Earning money is so hard

November 25, 2012 7:19am CST
Hello there fellow mylotters! Recently, I've been saving more than what I usually save. I want to do some part time jobs to earn some more money but I don't really know where to start. Do any of you have suggestions? It's okay if it's offline or online. Whatever opportunity it may be, I'm willing to go for it so long as it is within my capabilities. Earning money can be a little difficult especially without connections or resources that could be of use. Right now I only want to save more from the money I get. I hope you all can provide some suggestions. I will really appreciate it.
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25 responses
@angelsmummy (1696)
25 Nov 12
Have you tried squidoo? I love that site. IM not dedicated enough to it to get really high earnings, but I am dedicated enough to get a payout nearly every month. It's a site I recommend to everyone. Take a look if you haven't already. Hope that helps.
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
Hi there angelsmummy! May I ask how it works? Will definitely check it out! Thanks!
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
That sounds kinda complicated. Haha! Anyway, thanks for the tip!
• Greece
26 Nov 12
you should try this site called redgage too. You can post links, photos and videos there and get money for every view. But the money is quite hard to earn so it's better if you create an online business. or try fiver where you can find a small work.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
25 Nov 12
First of all, I would like to know how much you want to earn? Is it 1000 dollars or more than that? If you are willing to work full time, there is much possibility you will get that money in a month time, but if you are looking for more dollars than that, I think you have to work much harder, doing overtime, and not even one job but two or more to get the amount you desire. You can search on the newspaper to get an offline job like clerk, promoters, receptionist, but if you want online there is not much one can earn if you have no computer skills like Java, Ctt, and others. Many people who succeeded with their blog is almost depends on their luck 60% that is mean more than half of your hardwork will goes to luck.
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
I already have a blog and sadly, it is no longer doing so good compared last year.
• Bangladesh
25 Nov 12
The another name of money is hardwork, trouble. At least online job taught me that to earn money is the toughest work in the world. Stay fine.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
25 Nov 12
There are some ways to make some earning online. You can look for it depending on your interest and specialization. For me, writing is a hobby, and there are good sites for writing online, and payments are reasonable. One could get rich from it, but it supplements to some extent.
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
May I ask what sites are these?
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
12 Dec 12
I don't make all that much online,so it is hard for me to save any money at all. I try, but since i live alone, I am responsible for all the bills, so the money I make online goes to help pay for them. It sure sin't all that much money, but it does all add up over time.You are right, that it is hard to make money online, especially when there are so many scams out there. I keep trying to find new ways to make money, but there again, I just don't want to spend money nor do I want to get scammed. I have been scammed before, and I just don't want it happening again. I will continue to do what I am doing though, and hope for the best. I will also keep tryi9ng to find other ways to make money online, as well. I do wish you the best in all your online ventures, and have a great day.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
25 Nov 12
Earning isnt to hard.. but maybe the amount you want or need to earn is.
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
Yeah. I think that's what I'm trying to say. The amount isn't really enough for me.
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
Nothing is simple when it comes to the subject of financial stability, You need to work hard to get your chunk of money. It's how life circles, work,money, religion, and family. We need to work hard to earn more. The best part about it is that although we go through a painstaking stage of working we learn a lot from this endeavor.
• India
25 Nov 12
I would suggest you do some part-time jobs at any mall or restaurants but if you don't like it then you can do a part time job in a library in your city/town its quite easy job just sit and do some paper work or look after the books. If you are looking for an online job then i think you should search for the job of data entry its simple only you have to be highly accurate in your work,another thing you can design a logo or do some html work for a paid website.hope this help.good luck :)
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
Thanks for the recommendation. I've tried data entry and I don't really like it. As for the html, I'm not really good with it.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
I agree with you, my friend. Earning money is very hard whether it's online or offline. Because we need to work hard to earn those money. If we don't work hard how can we make good money? I think the better way to have small business. Save some money and think about what business you really like. There are also many programs online to make extra money. Even if they are not provide good earnings. Those are good enough as extra income...
