girl hate shopping

@ungu89 (1999)
December 2, 2012 10:27am CST
few day ago, i and few other my friend when to shopping. i really like shopping, but most of the time just window shopping, sometime when i feel stress with my work/assignment, i just take my beg and went to mall, just to window shopping. sometime i feel really weird about it. even just looking without buying it already make me calm down. i have this weird junior, hehe. its is normal when u see girl love to shop, but its weird when she did not even feel about it. she tell me. that day, i went out with her, that day i was busy trying to pick few clothes, suddenly she disappear.hehe . when we go back, she tell me, she meet her friend (boy) , her classmate, that boys said he though she is guard. haha. because she stand up like guard in front of the shop. maybe next time, if i want to window shopping i think twice to go with her, maybe if i already plan what to buy, then i can go with her. i just feel pity, make her wait for me. have ever had this experience
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12 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
3 Dec 12
Ohhh.. she just went with you to meet her friend. hmmm... I don't like window shopping because it is tiresome for me. Ever since I was in college, I don't like to look and look without really having intentions of buying them. I just go to the mall if I need to buy something, and I know what I will buy, then it is the only time that I can go on window shopping... but really buy if I have the money.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
mean u just like her, u don't like window shopping, u just went if there u have sometime that u need. hehe maybe that time i don't really care about my time, that's why i don't think it wasting my time, it just i really feel relax doing that. haha
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 12
haha everyone has their own interest. ooo.. i don't like crowded too, so i went when there is not so many people, like during office hour, i'm still study right now
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
3 Dec 12
Yes, I don't spend so much in mall, with crowded people. it is really a waste of time for me. but for you it is relaxing so I can not beat we have our own likes and dislikes.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
3 Dec 12
I do not know any girl who doesn't want to shop or at least do window shopping. My SIL and I could go 6 hours straight inside the mall. My pregnancy doesn't stop me from malling! Yes, it is really a stress reliever for us. Sometimes, when I feel a bit low, I would go out alone and just go wherever my feet takes me.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
I am not pregnant now. It happened during my last pregnancy in 2004. It was my form of exercise in a way.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 12
haha.. right now your child already 8 years .. hahaha
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
wow, so right now u pregnant? how many month? and u still go for shopping for 6 hr? haha.. really turf u are ..hehe i really impress. hehe..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
4 Dec 12
I am one of the people that really does love to shop, however I also know that there are a lot of women that really don't like to shop at all. There is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with a person that doesn't really like to shop, it is simply that they don't like to shop for whatever reason. For example, my little sister doesn't like to go shopping because of the fact that there are just too many people in the stores and it does have a tendency to give her anxiety attacks.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 12
yes, maybe she is like your sister. they just go shopping when there is something that they want. but still i appreciate her for accompany me that day long.
• Indonesia
3 Dec 12
Each person has different hobby, but it was so nice of her to accompany you to shop while she actually doesn't really like spending too much time in mall or maybe she was not in a mood to shop because some reasons (no money, in budget, nothing to buy, etc). Maybe next time you can accompany her to go to the place she likes? I'm a moody person, sometime I love shopping sometime I don't enjoy shopping time. When I can't decide or estimate how long I'll be in the shop, I'd go shopping alone, I can have the full freedom to spend my time and enjoy my shopping time. I do enjoy shopping with other people, I can have second opinion and we can have lunch together after shopping.
• Indonesia
4 Dec 12
That's great, you accompany your friend to the place she likes and she accompany you to the place you like. We don't need to have the same hobby with our friends but understand each other is needed. Hehehe...everything that too much or too long is boring, isn't it?
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 12
oh, yes, anything even study too. if we focus so long still the info cannot be absorb
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
ya, but i really don't like going shopping alone, it just that make me feel very lonely if there is no one to accompany me that time. she just like more to go to book store, so, sometime i also accompany her to go there. i love book store too. but if 1-2 hour is good, but more than that, i will feel bored. hahaha
1 person likes this
@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
6 Dec 12
In my perception, your friend might be being practical not to squander any peeny for shopping spree. It could be a type of personality to buy things that she really needs it. Thus, she just don't want to fall into temptations to buy some items.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 12
oh yes, she really count on each thing that she buy. but still one thing that she cannot control. buying food. hehe.. when it come she to shop, just focus on food department only.. hehe
• China
4 Dec 12
each girl should love shopping. Just each girl like to be beautiful. She don't like, maybe she is not in mood that day. Maybe next time, you can ask her if she like firstly, that will avoid the embarrasing situaition, hehehe.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 12
love to shopping i think if different to love to be beautiful. of course everyone love to look beautiful. it just my friend don't like to shop to long i think. even i can all day long in that mall, but still not buying anything. haha
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
4 Dec 12
My ex girlfriend use to hate shopping with a passion, she would moan about it all the time we were out, and if we did go out, she would want to go into one shop and that was it, she either wanted to go home or wanted to find the nearest coffee shop to sit down and have a bite to eat! I am not a lover of shopping mainly because I don't like crowds. But she always used to moan if she was out with me and I wanted to buy myself clothes, she would act childlike sometimes and huff and puff when I was taking my time.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 12
haha, she maybe don't like to accompany u. but now she is your ex. heheheh
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
2 Dec 12
it is highly unique to hear since most of the girls prefer to shop like crazy all the time with their loved ones.but this is uncommon \
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
haha, ya , i also kind the weird that she always like that. sometime it really hard, when she follow us, but she just follow but did not enjoy the day. sometime i just felt pity because we drag her all around the mall. just scared she feel bored . some time she just want to stay at a book shop while we go around to other shop
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
2 Dec 12
I love to shop I did not have any. simply go to anyone looking to become shopping for all your friends and have a surprise. great to be able to pozovlish shopping as long as you have appropriate tools required. nice day!
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
its nice when u have a friend that have the hobby same as u,
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
3 Dec 12
I am one of those girls who hate shopping. I get so annoyed and shopping, if I dont need something why waste more money on shopping to make myself supposeable feel better.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
haha, u like my mum. just when to shop when there is something to buy. i not sure, maybe when i was in collage i do all that thing, but now, i already graduate, the feeling to do that become to disappear a little bit i thing. maybe i going to my new phase in life
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
3 Dec 12
Sometimes it is a good way to relax, by doing some window shopping. But you do have to pick the right type of people to take with you, when you go window shopping. Everyone has their own idea of how to shop and so, sometimes it is best to go by yourself. Especially if you want to relax when shopping or window shopping. Just try to understand that she just simply has her own style of shopping.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 12
yes, everyone has their own interest. but still i don't like to go alone, that that she just want to follow us. hahaha
3 Dec 12
I am one of the girls who enjoy shopping.So,if I feel frustrating or angry ,I will go shopping like you.But actually,some girls really hate shopping.Maybe they think shopping is wasting time,they can use the time to do whatever they like.In addition,I am sorry to ask where are you from.Thanks share your experience with us
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
i'm from Malaysia. where are from? i cannot see on your profile. maybe that time i don't really bother about the time, as long as i can enjoy my day.