How best to store potatoes?

United States
September 24, 2012 11:26pm CST
Because of having more month than money I buy a lot of potatoes. I buy them in 5 or 10 pound bags. I don't like them when they start growing eyes and getting all shriveled up. I would like to buy them in a 20 pound bag but I know they will ruin. Do you have any ideas of how to store them? I like baked potatoes. I eat them every day. I have to eat rather bland food since my surgery. Potatoes are one thing I can eat without problems. Your thoughts?
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14 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
25 Sep 12
Potatoes need to be kept cool and dry. If you keep them cold, as in a refrigerator, take out as many as you need a few days ahead of time so they'll "sweeten" back up. The starch in potatoes needs warmer temperature for the best flavor. I don't store mine in the refrigerator, but in the bottom of the pantry and they keep several weeks there. Also, it depends on the time of year that you buy them. Potatoes bought now might have been in storage since last year or for several months if they're imported from South America. They don't last long at home. When the new crop hits the shelves, they'll last a lot longer at home.
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• United States
26 Sep 12
Excellent advice in your post. I have also learned to not pick a bag of potatoes where there is condensation inside the bag. If there is moisture inside the bag there is probably some potatoes starting to rot.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
26 Sep 12
Yes, you're right. Rotted potatoes get mushy so there is a lot of moisture present.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
5 Oct 12
PointlessQuestions ..Thank you for asking this question. I always kept potatoes in my pantry. Now I found out it's better to have them in the fridge...THank you to everyone
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@stary1 (6612)
• United States
6 Oct 12
PointlessQuestions I love potatoes too..especially baked with sour cream. I also like them twice baked with cheese...yum. I like potato salad too..with just eggs and pickles and mayo and mustard. Ok now I am getting hungry Thanks again for bringing up this will help me store my potatoes longer. It is interesting how much more economical a 10 pound bag is than a 5 pound bag...
• United States
6 Oct 12
It's working good for me. I'm glad I asked, cause I hate for them to get eyes in them and just wither away. I love potatoes and they are chock full of good nutrients and they are cheap. I can buy 15 pounds for $6 and change. Being that I have to account every cent I spend, it's very cost effective for me to buy potatoes. I hate having more month than food so I'm trying to find a better way to make ends meet.
• Lippstadt, Germany
6 Oct 12
hi dear stary1 yes its better to take the potatoes out of the plastic bag even when that bag has little holes in it for air circulation. The potatoes will still sweat in there and rot........
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Sep 12
I know when you put them in the fridge they last longer than when you have them at room temperature in the summer when it is very hot.
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• United States
28 Sep 12
It gets hot here, for sure. Even in December in the daytime it stays very warm some years.
• China
27 Sep 12
It is hard to store potatoes.It could contain a sort of toxic solanine if it grows eyes.It should be kept in a cool,dark place and needs preventing frostbite.It is said that it is better to keep them with apples,because the ethylene the apples send forth can keep potatoes from growing eyes.
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• China
1 Oct 12
You are welcome! You take it for what it is worth and have a try at it.
• United States
27 Sep 12
Wow! I didn't know that apples did that for potatoes. Live and learn! I will certainly put an apple in the bag when I get some more. Some say to put them in a fridge. I'm not sure I have a cool place other than the fridge. My laundry room would be warm from the drier.. I don't have any closets in my kitchen.. except maybe a cabinet.. still it wouldn't be all that cool. I'll work it out. Thanks.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
5 Oct 12
its an absolute must to take them out of the plastic bags they are in. We have two small baskets in the pantry where they go and they rarely rot in there. The pantry is a dark and cool place so its all right to store them there.
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@stary1 (6612)
• United States
6 Oct 12
RitterSport Really?? I never took them out of the plastic bag they come a paper bag better or is it that they need air circulation??
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• United States
5 Oct 12
Hi Ritter! I bought 30 pounds of potatoes and I put all but a few in the fridge. I don't have a pantry and the basement is too damp and not dark except at night when the sun isn't shining through the windows. So far so good. It's dark and cold in the fridge so I hope they will stay good until we use them all. I'll probably have to buy mire before the end of the month. I eat two potatoes a day. I also bought a lot of my Banquet meals I like.
• United States
6 Oct 12
The bags that my potatoes come in has holes in them. I figured it was to let the gases out...just guessing there. I put mine in the fridge and put about 5 potatoes on a platter on a shelf/table we have. As the potatoes get used up I get a few more out of the fridge to get to room temperature before cooking. So far it is working out good.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Sep 12
I usually put them in the fridge, and they last 4 - 6 months. Maybe, 1 or 2 of the potatoes have eyes, adn shrivelled. You could also store them in a damp cold place as well, I dont have that or nor if it works. But a friend does it, and swears by it.
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• United States
26 Sep 12
I don't really have a place like a pantry to store them... I'd probably put them in the fridge and keep some out for a few days at a time.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
26 Sep 12
Ours are stored in the bottom drawer, which is only opened when you want the potatoes. They keep up to a few months before the top or bottom ones start going muchy. I usually cut the bad parts off and put the rest in soups, or stews.
@BarBaraPrz (45813)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
25 Sep 12
This reminds me of potato digging time when I was a child. We had a huge garden and grew a lot of our own food. Everything was either canned or went into the root cellar. It was a bit scary going into the root cellar to get stuff, especially when the potatoes started sprouting in the spring, but everything kept quite well in there. Of course, modern homes don't have root cellars, or even cold rooms anymore. Sometimes, the old ways were the best.
