no money no honey -,r:9,s:0,i:94
@Shavkat (137313)
September 3, 2012 9:51am CST
I am not sure, if this statement expressed as an idiomatic expression or a phrasal quotation. I've been hearing this from people or even used as their movie line. The mere fact, I don't know any concrete description for this. Let us put it this way, if a man doesn't have earnings or savings in his bank account, does it mean that he can not find a woman who will give him love or reject his marriage proposal? Is this only applies for men?
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48 responses
@freedang (320)
• China
3 Sep 12
hi is hard to is so complex.i do meet some people who live happyly without much money.but "no money no honey"is more common.mabey it differs from man to man
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• Belgium
6 Sep 12
i can tell , i have a nice income, but i test girls by saying that i don't, and guess what, eventually they leave...
@qq2906 (32)
• China
3 Sep 12
i agree with you,this is only applies for men.But this isn't for all men.I think many women would love their men,even though their men have nothing.Because happy has nothings with money.
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4 Sep 12
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
3 Sep 12
Hello Shavkat I can tell you about my experience. I had a boyfriend which I loved best of all, and I was willing to marry him. But after 7 years of relationship when time arrived to began planning a wedding he told me he had no money. I really knew that, after 7 years I knew that. What broke my heart is that he didn´t make the effort to save for our wedding. Though, were there love?? I think not. And indeed he cheated me two weeks before he told me that! I broke with him, he came and begged. But I couldn´t forgive him. I was really hurted. I think there was no true love in there. I came from a family with financial facilities, so I think we was just a lazy guy that wanted to be pampered by a woman. That is nasty to me: a lazy man. I think we can talk the same about a woman, what is disgusting is laziness. Not if he/she has or not money. We may have no money because we are investing it in something. But we are working though. It`s invested and we`re working it, to give more. It`s sad when we use the money as a pretext to cover our laziness, or cowardness. It`s not an easy topic! Blessings!
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@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
I feel so grateful for sharing your sentiments in life. I know where it is coming from. Thank you...d:)
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• Indonesia
4 Sep 12
I AM TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU :D Men usually says "material girl" - only the man who couldn't and wouldn't work the best of them to show how they are the best fighter to keep the woman and his family on a safest way. A woman will know a man when she sees him . So , it isn't about the money, it is about how great they are on struggling get out of their laziness and cowardness. :)
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@iola2012 (172)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
I don't think that money can buy love. It is only a part of life to survive, love does matter for me. I don't want to get marry a person because of this tangible things.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
4 Sep 12
I agree with you too: Money can't buy love
• China
4 Sep 12
I agree too.Money can buy everything but love.
@vanessa11 (296)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
Yes it only applies for men, but it doesn't mean that a man cannot find a woman who will love him. I've seen few friends on a situation where they still keep on struggling in life and they are still intact. What I'm trying to say is that, they already knew from the very beginning that they will only suffer in the end but they still continue to look for ways to survive. If you really love your woman/family, you will find a way to support them no matter what.
@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
I really think that love will be the bridge for a couple. They can build their own castle together, apply a load of perseverance for financial aspect. Then, the other things will follow. Eventually, they live happily ever after.
• United States
3 Sep 12
Being practical, yes he cannot find a woman who will give him marriage proposal. Every woman wants to have a peaceful and happy life where necessary (and luxury) needs are being provided. This only applies for men :P as women needs to be at home, do household chores, take care of children and husband... hehehehe that's what I think :)
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
5 Sep 12
I'm not sure that I follow your line of thought. However, if I were a single working woman, I surely would not take up with a man who could not pull his own weight.
• United States
5 Sep 12
I think this ideal applies to men and women who are either extremely materialistic or willing to fit within the judgment lines of society. Not many people are willing to develop a relationship with someone who isn't at least contributing in some way, but on the same token, if someone doesn't accept a marriage proposal because the amount of money the proposer is making is not enough, there is no long-lasting and solid base for marriage. When I met my husband, he worked as a retail clerk and I was a real estate business owner. As it stands now, he is a retail clerk who is switching companies over the next week and getting into management, while I still own my real estate business and I've been publishing novels over the past two years for extra income. By all accounts, by the mentality of the "no money no honey" statement, I shouldn't be married. He currently makes $17,000 a year BEFORE taxes and insurance, and yet I still feel like the luckiest woman alive as I share my life with him. There are materialistic people out there who wouldn't stay with someone without an above average income, but those people also tend to be less happy over time as they realize money doesn't bring joy, but love, companionship, teamwork, respect, trust, and memories do. Long story short...I married a honey with no money, and saying yes to his proposal was the best choice I ever made.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
5 Sep 12
If I was ever to encounter a man that refused to hold a job, there would be no way that I would be able to consider having a long-term relationship with that person. The reason that I feel this way is not because I want someone to take care of me, instead, it is because of the fact that if the person doesn't care about their roof over their head and meeting their own necessities in life, then I don't think that they would be able to care about a relationship.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
I don't know if this statement is true. What I do know off is, this may apply only to people who are materialistic in nature and lazy. They just want others to provide for them and I can say that it's not love but opportunism.
