me and my arrange relationship

@meowchie (992)
September 21, 2012 12:31am CST
October 2011 was when I met this guy on a site. He was supposed to be a client but eventually became a chatmate/playmate. January this year (my bday),he cracked a joke about when i'm getting married.that's when iI told him that iI just had a break up last Sept, a month before we met.. so obviously iI was still on my getting over process. Then he said next year, on my next bday if both of us are still singles then we're meant to marry each other. it has been 8 mos ago since the deal , iI dnt mention it when we chat but he always ask . if i'm single and tells me he's just double checking. lol 4 mos from now and am wondering if iI should give it a try. he is living at California. He is 29 yrs old and i'm 26. He has a stable job . He's got a bit old parents that wanted him to get married soon. We aren't into a relationship now, no pressure nor commitment but just can't imagine if out of the blue he turns to be my guy bcoz of the deal. well iI have 4 mos left,i'll update here in mylot :-D XD
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15 responses
@blinjk (617)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Your story is so interesting and I can't wait what would be the next thing to happen.Well,you should give it a try, who knows maybe you are really for each other even you are far from each other. Maybe he will do something just to see you in person.But think of it over and over again to be sure if he is really true to you.Well, good luck and always be happy with your decision.
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
yes thank you. if he initiates the plan of seeing me in person,by visiting my place then it's a sign he's true when he said he wanna meet me and eventually get to the next level. iI am excited too,i think 4mos is not too long as 11months had passed already since we first met online. will just enjoy being this wayfor now.
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@flapiz (22686)
• United Kingdom
21 Sep 12
Well that's a big risk you are taking. So my advice would be to: not invest too much feelings and always leave some love for yourself do not give it all away. Wishing you good luck though. By the way, what are your feelings towards him?
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@flapiz (22686)
• United Kingdom
22 Sep 12
Woah. You are in LIKE with him. It is confirmed. Anyway go have fun and fall in love if you want to. But do remember my advise. Don't invest too much feelings. Leave some for yourself.
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
we'll before i was honestly uncomfortable every time he asks me about the deal.. but last week when he asked me if am still single, i can't believe i smiled lol xD then after the conversation felt giggly :/ so i think am liking him now.. yayyy xD
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
yes i won't..sure on that dear :] btw-we haven't seen each other's picture on the first 3 months of our chats =] i had a cat photo and he had a cartoon.. he just saw me January.. but we were on good conversations even without that made me think he's someone decent and at least not choosy or whatever..:D
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 12
it seems you adore him and he is happy with chatting with you if both of you have ever meet many times, i believe both of you will love each other.. he had been mature and so you are.. It`s time for getting married...
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 12
maybe you can ask him first maybe.. ask him if you maybe have feeling with him.. what about his feeling to you?
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
that's what i'm confused about.we've only talk on chat :-/ bad idea? o.o
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
iI think he likes me :-/ uhm iI think iI like him too :-/ but iI never express it.i act like normal.. but ofc it make me smile talking with him :$
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
i think you should go for your instincts girl! This is hardcore stuff. You should see him first and be with him for at least three months, three months is not even long enough to know him. Marriage is a hardcore issue girl, you shouldn't rush it.
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
haha thanks ..made me laugh.. after reading this i felt shy.. :$ yes yes when i said "consider" is actually getting to know, chance of relationship but am not actually saying marriage immediately on the said date..thanks for the concern :)
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• United States
21 Sep 12
Hey its as good as any other way to meet a person I guess. How far would you have to move in order to make it happen?
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Sep 12
I have been in long distance relationships, and I do not believe they work. A person is so much different when you can't look them in the eyes, so from a distance they might seem like quite a catch, but when you meet them in person they could turn out to be a nightmare. If you do consider relocating, I would advise you to really make sure you know this person before you make such a sacrifice.
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
21 Sep 12
oh well I have relocated too and of course so far. from FIJI to INDIA. of course than you can do it too from PHILIPPINES to CALIFORNIA ..all so possible.