• United States
26 Sep 12
We never had a root cellar when I was growing up, but we did have a full basement. Us kids played down there. I don't think my parents ever stored potatoes down there but they did put all their stuff they replaced down there. I loved roller skating in our cellar or basement.
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@alicia812 (646)
• Australia
25 Sep 12
Hi there. I have learned from my mom since I was young that keeping potatoes in the vegetable tray in the fridge keeps them good for a longer period of time. On the other hand, the in-laws keep potatoes in a dry place like the pantry, but they do not last as long. I keep mine in the fridge.
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• United States
25 Sep 12
Okay. I could put about 10 pounds in the fridge. Maybe if I kept 10 pounds out and 10 pounds in the fridge it would be helpful. I'd need to buy more when they run out, but it would work I think. It's too expensive to buy them in 5 pound bags. I spent $4.99 a bag on 2 5 pound bags. It's the only size Publix had. I don't normally shop there but it was close to home.
@marguicha (216910)
• Chile
26 Sep 12
As for storing, I do something similar as CookingIsMyPassion said. I store them in a carboard box in the garage. As for nie ways too use leftovers, I use leftover mashed potatoes adding a small amount of flour and then molding it as a pizza. Put over itt all you´d like to have in a pizza that you can eat. Bake. YUMMY!!!
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Sep 12
As much as I sometimes like the price of the bigger bags, I only buy what I need (usually 2 - 3 of the russet - or more of the smaller kinds) - because I know we won't use it all and we don't have the space. I just keep them at the bottom of the pantry (dark and cool area). I use them within a week, so mostly they won't start sprouting - unless I forgot about them - ha ha!! I've been to other friends' houses where they keep gigantic amounts of potatoes and onions . . . they are put in wire baskets and are just out in open air in the corner of the kitchen . . . I should ask their opinions on how to keep their potato stash!
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• United States
26 Sep 12
Well, I'm on a limited funds and though I spent $480 on food for this month, we ran out. My SIL had to help put food in the house just the other day. He spent $75 and didn't hardly get anything... we will still run out. So I am trying to buy more potatoes to make food stretch. It's very expensive here in the south. I try to keep plenty of eggs on hand also... and need to get some dried beans. I had a gastric bypass so I can't eat much at one time. I like to buy the $1 Banquet entrees and nuke a potato and I have a meal. I rarely cook a regular meal because the family is so finicky. Lots of times I eat half of a Banquet meal and a potato and a veggie or fruit and save the other half of the meal for the next meal. My daughter isn't a big eater either. My SIL doesn't eat until he gets off 14 hours of work. He might eat a small breakfast and not eat all day. When he comes home he's hungry. But he doesn't want regular home cooked meals. He'd rather have burgers and fries or two cans of ravioli. I can't eat that way. Anyway thanks for the tip about the potato storage.
• United States
26 Sep 12
I also buy alot of potatoes and it was hard trying to find places to store them without them going bad.I find that if I am storing a small amount such as five pounds I wash them and sit them out on the counter to dry and once dried I put them in a brown paper bag and at the bottom i put a couple of paper towels losely in the bottom to keep them from sweating. I found that if they are sored a t a cooler temperture they last longer so if I refrigerate them I put it on about 50-60 degrees and they stay fresher for a few months and then the ones that you have left over do not wash them just store them in a brown paper bag and put them in a dry and dark spot so that they want grow seeing eyes. I hope this helps. The way that I do them now when I know I have a lot of them I will cut and prepare them the way that I am going to eat them and freeze them which is a time saver for me.
• United States
25 Sep 12
The best way to keep potatoes fresher longer is to remove them from the plastic bag they are packaged in. Then place all the potatoes in a brown paper bag. Do not wash the potatoes. Place a whole apple in the brown paper bag before closing the bag. Store the bag in a cool, dark place that is free from moisture. This will prevent the potatoes from growing as rapidly as they normally do. As you use the potatoes and you see any eyes growing use a knife and cut them off and return the potatoes back into the brown paper bag. They will last longer. Take a potato and slice it like an accordion. Slice 3/4 the way down with slices about 1/4 inch in thickness. Place the potato in a small baking dish. Then take about 2 pats of butter and melt in the microwave. Once the butter is melted add 1/4 teaspoon of sea or Kosher salt and stir. Pour half the mixture over the potato and bake it as long as your normally do for its size. When the potato is almost done, about 10 minutes before, pour the remaining buttered salt over the potato and place back in the oven. Don't cover the potato at all when baking it. It will be tasty and not so bland.
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• United States
25 Sep 12
Thank you CookingIsMyPassion. I don't use any real salt. I use No Salt which is potassium chloride I think. That sounds great to make the potato that way. Thanks loads on how to store them. I never heard this before. I will do this.
• United States
26 Sep 12
I heard of the same thing over and over. So I listen to it. I heard a dry dark place. I put it in the bottom of my pantry.
• United States
28 Sep 12
I wish I had a pantry but I don't.
• China
26 Sep 12
Hi there, just make sure the storage locations to be cool, dry, shady, don't stack too many together, don't put sweet potatoes together with them. You can place one or two green apples among the potatoes, this will prevent potatoes from sprouting. Thank you!