Never let go of your dreams

Davao, Philippines
September 15, 2012 11:51pm CST
Yesterday, I read a very inspiring book of poetry about not surrendering on one's dreams. I once had read it when I was still very young but the meaning behind those words differ greatly between then and now. I came to understand them in a deeper sense especially now that I am in a journey--in the middle of a trial that threatens me to surrender what I hold most dear in my heart, my dreams. And I want to share what was said in the book to fellow mylot users who are in the middle of their journey to fulfill their dreams as well. And to encourage you to never give up in what you believe in. "Hold fast the light you have within that place in your heart where your dream resides. Hold it there. Keep it there and let it shine its light. Your dreams may not go along with other people, and their opinions, and their systems but don't let it get to you. You may feel like giving up but always find the courage within you to continue. Yours is this life and this is yours to command. You are the master of your soul. You determine your fate. You may feel that you failed right now but never give up and you have already won your fight. I know that you will succeed, you always have. And you will yet again, so long as you never give up halfway in your journey to reach your goals--your ideals." Have a nice day and Happy MyLotting!
10 responses
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
That was truly an inspirational poem! Thanks for sharing! I hope I could someday make my dreams come true.
1 person likes this
• Davao, Philippines
16 Sep 12
That poem is the summary of what I've read. I am glad that you have read it. And I hope that it will help you and encourage you along your way.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
I am hopeful, SinfulRose, thanks! I have to make things happen for my kids.
@GemmaR (8517)
16 Sep 12
I think that being able to keep your dreams within reach is something that is very important for everyone to be able to do in life. However, there are way too many people who never manage to get this right, and this means that they end up living a very miserable life and not enjoying the things that they do at all. I always try to write down the things that I would like to do in life, and then keep notice of the things that I am achieving so that I know how far I am from getting to the place where I actually want to be at the end of my journey.
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• Davao, Philippines
17 Sep 12
That is a very good exercise. One should write down their dreams and goals and keep them in a place accessible for one to see. Those dreams/goals refocuses a person to do tasks that would lead him/her to achieve his/her goal. But first, of course, that person needs to know where he/she and keep track of his/her progress along the way.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
A pleasant day SinfulRose, What you have posted is really true. That we should never really give up to achieve our dreams. Your post is a good inspiration to every person who can read it. A good source of motivation. Its nice and commendable to be posted and spread to social bookmarking sites.
• Davao, Philippines
16 Sep 12
Now that you mention that...I still haven't got to post it in my social networking sites. It's been ages since I've been online on one of those. Maybe if they could have been somewhat like MyLot, I may have allotted the time... If you wish to, you may use the poem. So long as it would help the many.
• Greece
30 Sep 12
Nelson Mandela had a saying that kept him going through all those years on Robin Island, it was 'I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul'. This philosophy kept him from becoming full of bitterness and enabled him to guide his people into true independance. So good for you, hang on to your dreams and encourage us to do likewise.
• Davao, Philippines
30 Sep 12
I know of that saying! I had once watched a movie that centers on the life of Pres. Mandela. It was very beautiful and inspiring. I like his enthusiasm on things that may seem small and not important for others. And I am glad I get to set aside time for that because it was something that I really need--finding wonder in simple things.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
16 Sep 12
I have also read somewhere that the poorest of men isn't the one who is penniless, but the one who remains dreamless. It is true, for dreams are what inspire us and make us strive harder and bring out the best in us.
1 person likes this
• Davao, Philippines
16 Sep 12
Indeed. Our dreams are mostly our goals. And without goals, our life would continue to go in circles--without a purpose and would lack uniqueness. Never giving up on one's dream is a step to uniqueness and a step to success.
• Indonesia
16 Sep 12
So inspiring! Your dream really make you want to strive the best and that your dream will make you find the courage to reach that dream.
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• Davao, Philippines
16 Sep 12
Indeed. It is our dreams that encourages us to do better than what is expected--to cross the boundary of our limits and make human life worth living and our time worthwhile in the course of history--may it be known or unknown.
@dlpierce (495)
• United States
24 Sep 12
This is very inspiring. I truly believe we are the only force stopping any of us from reaching our goals or at least the realistic ones. I know sometimes our goals in life change as we are not sure what we really want. Sometimes lowering our standards is all it takes to achieve our life goals and we are not failing by changing our minds. If higher callings are reached it certainly was meant for us to pursue them.
• Davao, Philippines
24 Sep 12
Indeed. We are the only one's who limits our own selves. It was already proven and tested that we are capable of so much more. We all have potential. And yes, sometimes accepting what is already before us, as it is, is enough. But for people like me who needs to change/fix/envision something, well, I still have a long way to go to reach what is meant for me. Hope you are doing well! Have a nice day and Happy MyLotting!
@chum24 (569)
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
hi..!! wow that is nice inspirational poem. if i'm making poem i don't how to start..haha.. thank you for sharring..
• Davao, Philippines
17 Sep 12
I used to think similarly some years ago--about making my own poetry. But because of assignments and homeworks, I have to force myself to read quite a lot of poetry and write my own. So I guess it's thanks to that experience that I learned how to make a short one. Who knows, maybe you'll get to make a very good one some time later? Most poets that I know were never good at poetry to begin with, until they finally completed their first journey to achieve their goals. One of the poet mentioned in the book was Helen Keller.
@jopipay (336)
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
Thanks for sharing this one. It is inspiring:)
• Davao, Philippines
16 Sep 12
I hope it will help you in your journey to success and in reaching your dreams.
• China
1 Oct 12
Actually, I'm confused with my dream. Because it seems to be so insignificant before the reality. There is always a long distance between dream and reality. Even so,I know i should move on.