Has your taste in music changed over the years?

@besweet (9859)
September 29, 2012 12:49pm CST
I've changed my musical tastes many times since I was a teenager, and recently I noticed that I started enjoying different kinds of music that I didn't appreciate much! I used to like mainstream, dance music and I was always dancing a lot when I was going out. Now, I find myself expanding to other genres as well and I enjoy listening to chillout music, jazz, rock and other. Does this happen because I grow up or it has to do with experiences and my way of life? I was wondering if other people have also noticed changes in their music taste and how they have evolved through the years!
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10 responses
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
30 Sep 12
I think I never change my taste in music. Since I was a teenager, I like heavy metal, rock ballad song and I still prefer to this kind of music though there are many new genre of music to suite current needs in our society. I still fanatic fan to Metallica, Scorpions and many more rock and metal band which some of them has retired. Now, there's not many new band or artist like to sing heavy metal or rock music, but I don't care about less choices since the old song still serve my ears good.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Sep 12
My cousin is a fan of heavy metal! I tried it but I don't think it was my style. I am happy to hear different opinions on this subject, being consistent to the music that you like means that you found your style very early and you like it! I agree with you about the older songs, they have survived through the years and they can still express the people. On the other hand, most of the new songs become hits for a few months and then we forget about them and move on to the new hits.
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
30 Sep 12
Yea I believe everybody has differrent taste towards music. I think you must be a girl right. Girl don't use to the heavy metal music, they use to the softer one. I think most of the song that I'm listening is the ever green song from my favorite band. For example, One from Metallica, if I'm not mistaken it was produced somewhere earlier 1980s. It's still good to listen to them till now. Another example, Still Loving You from Scorpions, it also produced somewhere early 80s and it still good to my ears till now. There are some music in heavy metal that releases recently, but they are only good for certain period of time only. I think composer has finish their idea to produce a good ever green song nowadays.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
1 Oct 12
Yes, I am a girl :) There are some songs from Metallica and Scorpions that have been widely known and popular until today! "Nothing else matters" and "The wind of change" or "Still loving you" that you've mentioned above are songs that everybody know, even if they aren't huge fans of the bands!
1 Oct 12
Yes, I have broadened my musical tastes and I probably have the widest taste in Music of anyone I know.
1 Oct 12
I believe the more eclectic your taste in Music is the better your Music Knowledge.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
1 Oct 12
When some people are asked what kind of music they listen, they say "I listen to almost everything"! I don't know if it's possible to listen to all kinds of music, but it's definitely good to have wide tastes in music. This is also combined with broader knowledge on music which is also fascinating! Even if I haven't heard everything yet, I always appreciate when people introduce to me new songs and sounds that I haven't heard before!
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
29 Sep 12
I have always listened to many different kinds of music, growing up listening to my father's music - big bands, etc. - as well as the popular music of the day. These days, I still love all the music from my childhood and the music from the generations before as well as incorporating some of the newer music. I think I have also developed a taste for different kinds of music that blend things that you wouldn't have thought would blend well, for example, Celtic music and punk rock. It's always good to expand your tastes in any art, exploring new and interesting things as well as going back to the roots of particular genres. Music speaks to us in a way that no other art form does.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
29 Sep 12
I agree, it's good to expand our taste in different music areas. There are always new kinds and decades to explore! It's great to be open to everything and have many different influences from music! Music really helps me express my feelings and myself every day. But I haven't figured out yet what makes us change our musical tastes, is it because of the influences, our mood, or our experiences as we grow up? I also listen to some of my favourite "teen" songs but there are some songs that I really liked in the past and now I change the radio station when they play.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
29 Sep 12
I definitely avoid the ones that were popular when I was a teen. We just listened to them too much! Arrggh!
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@sergedan (767)
• Romania
5 Oct 12
It sure did, I used to be an electronic music freak and now I think it's not really that good, it used to light a fire in my soul, now it's just collecting dust. Rock is the new way to live. I will cherish for more years than electronic music for sure. Then perhaps I will change that too, who knows?
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
5 Oct 12
I understand the feeling that you describe.. I only listen to music that makes me feel it in my body and I feel passionate about it. If at some point I don't feel that I can express myself with this music, I move on. The past few years I appreciated rock as well and I am a much bigger fan than I used to be!
