Feeling asleep

October 20, 2012 4:08am CST
I can't able to sleep after watching a horror movie. I'm so scared. Do you have same feeling?
6 responses
• Australia
20 Oct 12
Oh gawd, there is no way known I can fall asleep after watching a horror movie. My imagination goes nuts and starts to make me think that there are things in the shadows. Of course I know that there isn't anything lurking in the shadows. But when I do eventually fall asleep, I wake up with a massive start, thinking that there must be something there lol
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
I haven’t experience such watching over a horror film and fall asleep LOL, however I do have experienced watching a movie but not a horror movie and fallen asleep while watching it. Probably it put me in a sleeping state because I got bored on the film.
@GemmaR (8517)
20 Oct 12
It is horrible when we have watched a scary film during the day as it often means that we're not able to sleep when we go to bed at night. I think that the best thing that you can do in this situation is to make sure that you watch something else to take your mind off it, like a comedy programme. Or you could phone a friend and just have a good chat to them. As long as you stop thinking about the film that you have just watched then I would say that everything will be fine and you will soon be able to get the sleep that you need.
• Philippines
21 Oct 12
Try watching a horror movie with someone or with a group; it'll be less scary. Also, watch a horror movie during daytime; at least a series of events later will help you get your mind off the movie.
@aghanim2 (65)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 12
dont watch it if you dont want to be scared
@Aziz1412 (36)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 12
nope.. i dont scare to sleep after watching a horror movie.. but maybe i am scared if i need to go to bathroom.. :D