what is your favorite scent?

@Cutie18f (9551)
November 26, 2012 11:22pm CST
I used to like any flower-scented cologne or perfume. Now I have another favorite and it's the apple-scented cologne. I just love the smell of this cologne I just bought, it's actually a very common cologne that you can buy anywhere. I just got lucky to have picked this particular fragrance because there are so many scents to choose from. How about you? Do you like the spicy or musky type of scent or the sweet flowery or fruity kind of smell? Share your answers.
5 responses
• India
27 Nov 12
Wild Stone is the brand I am using now and I have 3 flavors. Previously I was addicted to Axe and tried 5 flavors. It was a bit sweet and the current one is a bit wild, musky and bold. Although I forget to use them most of the time and luckily I don't stink so there were never any embarrassing moment. I am planning to switch the brand again to try something new but mom is telling to finish the current ones as all of them are remaining more the half.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
LOL. I usually buy when I'm down to the last drop. I only use colognes and if I'm lucky I get gifted with perfumes sometimes.
• India
27 Nov 12
Yes, I am wasting lots of money buying this scents where I seldom use them and even if I start using all everyday, I don't think I can finish before 2 years and I have 11 and all of them are more than the half remaining. :P I got the first Wild Stone gifted on Valentine's day last year and I start trying the other flavors. :P
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
Wow! Wear them everyday and I am sure you will consume all before they get expired.
@marguicha (217118)
• Chile
1 Dec 12
I don`t wear perfume every day. At home I usually just use soap and water. But when I go out during the day I use a Nina Ricci perfuma and when I go out at night I like Paloma Picaso.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
I think I am loving the smell of Nina Ricci too but that is expensive, right? I am not familiar with Paloma Picaso.
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
27 Nov 12
When I was younger, I like the scent with a splash of vanilla on it. But now, I don't think I like the ones that come on too sweet or too floral or too fruity. I prefer it to be a bit musky with just a hint of non-floral flowers, like orange blossoms (I don't even know if there's such a thing, haha!)
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
Hi Raine! Yes, there's such a thing. There's always a scent for every taste and personality.
@imAbigael (475)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
i love the men's perfume and victoria secrets produts
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
Do you use men's perfumes instead? They're spicy.
• Oxford, Mississippi
11 Nov 13
dolce and gabana