Webpage error..twitter and gmail can't be open and in mobile they can be open.

@Angelpink (4034)
September 5, 2012 1:26am CST
Lotters help me to comprehend , why is it that i can not log in twitter and gmail now and in the mobile twitter is okay, how come this happen ? This morning i was able to log in those sites ( twitter and gamil ) now i can no longer , it says there webpage is not available..so impossible ! Is this not due to someone might have manipulated my PC or is it because of the browser i used . But i am really wondering why those 2 sites only , and FB is good, Hubpages , youtube also. If it is the browser i should not be able to log in Ytube ,fb and other sites which needs good signal ! Lotters tell me , whats going on here , someone hacked my account , or manipulated it or its all work of brilliant programmers ..tell me ..tell me
2 responses
• India
5 Sep 12
It could be due to SSL certificate expiry of those sites, I have noticed it a few times. There is nothing to worry the site owners would fix that in a few hours. As per as your PC concerns you should use Ccleaner everyday to remove all junks, it is a freeware and very much trusted.
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@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
Yes the site come back now , yes its expiry on this battery ,pc battery i mean. I'll try that CCleaner , thanks for the help.God Bless !
@sbrn11 (415)
• India
5 Sep 12
try cleaning up your PC, laptop. may be your Computer is slow, so its taking time. or may be your internet connection is slow. may be something wrong with your computer. Try opening your account from another computer, and see if you can log in or not. if not, then it may be hacked. I'm not sure though.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
It is working now , the problem was in time setting , thanks for the rescue.