Conspiracy Theory of the Left?

@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
December 13, 2012 1:47pm CST
What do you know about Agenda 21? "The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security." "It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature." "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable. A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations." Seems to me that this kind of ties all our troubles into on big bag, it would explain why Obama appears hell bent on destroying the American economy, why he's regulated fossil fuels into oblivion, and why he keeps giving the UN so much control in America. (election observers?) The other thing I noticed in all this is the concept that 'Earth' is divine, nature is 'divine' thread running through all this. Perhaps this is why Christianity is belittled in our society now?
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5 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
13 Dec 12
For the "earth is divine" point. I'm not sure that's what I'm taking from it. I'm reading that people believe people are capable of drastically changing the earth with their habits, and that we only have the one. I think tying religion into that is done primarily by people who subscribe to a belief that their god decides whether something good or something bad happens to the planet, and that their god promised never to do it again. Or that their god put the oil there so we'll never run out unless a god decrees it, and that if it weren't safe to use, god wouldn't have put it there. And if I'm wrong and the religious aspect of conservation isn't related to that point, then I most certainly don't understand why so many stand in the way of a better environment. I don't want a global police force. I don't want regulations to the point of strangling business. I don't trust the oversight process of gathering and compiling climate data. But I also realize that the climate is changing. I also realize that, like it or not, we're going to run out of certain resources. Industrialized societies are NOT sustainable the way they are. So something has to be done to change the path we're on. Yesterday was 12/12/12. FatCat had his discussion deleted, but on that discussion, I noted something that's obvious to all: We're not going to have a cool count like that until 1/1/3001. Just wrap your head around that for a moment. Yes, people are still going to be here in 1,000 years! But how's our planet going to be for them? Will there be oil? Will nations like China and India finally decide to have played ball? (This is assuming "nations" will still be around lol) What did we have 1,000 years ago? AC? Coal mines? Smokestacks? Factories? Automobiles? At some point, we need to advance to use cleaner fuels. We need to find a more final solution for our garbage. We need to tamp down our using of natural resources. We need to find better ways to live. For the people hurt economically by this, it really sucks. But a lot of people who would cite coal miners losing jobs for the sake of efficiency would probably also want to boot postal workers out for the sake of efficiency. I guess the makers of flip phones are pissed at smartphones. I believe change will come through real teaching of hard science and raising awareness about our limited resources and fragile planet, not through ironfisted rule of world government. And even supposing climate change in particular isn't caused by mankind, the climate is still going to change. It's natural. So what are we doing to prepare for it? I had no intention whatsoever of bringing religion into this. I thought, "GOOD! I finally get to rant about stupid progressives again!" But since you brought up Christianity being belittled, could it be in part because some Christians are intent that we can sustain whatever lifestyle god allows us to sustain? It's not as if I'm just pulling that out of my rear. I've heard politicians sit there in Congress and site their reason for not getting on board with environmental measures is that, basically, their god won't screw us over. I'm not trying to offend anyone who believes that, but that's some 3-year-old nonsense that a grown man is using to govern a nation which ultimately affects the rest of the planet. I don't want the global police either. I just want some middle ground. I want advancement in society for the benefit of society.
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• United States
15 Dec 12
(Matersfish,)..that comment was at the end of the post.. as a response. The best way to develop reliable and environment friendly alternative energies, is to let free enterprise loose. Man (flawed at best) is going the wrong way (as usual). Putting it into government hands, whether federal or global is the the exact opposite way to go. They spend other people's money. If investigative reporters were part of a "free press" they would investigate and report every day a government program and how it falls short and how 80% of the money is wasted. I was just quoted such figures on our welfare system alone, and I think the figures were, it costs us 100,000 but the people receive 20,000 out of it. Is this really, ok? And it's only one program considered and there are thousands or programs. Putting more and more things in government hands and control.. is insanity. We may not live with the fruits, but our kids or grand kids will.
• United States
15 Dec 12
"[i]Perhaps this is why Christianity is belittled in our society now?" "It was not I who inserted the religious factor into the discussion.[/i]"
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Dec 12
It was not I who inserted the religious factor into the discussion. The websites I listed use terms like: to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light, divine nature, and some evoke Gaia as a living being. I'm with you on not wanting a global police force for anything. but that seems to be the way things are headed. I'm also with you on finding alternative energy sources and managing our resources in a kinder, gentler way. I just feel that private enterprise is more likely to accomplish that than government mandate. I do think that enviromental awareness is growing amongst the populace. I even saw a news piece on the trend to return to cloth diapers here locally. Now all we have to do is encourage businesses both large and small to do more to find ways to operate in the 'green'. Positive reinfocement rather than the negative (taxation) may do that. Perhaps if global warming hadn't been shoved down our throats in an attempt to get into our pockets, more would have listened? I do see earth changes, but I'm not convinced man is the culprit for all those changes. I do admit, I am not privy to all the science on it, but have read editorials on both sides of the issue. The fact that Al Gore lives in a very LARGE home and flies around in a private jet, consuming energy like a pig, put me off on what he had to say about the use of fossil fuels causing those changes, as well as the heavy handed discrediting of any scientist who thought otherwise, both lead me to think that there is motives at work that aren't quite kosher. lol
• United States
13 Dec 12
So Christianity is what's wrong with society, Deb? The President is destroying the economy...the middle class has a high meat intake...use of fossil fuels, suburban housing aren't sustainable, and Obama is giving the UN control in the U.S. Forgive me if I seem cynical or I'm just another "obvious Obama supporter", it's clear you have your convictions against the president & that's perfectly fine. I totally don't agree with you, (we do have the right to agree to disagree). Some conspiracy theories are just...laughable!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Dec 12
Bluebell, those are not necessarily MY opinions. You did notice the title of this discussion, right? Have you never heard of 'playing the devil's advocate'? I wanted to know what those on the political left thought, mainly because most on the political left normally agree with the radical enviromentalists, and the first few links I posted show otherwise. That intriqued me.
