Sell house for father's disease,should the man divorce?

@Amy432 (30)
December 14, 2012 12:22am CST
The father of the man gets cancer,it will cost too much to cure.So the man decides to sell the bigger one of their houses,they moved out to live the smaller one.The man got married two years ago,and his son was born last month.When he talked to his wife about his dissicion,he got shocked with his wife's answer:if you sell the house,I will divorce.I agree with the man's dicission,trying his best to save his father life,so I can't believe what his wife said.Should the man sell his house?Would they divorce?
5 responses
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
14 Dec 12
Amy, We need few facts. 1. Does house belong to wife? 2. Did she too paid its installments? 3. Did he promise her that he won't sell house ever or promised her this house? 4. Did she marry him for his house? if the answer is No in first three and yes in fourth then he should sell it but if it belongs to his wife then he has no right to force her to sell it. May be he just told her his decision and made her feel that this decision is being forced on her. May be he could have reasoned with his wife before reaching the decision or may be sell the smaller house and see. But if I was him and the house belonged to me then i would have reasoned with my wife that we need this money and then sell it. if it meant Divorce then so be it but there is always a proper way to do everything.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
14 Dec 12
May be she is looking after interest of her 1 month old son.
@Amy432 (30)
• China
14 Dec 12
I don't know exactly,maybe they buy the house together after they got married.Whether they will divorce or not,they should care about their little son.He is only one month old.The wife ought to make a little sacrifice not only for her father in low and her husband but her son.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
I think that the wife is selfish not to think after the welfare of her husband. What is the use of keeping the big house if they would not be able to sustain the needed treatment for her husband?
@Amy432 (30)
• China
14 Dec 12
I think you are right,the wife is so selfish.But there are still some people blame the man that he doesn't care about the feeling of his wife.I think,untill now,their problem is not house,but the gap between them.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
The man's decision is the best one since it concerns his father's life. The wife is so inconsiderate thinking only about herself. If I am the husband..I will accept my wife's decision if she really wanted to divorce me all because I sell the house. That only means that the wife's love towards her husband is not real.
14 Dec 12
I think he should sell the house he could always find a new wife but he couldn't find a new father. If his wife really loves him she should understand.
@Amy432 (30)
• China
14 Dec 12
Yeah,you are right.He loses farher,then he loses him forever.The man has moved out and refused to support his wife.
@vernaC (1491)
• Romania
14 Dec 12
Bigger house doesn't guarantee bigger happiness at home. What if her husband will feel sad and guilty for not trying to save his father's life? Can she take it watching his husband suffer for sadness? She shouldn't be selfish, after all, it's a life theyre trying to save. What if she's in his situation, wouldn't she do anything to save her parent's life?