4 Sep 12
you are right. Nowadays, A man with no money cant marry beautiful girl. But it true when i say against. you understand me? True love star your heart
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
4 Sep 12
It's awful how this could be true in some countries. I know this one is so true in Korea. Most of the friends I know there got married for money and not for love. Love seems to have disappeared there. Anyway, this reminds me of a funny joke I used to tell. A son sent a letter to her mother saying, 'dear ma, please send money soon. no money, no son!' I married my husband and he has nothing on his name.
@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
Thank you for the response. The son's letter to her mom was really a funny joke. lol
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
8 Sep 12
Its getting to be a fact now actually. Getting married means you have money to support your family from day to day basis. But if you really love the person and money doesn't matter between the two of you. Starting from ZERO doesn't you will always there. If you are both determine and all things will prevail and both of you will goes up.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
hi, i could say that now a days people are more practicals in terms of money,so if a person or man don't have money or income it will lessen the girl that will like him,because now a days when a woman knows a person with many money the more they will close to it.
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
YES I believe this phrase is only applied to men. However, that phrase does not apply to me. Currently my boyfriend is still studying while I am working because I graduated earlier than him with the same course. He extended college because he was lazy. Since I am the one who is earning, I am the one spending when we go out to have a date. I cannot say that he's after my money because during the time when we were still in college together, he always offer to pay the bills. Nowadays, it is hard to find a boy who will be really serious with you. I just feel blessed to have a faithful boyfriend. I don't really care if I will have better earnings than him in the future.
@guanguan (73)
4 Sep 12
aha, i don't know whether it only applies for man, but i know,as a man, you should keep aware that if you love a woman, you should give her happy life, at least you can earn monry to make a living. a woman can love a poor man, but she can't accept his marriage proposal, cos she needs to live too. in society, we must say that man shoulders more burden that womon.
• Bangladesh
4 Sep 12
We need to have or keep money to live or live a comfortable- be this money any tangible or intelectual. Every living being wants to live in pleasure or happiness. May be its our inborne longing to live in such a way. We cant help living it. No ideology exists beyond this longing of living. And its the ultimate reality of life. In a paternal society, males are to support their families. So they need money. And wish they have money to support himself or or their families. In a paternal society, if any man doesn't have money, he will be a great loser and he wont have any honourable place in the society. He will lose his neighours, his friends and all his kith and kins. All his human appeal including any marriage proposal to others will be rejected . And its the hardest irony of life. In ancient times, a male would donate an large amount of money as dowry to the woman who he would marry. And many males, due to want of money, would remain ever unmarried. It was sad. And now a days females are to donate to get married. Poor fathers cant afford a bride for their daughters. Its sad too. Wish everyone have money enough to lead at least a socially honourable life.
• United States
4 Sep 12
It usually means that you wouldn't be able to be with that woman. But it all depends on what woman you talk to. It is usually referring to a high maitenance women. I am down to earth and i believe in the team work and partnership of it. so if your broke and i have, i will give and vice versa for that same instance.
4 Sep 12
You are right in 1 place or not in 1 place because of that the love is that thing of world.All the people are felt in this situation.And the is life of the person.if the money in your hand you are a genius.If there was no money in your hand you are a fool.And all the girls are run in money this situation is started.In all over the world.
4 Sep 12
We say no house,no honey in China.It is terribly costly to purchase a house.Many ladies accept a man's marriage proposal under the premise of the man owns a house or he is afford to buy a house.
• United States
4 Sep 12
Hi Shavkat, This expression makes sense and it's true. Hard to say but for me it only applies for men. Cause men are the holder of a great responsibilities when it comes to financial. Men needs to provide things for them to have the "HONEY". But in some ways, it can also depends on a person if they are willing to love a men with or whithout money.