• United States
15 Dec 12
They're implementing Agenda 21 in California, which has helped to accelerate their own fiscal cliff and make it much higher of a drop off. - Boy oh boy, I remember all the love for the George W administration! Contrast that with all the labeling going on of anyone raising a voice of disagreement over where the country is heading under this administration. Actually, to believe the simplification that the answer to every issue is "those evil republicans" (so don't bother reflecting upon any of it) is, at best, pretty naive, but that very attitude is so very prevalent and even growing in the nation, even world, today.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
16 Dec 12
They HAD to totally destroy Bush, his popularity numbers were in the 90% level, to have ANOTHER republican hero in the White House would have kept them from pulling off what they did in 2008. I do not praise Bush overly, but he was not the dunce or the danger that he's been made out to be. As for the need to jump to Obama's defense everytime his name is mentioned, I fear that is because he doesn't plan on LEAVING on Jan. 20th, 2016. Not a happy thouhgt.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
15 Dec 12
Absolutely! you've hit the nail on the head! This is the 'new' religion. And I believe there will come a day when the mantra (talking point) will be "what? you're against world peace?" (A one world vision which discounts the danger of massive power in few hands or one body.) And another thing with this religion will be, there is too many people (for the good of the planet) though it may take a while for 'them' to come right out and say it. It'll be "crises" real aNd imagined, and why let a good crises go to waste? Without using it to secure more power, more reach, more control. (Issues that I guess many feel do not matter any more as mankind has 'evolved' into well, I guess they are the highest power.)
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Dec 12
How in the heck did I miss fossil fuels being regulated into oblivion? Or all the UN's new control in America, for that matter? The last I heard 38 of our finest GOP Senators had made it clear their deep hatred for the UN trumps any sense of decency they may have towards the disabled, even disabled military veterans. Annie
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Dec 12
Really Annie? You can't see where fossil fuels have been and are still being regulated into oblivion? How many refineries have been built in the US in the last 40 years? Uh that would be a huge whopping ZERO! Even with gasoline prices approaching the 4 dollar per gallon mark our present administration will not approve more leases for oil exploration. Almost every oil refinery in the Middle East was built by American interests so that the middle eastern countries can now exploit the west. Yes, let's find new and improved energy sources but let's not stop producing and using the only viable energy source we now have. I would love to see a solar powered car but even then the cost would be prohibitive for most people. I am a Christain and I believe God knew what he was doing when he created earth. Man's fall caused earth to become finite instead of infinite as it was intended. So I guess you can say that man is ruining earth but not through fossil fuel.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Dec 12
I have to wonder if big oil might not be responsible in an offhand way. Right now they are being showered with record breaking profits so why would they want to put a huge glut of oil on the market and drive the prices down? In the 70's big oil spun the lie of an "oil shortage". Their goal was to get the Alaskan pipeline approved an built and they succeeded but there was another goal that succeeded also and that was to drive independent oil companies out of business.. Now, without these independent entrepreneurs pushing the big guys to move on this oil they are comfortable to wait till the prices get a little better locally. America couldn't refine the huge amount of oil from this reserve unless we built more refineries and built them yesterday. America is suffering with outrageous gas prices but that is where big oiland our government(at least our present administration) wants us to be.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Dec 12
Annie, you can draw your 'claws' back in, I was merely intriqued by a liberal woman who seems to think the UN is overstepping their bounds and that those in our government, even those who hold to liberal views as she does, are wrong to go along with them. So, it is NOT just the GOP who are holding to the opinion the UN is wrong on this, no? And what the h3ll do the disabled have to do with this? I asked what you knew about Agenda 21. Do you know anything about this? Or are my discussions merely a way for you to spew YOUR hatred of the GOP?
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@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
15 Dec 12
I know a fair bit about agenda 21, and I watched Glenn and the liberal--good show. The U.N. is dangerous, in many regards, and if there were to be a world government, I certainly wouldn't want them running it. I have no doubt the current POTUS is in agreement with the agenda. The Agenda is all about power--absolute power.And as they say--power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Earth based religions seem to be making a comeback as well--whether that is tied to the belittlement of Christianity in our society and others remains to be seen. Secular Humanism has a lot to do with negative attitudes towards Christianity and other religions, after all--but have you noticed the atheists and secular humanists aren't going after the gaia crowd very much?