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
iI dnt know how far California to Phil :-S but I'm willing to relocate if there's a need for it.. u've been into LDR? :-S
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
21 Sep 12
wow that sounds very interesting. I think you must go for the guy. after reading your discussion, I feel the same that you both are made for each other. He can come and visit you first and you can check him out. . well i wish good for you. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
hi dear. haha u'r melting me. lol iI was not even thinking bout him before.just last week after a month of no communication coz he's got a new job assigment,needed to adjust. then and there iI felt like iI miss him a little,washappy talking . he's decent that made me keep contact with him. :-D haha will let u knw onmy bday :$
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@riyauro (6421)
• India
21 Sep 12
well god knows better for you and we sometimes get the hints from god. So we must be alert and keep watching. maybe this is the guy for you. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
geee am someone who always ask for hints.. iI tried it with this guy.. 1st was my bday- iI put on my skype status "i need a sign". when he got online he iImmediately ask about it but iI did not told him,iI just said it's somethng private.. iI was listening to a song "say a little prayer" at that very moment when he suddenly said on chat,-ok whatever it is that ur thinking about, then i'll just have to say a prayer for iI was like "oh whaaaaaat!?" haha XD
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@Mickie30 (2626)
21 Sep 12
I'm sorry to put this negative to you. The thing is you have never even met him person to person. You only know him through a website. You need to be very careful. You really know nothing of this guy. How do you that what he says is not a lie? He could be married or in a relationship. However, in life you have to take risks. You have to take calculated risks. You don't know really if he is the one for you and if you push him away you will never know what could have been. He could be your soul mate, but you need to tread carefully with your eyes wide open. You don't need to wear rose tinted spectacles, but be aware of the dangers. If you meet up with him, then give someone the details and always carry a mobile phone. Be careful, but most of all I pray for your happiness and joy.
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
yes i understand..thanks for the concern :) that's why- if in case he pursues to see me, it should be him visiting me not me going to him.. I know too. at some news it happens we know that :/ but i will surely think of your reminder :] double checking and true.. he might be married or etc.. risky .
• India
12 Mar 13
Thanks for sharing in this discussion, it sounds nice, are you both married now?
• Portugal
23 Sep 12
ahah meowchie thats really funny he is really interested in you huh? but did you see him already? before you commit to him in any way be sure to see his face first^^ to check if what he tells you is true. bcs to meet someone near someone we just talked on the phone or chat with is dangerous. if you see him then maybe you can meet him near soon^^ bcs many people lie about their age ^^ then will be easier to decide to be with him or not
• Portugal
25 Sep 12
ahah im happy he became your friend now^^ yes you need to be careful not to trust so easily^^ bcs sometimes some guys say they are single and then maybe they are married. so to have his facebook is a good way. bcs most part of people nowadays have facebook and we see their family members and friends^^ do you talk with him everyday?
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
haha yes we added at FB finally..there I saw her family's profile, :) and yes I found out he is really single because friends asking him when to get a Not really everyday.. time differences :S so alternate maybe.. I have skype mobile so during my lunchbreak we can chat before he sleeps :$ because it's already late at his country lol!
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
wahaha :)) funny yeah.. uhmmm there hasn't been any build up conversations in us.. I mean- when we first chat, there were no ,"i'm handsome", "i'm macho" same as there wasn't "i'm pretty,sexy" from me.. First 3months of our friendship, we we're actually mysterious with each other :] me having a cat photo & him having a cartoon.. We we're playing online billiard & still our profile photos weren't changing.. Having that kind of set up- we have manage to have fun.. without seeing each other's faces but always had a good conversation.. :D When he asked for my Facebook accnt on my bday, i did not give him xD Just later- when he has to show me some photos etc etc..
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
hi mewochie, Best of luck who knows you are destined to be happy mylotting
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
thanks dear :$ blush!
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• Indonesia
21 Sep 12
If after 8 months he still asks if you're single then you should consider to establish a relationship with the him. Try to get to know her personal life more closely, maybe you guys are soulmate. Think carefully before you make a decision. I hope you will get a happy ending.
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
yes i thought of that too.. and what i noticed about him, he remembers all our conversations..whether serious or when am just fooling around.. makes me think like things i say matters to him a lot.. yeah happy ending (hopeful) :))
1 person likes this
• India
26 Sep 12
Hi friend, good to hear about your deal, it is really unique. I think both of you know about others family details very well, just wait for 4 more months to find out the result. All the best
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
thank you.. Yeah still on the getting to know more process.. But i don't pressure him to come online, same as he don't pressure me-though he suggest days and times of our chats.. we needed it to meet coz of time differences.. :] thanks again..will update whatever happens :$
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
There are a lot of things that can happen in four months :)Maybe this really guy has a thing on you. But don't jump into a relationship right away because of the deal.Get to know him well first. You've just met him online. You didn't mention if you've met each other personally. Perhaps , both of you could start as pals first and later on you may go out of the friend zone. I wish you goodluck!
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@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
true.and iI am not into rush. if it calls for friendship at the moment then iI will enjoy that stage. yes we have not met yet but a couple of times he asked me of plane fare which iI dnt even have a clue yet..we're pals now. we exchange photos of our cats (it's a thing in common) thank u:-)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
Hi meowchie. I am so fascinated with your (love) story. As if I am seeing/viewing it in a tele novela where every episode is worth waiting for. Wishing you all the best.
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
Yayyy :$ thanks! I am actually excited too.. but the guy doesn't even know I'm telling about our deal already. He thought am not even interested with
@devonavis (1854)
• Greece
12 Jan 13
Haha! Seriously? That is really something! Just be sure of everything before jumping into the 'marriage' thing. Just a reminder, marriage is not a game like what other people think, so I just hope that you will think a million times about this.