How difficult is it for a rural person to adjust in an urban area?

September 24, 2012 12:02pm CST
Hey guys.. I have seen many people who were initially based in rural areas find it extremely difficult to adjust themselves with the fast lives of a city. i mean they feel that the city life is so fast that it becomes tough for them to catch up. They often feel left out as they are not able to cope up with the urban lifestyles and as a rsult of which they become morally degraded. What are your thoughts regarding this? What do u think should be done by the rural bound people?
2 responses
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
Not also morally degraded , but maybe just out of place. This is but a normal feeling when you're new in an urban area but soon they would be able to adjust and adapt life in the city. Soon as they are able to do this , they even excel in any career they are into than more successful than people in urban. Try to make a survey who succeeded most in profession and in career , it will turn out the people from hinterlands , villages .
• India
26 Sep 12
Hey thanks a ton for your wonderful response. Well yes, it is quite normal for the people coming from a rural background to experience initial hiccups in a new city. But if they are able to handle the challenges then they can beat and excel the best in the business also. Yes of course nowadays most of the people who have an excellent career come from a humble background and there is no doubt in that. They have all struggled and have made this far. What say?
• United States
24 Sep 12
I have known quite a few people that went for rural to urban area. It seems that either one of two things happens. First, they either go crazy with the new fast paced life and become infatuated with it and end up living in it the rest of their life. The other way is that they didn't quite fit and seek out that life the knew once before. I think a lot depends on the person and how their view was of their original rural life.