Why is cheating to your lover rampant today?

November 21, 2012 9:53pm CST
There was a time when cheating was a crime, I mean has been seriously taken as an immoral thing. A time when mistresses, lovers, other woman/man or whatever you want to call them hide. A time when a secret affair stayed as a secret until one dies and children come and claim that they are the dead's children during the funeral or worst have no chance at all. Until today comes, and though marriage is still protected by the law, it seems to be neglected. During these times, those mistresses and lovers show off, they are the ones who claim to be more loved. They come and show up as if they have the right, and even have the guts to say they should win and the wife/husband must leave. I think cheating becomes rampant because many are doing it, the society thought not clearly saying it accepts it as an ordinary matter. I guess we should put in mind that not because many are doing a wrong thing, will make it right!
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7 responses
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
I have the same view about it. Many people commit infidelity nowadays and when asked, they say that it just normal nowadays. Having this kind of thought may lead someone to think that it is already common and acceptable and therefore, one should not be afraid to be involved in this kind of act. They are no longer ashamed of committing immorality. Ironic but nowadays, it was even the mistresses who are more aggressive than the wives. People who commit this mistakes tend to forget God. They knew exactly what is God's views about marriage and infidelity. But these people have taken God for granted and would only care about how they feel.
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Exactly, people today aren't afraid of Karma anymore. What's more important for them is the present intense feeling they have. They don't even take into consideration asking themselves what if what they did bounce back to them. Matthew 7:12 says So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Yes, they let their emotions take them and therefore forgot to think about the consequences and those people who will get hurt for their acts. Funny but in the end they would just say that their only sin is they fell in love with a married guy/woman. But in my opinion, this is not really the case. They have a choice. It does not happen in instant so they really have the chance to think about everything before falling in the trap. But it is their choice. It is not all about love. I do not know if it can be called love because the love I know will never have the intention of hurting other people.
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Indeed. I can't help but remember the line in the movie Kung Fu Panda when Oogway said "There are no accidents."
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Cheating has been common among lots of people because they no longer know the true meaning of a relationship. They just get together for and become exclusively dating for awhile but only to share intimate stuff and not building a relationship out of love and understanding. So when a new person comes a long, it is easy to just dump the partner and have a new one. There is no more sincerity and respect towards each other. Their kind of relationship is so shallow that they can anytime change partners as often as they want.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Exactly! So they were not really in love from the start, but IN LUST, don't t ]you think? They are really not setting their goal on making a relationship, but rather a temporary companion "whenever the need arises", so to speak.
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Yeah right. they seem to forget the true meaning of love. Love is patient, love is kind.It does not envy,it does not boast, it is not proud.It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.It always protects, always trusts,always hopes, always perseveres. -1 Corinthians 13:4-7 If it does evil, how can that be love. If it is not about the truth, how can you say you're in love right? :)
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
26 Nov 12
I think that people cheat so much is because they really never know what they truly want is part of the reason and then also because maybe the person they are with they don't want to be with them any more. I agree that people don't understand the true meaning of love and I totally agree that cheating is wrong, but yet so many people do it now. Why can't people really figure out what they want and if they are with someone and you don't want to be with them any more, then why not tell them. Why would someone just stay in the relationship and then they find someone else, and they just cheat. If you want someone else, then you should tell the person that you are with that you no longer want to be with them. I never understand why this is so hard for people to do.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
22 Nov 12
Cheating is still a sign of not being honest. People who do so you can not trust. Mistresses/lovers etc still hide. If they don't do so the partner knows. And yes this exists also. That partners do agree that they both have someone else. Personally I don't see this as cheating. I don't know what you mean by: marriage is still protected by the law. If it comes to that I don't think the law is protecting anything. You are free to divorce if you pay for it. Many people are not even willing to get married at all. But this doesn't mean you find the biggest cheaters among them! The fact "many" are doing it doesn't mean it becomes rampant. Many people steal, kill are bullying, already since ages as well (sorry but nothing has changed it all depends on where you live what is allowed.. having more as one wife is cheating as well esp. if you are not able to love and care about them in equal ways like is written in the koran). People will always do what they like, especially men, they will always find an excuse why they did what they did or why they need or needed it. Personally I don't care since everybody is responsible for his/her own deeds, own happiness, own life. I am not saying I am approving certain behaviour since it's my opinion there is no need to cheat at all. You can say you are not interested in your partner anymore and leave. You can say you love someone else or think you fall in love with someone else and leave. After leaving you are free to start whatever you like. So to me the cheaters are more cowards, finding excuses and blaming someone else for their own deeds.
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Hi wakeupkitty. You said "That partners do agree that they both have someone else" is not cheating, of course it isn't because they both agreed. But it is cheating when one is having an affair secretly and hiding it to the one whom he/she promised to be with for richer and for poorer. I said marriage is protected by the law, because if found out having infidelity, one can file bigamy and as you said file a divorce. If people don't believe in marriage, that's not my topic yet but for me married or not, cheaters you can find. And I stand by my opinion that it is rampant. I am referring to the act itself and the way cheaters do it today. They do it openly leaving broken families. It was done before yes but of course it has changed so much. If you read the Bible it states that when the end is near, the world will grow darker (more violent). And yes people will always do what they want, just like Eve and Adam did. But that doesn't mean we can do nothing about it. I think we should start caring more of our environment. Thank you.
@cgicale (137)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
Hi Irahness, Yes I do agree with you. It's seems that cheating is now widely acknowledged. People are getting more and more liberated now. I also noticed that there are so many dramas and movies that talks about cheating. For instance there are so many korean dramas that's about cheating. Movies about third parties are also rampant. I really don't think its good.
@hlfbldmom (743)
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Cheating is on a rampant rise as the world is becoming a smaller place to live in. With so many options one just cannot stop the heart or should I say an urge. Sometimes cheating/infidelity is the reason for broken families. Cheating resentment and dissatisfaction in a relationship bring about the dark truths of revenge affair. High Technology like cell phones, internet have become indispensable part of our daily lives. These gadgets penetrate our personal lives and cause many to stray. When texting and chatting goes overload there will be a texting/chatting cheating. I know someone who cheat from her husband because she met a guy online or some just start as text mates.
• Philippines
22 Nov 12
Thanks for the response. Yeah, technology though it helps us most of the time makes us suffer too.By these we start exciting ourselves at first and say we're just having fun, you get friends until you caught yourself too deep in that mistake and fantasy. Too bad some choose to make this mistake and live in that fantasy only to realize in the end that they need to wake up, but it's too late.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
22 Nov 12
the value of committment is being hampered nowadays. and a partner tolerates the action if she/he agrees that there is another one aside her/him. If the partner would not accept that they are two or three or four in his/her partner's life then no cheating will happend.