Celebrating monthly your baby's birthday

@gaiza12 (4884)
October 11, 2012 6:47am CST
I was talking to my bf last night and he mentioned their neighbor invited him over for dinner because it is the 2nd month of their baby. I asked him why would they celebrate a monthly birthday celebration of their baby when we normally do it only once a year. He didn't gave me any response because he too doesn't know. I know there are a lot of European members here and maybe you could explain to me why they are doing it. He is currently staying in UK and I was thinking maybe that's a European tradition or something. So, do you guys (especially those Europeans here) celebrate monthly the birth day of your babies? And may I know why? Is there any reason behind this? Is this a tradition in your country or is it just something parents likes doing just so they could celebrate the months they have been with their babies?
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10 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I never had a formal celebration for my children gaining another month in age during the first year of their life. What I did do, however, was that I did take pictures of them each month and I would journal about the things that they had achieved in that past month, the milestones that they had reached and how much that they had grown. My reason for doing this was because of the fact that the first year of a child's life goes by really fast and I really don't want to forget about any of it as they and I grow older.
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
14 Oct 12
I believe every mother wants to see the milestone of their children and I admire those mothers. It doesn't need any expensive gatherings each month just to show the their love to their kids, but a simply journal with pictures of them is already too expensive in a child's heart when they grow up and see it.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
i can also see that with my friends on facebook, maybe it is just a small gathering for them that they pay importance as their baby grows up every month since the day they are born. others buy a cake for their baby every month for it. as for me, i don't celebrate it but i always get my baby dressed and took pics of her on those days my baby turns a month older from newborn until she was 1-year-old just to capture those times and moments but we don't really celebrate it. my parents, did bought a cake when she turned 5 months old. i guessed it depends on the people, but mostly it is what's been done these days as i can see on facebook with my friends.
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
14 Oct 12
Budget wise, taking pictures monthly is really good. While as for these families, I think they have a lot of money because they are not celebrating it simply but they are celebrating it "bongatiously" Like really inviting neighbors and friends to come. Well, maybe they are just really that happy with the addition in their family.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
11 Oct 12
I live in England and for us the tradition is to celebrate the birthday yearly. A new born baby has much development in that first year. I like the sound of celebrating once every month. Maybe the parents just like celebrating once a month because one year is a long time for a young baby.
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
According to one of the responses above, they have a tradition of doing it here in the Philippines. I didn't know that of course since we really don't celebrate it monthly. And yes, maybe they are just happy to have a new addition in the family.
@shaggin (71672)
• United States
13 Oct 12
Actually although I have seen people celebrate each month they are dating I have never heard of people celebrating each month of their childs life. After a year they probably will only celebrate once a year is my guess. Theres nothing wrong with them celebrating it every month but its not something I would do or heard of people doing before.
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
14 Oct 12
I believe these parents are only a few and rarely do we see them. In my 26 years of existence, this is also the first time I have seen it. I believe these parents are only too happy to have their first child and that they want to celebrate it the first few months of their baby with their friends.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
11 Oct 12
Thanks for sharing this discussion. Well glad to know that your boyfriend has been invited for a birthday celebration. i think there is no such tradition of celebrating the monthly birthday's of a baby. probably the baby's parents are very happy for the inclusion of a new member in their family otherwise for how long are they gonna celebrate their baby's birthday like this. What say?
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
Maybe they are indeed very happy, after all they have been longing to have a baby for years with no luck and when this little angel came, they are very happy to celebrate it's "birthsary"
@ztuberi (395)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
I also do that. The first twelve months is the most crucial stage if someone will survive. There are even unknown cause of deaths for babies. Celebrating monthly for their first year is just a thanksgiving for God's guidance and blessings to them.
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
14 Oct 12
I see that it is not really any tradition any any country, and it is just a mere celebration of thanksgiving for the new angel given to us.
@marguicha (216943)
• Chile
11 Oct 12
In South America we celebrate Birthdays once a year. This is the first time I have heard of anyone celebrating a baby`s month. Wouldn`t those parents want extra gifts from friends? Mind you, I`m not judging them, but this is the first time I have come across such a thing.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
I am wanting to post a photo of these families celebrating their babies birthday monthly but, I don't think it's a good idea since I am already taking away their privacy. I am not their friend, but they are my bf's friend in UK and they are Filipinos to be exact living in UK.
@phoenix8606 (4942)
11 Oct 12
Hi there, can't say we celebrate it each month, but what we do is to take a lot of pictures and sort them by months, so that we can see how he was growing up when he gets older.
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
14 Oct 12
That's better than really celebrating it monthly and not to mention it's cheaper. At least you could still see the progress of your baby.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
hi, i don't still have a kids but i have three nieces and one nephew,and yes we always do that celebration every month because for us it is a thanksgiving to the Lord because my niece and nephew was healthy,actually that celebration was not that expensive.
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
hi gaiza, In Philippines most parents do this my sister and brother in law celebrates their baby's birthsary ( i think it is the right term to use) so that they will have the memories and will show my nephew when he grows old that he looks different every month I think it's kinda a tradition. happy mylotting
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
Wow, so there's a term for this? "birthsary" huh! Now I'm learning . Didn't know we have this in our country, but yes, they were Filipinos after all so maybe I was wrong and not really a European tradition but a Philippine tradition.