@anklesmash (1412)
21 Oct 12
The only way my music taste has changed is that I keep liking more and more songs.Whilst still enjoying the songs that I have always liked.As a young child I used to go to work with my Dad and travelled for miles with him in is minibus and he used to play the sort of music he liked.Mainly stuff from the 50s and the 60s which I still love to this day.As I'm typing this I'm listening to the Animals the house of the rising sun.Listening to older music that wasn't in the chartsat young age taught me develop my own personal taste in music,to listen to all types of music at and not just to like something because its cool.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
24 Oct 12
I think that widening the music listenings can be very beneficial! Every day we learn about new songs and our taste can develop with time. I was listening to popular music when I was a teenager and now I am discovering songs from the past that should be familiar to me, but they aren't because I had never listened to them in the "popular" charts!
• United States
30 Sep 12
My taste in music has remained the same my entire life. I liked Hard Rock and Heavy Metal when I first started listening to music, and I still enjoy that kind of music now. I've always hated Country, and I still do. I also still can't stand Classical, or Jazz, or Opera.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
1 Oct 12
I noticed that another friend here that listens to heavy metal is also stable to the same music taste for years. It's nice to hear that people have found what they like very early in their life and they stay faithful to it! I have recentrly expanded to new music areas, and I still think that my taste changes from time to time.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
29 Sep 12
Yes, my taste in music has changed a tremendous amount. I was an avid record buyer in the 1960s, and like most people my taste in music was centred around the popular music of the time. This is probably a result of conditioning since that was the type of music that we heard constantly. I still like much of the 1960s music, but now I am a lover of opera. My favourite genres tend to be Puccini and Verdi, although I do also listen to Tchaikovsky and numerous other composers. As I previously mentioned we tend to grow accustomed to the surroundings we grow up in, but of course as time goes by we encounter other genres that offer us a great deal.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Sep 12
I haven't heard a lot of opera and I haven't decided yet if I like it. I think I should watch live opera first and then decide! In the previous decades, music was different, the hits lasted longer and people were buying records and cd's of their favourite singers. Now I believe that everything changes so fast and songs that become hits last for a few months. Not many songs from today's music last through the years and I rarely find a song that stays in my mind for a long time! Sometimes I listen to songs from previous decades and I feel nostalgic!
@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
29 Sep 12
I have always liked rock music. The only change that happened is that I stopped listening to Greek music and now I listen to more hard rock and metal songs. I was more into classic rock and R'N'R in the past. I always appreciate a nice song no matter the kind or language but I prefer rocking.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Sep 12
I don't know why, but I thought that you'd be a rock music type! I was listening to Greek music until my 20's, then I stopped. Now I've moved to a small city, and Greek music is always is the program when I go out, but there aren't many different choices anyway so I listen to everything! However, when I have the chance I am going to watch the live performances even if I am not a huge fan!
@deazil (4730)
• United States
29 Sep 12
Well, I'm 64 and my tastes have been through a lot. I think it's a combination of both - experience and way of life. As we grow we change, likes, dislikes. Things that appealed to us once become no longer important. Other things in our lives take a front seat. When you're 20 drinking & partying is a priority (it was for me). Then you get married or get a job or have a child and you have different priorities. Getting drunk doesn't seem so fun anymore. But I digress. Back to music. My first love was and always will be rock 'n roll. Then it was Disco & r&r. As I got older I started to appreciate the music of the 20's-40's. There was also some classical that I liked. Then jazz as well. And some country western. And somewhere in the middle there I got into techno/electronica which I think has a great dance beat. The only thing I really can't get into is opera. There are a couple of songs I like but that's about it for opera. So I guess I've been through a pretty wide spectrum of music in my life so far. Oh, I really also can't get into rap. To me that's the armpit of music. Interesting discussion. Nice to hear from you! :D And I almost forgot r&b and really good southern blues.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Sep 12
Thanks :) When I was younger I also liked dance music and patying a lot! I still like it but now I get tired at some point and I want something more quiet! Also, I got into some different music types because of the media or the singers! When they were widely promoted by the media or they had a hit, I was listening to their music like many other teenagers I believe! There are many music genres that you've mentioned here! I was never a fan of disco, although I enjoy it if they play this kind of music at a bar. But it's not what I would listen at home! I like rock as well, r&b, jazz, electronica and I've also listened to some rap and hip hop, but it's hard for me to understand all the lyrics in rap because they talk too fast! I've tried it though :)
@bloodmask (590)
• India
2 Oct 12
I only like Kareokae of soft kind that are very soothing to ears and not that harsh kind of song that kills my ears out of that rock song or what called pop. Besides that I love to listen to AR Rahman songs his music are too to listen daily. I love to hear atleast one song per day of his and I like it very much from my childhood days.
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