Going Back to Exercising

@mspitot (3824)
November 10, 2012 9:15am CST
It's been a long time since I have attended a aerobic session. It feels so good and I really feel that I need it now. I hope I can go back in shape.
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4 responses
@srjac0902 (1170)
• Italy
10 Nov 12
aerobic exercises have tremendous power on the condition that you persevere daily. As a practice, almost all do follow a daily disciplinary routine and more important is that you maintain the balanced rhythm, then slowly your body acquires the miracle of attaining and maintaining health.This practice while bestows the good health, grants you the sobriety, the body, while receiving more oxygen and releasing out the carbobdyoxide, renders the mind too clean and sharp. If you persevere it grants you a strong willpower and you step into attaining success in whatever project you undertake. Finally it attunes your chords to the Divine and you begin to ascend spiritually.But you need faith and perseverance.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
10 Nov 12
some years back I used to do aerobics and it was so awesome. i had really lost some weight and i did feel better. it is best
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
Hi srjac0902 and riyauro! I only attend on weekends for now. Before I attend twice a week. It really made me feel better before and I really lost weight. Now, i want to bring it back. I want to have more discipline especially on my diet.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
10 Nov 12
I have done it like you. i do not go for aerobics but I don some exercise now on my own. it is better to do some exercise to stay fit. I wish to lose some weight also. Good to know that you have started to exercise again.. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
11 Nov 12
I used to do simple exercises before but I feel lazy now. I like attending in aerobic sessions cause I get to socialize too.
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
You wanna burn fat fast, you don't need aerobic exercises. You need anaerobic exercises. Read this article for better understanding of what anaerobic exercise is: http://www.charlespoliquin.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/930/Is_Aerobic_or_Anaerobic_Training_Best_For_Getting_.aspx
• Indonesia
13 Nov 12
One sport that is currently the most popular are aerobics. I can not imagine if there are people who do not like aerobics. One version that I know is that we usually see and practiced in places gym, a group that often led by an instructor and filled with a variety of music. However, aerobics actually include more physical activity than what we see. Walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming, basketball, skiing and other physical activity, can all be categorized as aerobic. Basically, aerobic movements directed to the heart pumping faster than usual, and makes you breathe faster. Employing the heart in this way will make it stronger and more efficient in helping the circulation in the body. I do aerobics three times a week at the gym near the office say. I do it after work. Body feels fresh and comfortable if we do it regularly