Will a persons credit scores move if they never use their credit card?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
December 4, 2012 7:41pm CST
I'm trying to rebuild my credit & I have one of those credit building lines of credit & I'm just really curious to know what happens if a person never uses their credit card will there credit score still improve or will it remain stuck and never move I don't know much about how the whole credit building thing works, does anyone know the answer to this one? also feel free to give me some tips thanks.
1 response
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
5 Dec 12
You do have to use your credit cards from time to time in order to keep them in your active mix of credit that you have. What I've heard many people recommend is to use your credit cards twice a year for a small amount and then immediately pay them off. This is something that keeps the credit cards in your active mix while also ensuring that you are not running up a bunch of credit card debt. Now when it comes to store credit cards, they don't do as much for you, so if you have a lot of lines of open credit, you might get a small hit initially by canceling store cards, but overall, they aren't going to benefit you all that much. One thing that you might consider is keeping those open (if they don't charge an annual fee), but don't worry about using those cards.