When did Alert pay change to Payza?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
December 13, 2012 7:51pm CST
I don't use Alert Pay often because I prefer Paypal best, but recently I decided to check my Alert Pay account I noticed that every time I typed in the old Alert pay address I was redirected to a site called Payza it looks kinda like the old Alert Pay site, and when I logged in with my old info the site directed me to my dashboard um..so I guess Alert Pay has changed to Payza now right?
2 responses
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
20 Dec 12
it is some months ago that alertpay changed into payza i think this company bought the old alertpay so i received a mail notify this changing i checked my account and it seemed all like alertpay!!In reality when it was alertpay i noticed it was a good payment processor excluding paypal now became payza so i didn't experienced much about it because i always use paypal!!
• Lubbock, Texas
14 Dec 12
I haven't used Alert Pay in a very long time and only had it because one of the earning sites I used to frequent required it. Recently I received an e-mail from Payza. It said something about my account. I just deleted it because I'd never heard of Payza, so I think the change must be pretty recent.