want or else i will shave it when he is sleeping. Have a nice day!