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
27 Nov 12
Tecch, i must agreed with you earning money is not an easy job nowadays. Although there are many types of jobs available but it is still not easy for us to earn. Because every job need not the same type of qualifications. So in short, if only we have many types of qualifications, then we are able to earn well. Lets start learning and getting more qualifications, to have more chance to earn more in the future.
@tedifa (1232)
• Indonesia
27 Nov 12
Earning few money i think is not difficult,but earning lots of money is really difficult for the beginner.Many peoples wanna earning money with many ways,you should hard work and don't easy to give up,don't forget to take pray.
@lexx87 (1707)
• Mexico
26 Nov 12
i think it is very hard to earn money online , but it is a little more money in ur pocket . Anyway keep working hard specially if you have connections with this kind of sites and u will start earning more money if u are more focus on it.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
26 Nov 12
Then, my Dear, Mylotting is the right answer for you. All you need to is to refer people you know and people you don't know to join Mylot and do the same things you do. This is what they call leveraging. Duplicating yourself in others. This is the concept used in franchising and other business empires. If you do this, your earnings will definitely soar to the roof.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
11 Dec 12
It is easy to get jobs. But it is not easy to get a right job and a good paid job. Different places may have different kind of job offers and it is hard for me to advise you since I am not familiar to your place. For instance, one of my friends worked as a data entry clerk to key in all of the information of the patients for a dentist at California in part time basic. Other than data entry job, she worked as a part time house keeper or maid. For offline jobs, I suggest you to pay attention to your local newspapers, noticeboard and so on. For online jobs, I am sure the advance of this latest technology can allow us to obtain all of the relevant information easily through the internet. However, I do advise you to be careful and not to be cheated when you are searching jobs.
26 Nov 12
Dear friend,keep record of your spendin.That's the basic and frist theory of saving money.if you don't know what did you spend,that is very bad.If you want to save more,you must keep record every day of your income and out going money.then you can check , for what you spend more last month or last few days.i do this every day.i have some experience about that.
26 Nov 12
Dear friend,keep record of your spendin.That's the basic and frist theory of saving money.if you don't know what did you spend,that is very bad.If you want to save more,you must keep record every day of your income and out going money.then you can check , for what you spend more last month or last few days.i do this every day.i have some experience about that.
• Japan
26 Nov 12
I absolutely agree with earnig money is so hard wether over the bet of in physical job. Money is one of main needs to live and buy what we need to live. We need to work hard and find the right job for us to earn a decent amount of money to buy our needs in daily basis??
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
26 Nov 12
Earning is difficult if you are lazy. but since I can see you have the will and you have the capabilities I am sure there are lots of opportunities you can take. Having this mylot is one of those opportunities but quite difficult and needs a lot of time and effort. Being here for 6 hours is quite draining and quite tiring too. You may want to offer tutorials that's one way to earn of what ever expertise you can do and you have. I make good money in tutorials.
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
Hello there. We are in the same shoe here. I also want to so some part time jobs to earn more money. Try looking or searching the net for possible jobs. That's what I do as of the moment. try Skillpages, Jobstreet, and many other sites that offer/provide jobs of any kind according to your interests and capabilities. Thanks and I hope we both will be successful! Good luck to us. Blessings. :)
• India
26 Nov 12
I have been searching for like 2 or 3 years online to find any jobs online, but it requires the proper knowledge to recognize which ones are real and which are spam. I have tried many sites which actually says it pays for something like reading mails, taking surveys etc etc, but its hard to find the actual ones. But I must say you should check this site "About.com" which is like a search engine and the search results you get from there are either recognized by the persons who have the basic knowledge about the related subjects. From there I got to know about this site Mylot. And yeah, moneys are hard to come by, I actually do tuitioning to a few school kids even though I'm doing technical course in college and by this way I'm earning a bit, not much but it helps increase your pocket money.
@betty1989 (751)
• China
26 Nov 12
life is hard because making a living is not that simple. what suggestion i can give is to work hard. try your best
@chatoang (61)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
It is very difficult to suggest money making activities if we don't know what are your field of interest. Examine yourself first what you want and what you wish to do before I will give my suggestions. Keep me updated.