Working hard or wasting time?

@else22 (4317)
December 17, 2012 6:49am CST
A guy has joined Mylot and then keeps participating here everyday for hours.Some say,'He keeps working tirelessly for hours' whereas others say,'He is wasting his time being on Mylot and working for hours just for a few cents.'What would you say?
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49 responses
• Philippines
21 Dec 12
I don’t believe that any myLotter who is registered to this site is wasting his or her time. In fact, this site is a good way to learn and educate yourself and at the same time share your views on different subjects on every topic that meets our interests. If you think of this site as an educational medium via the internet, then this is definitely not a waste of someone else’s time. I don’t consider this site as a money making sites since this is a discussion site and still I think of it that way. The good thing here is we are given incentives for what we participate in here.
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@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Dec 12
I think so too.Here we learn a lot,although earn only a little.It doesn't matter how much we earn here for Mylot is not a site for making money.What matters is we get relaxed here.Mylot relieves us of our stress and teaches us how to express ourselves.That's why I think, the guy is making a quality use of his time.
@else22 (4317)
• India
24 Dec 12
Yes,our earnings here is just an additional benefit.We can't expect Mylot to provide us a full time income.
@Life11211 (452)
• India
17 Dec 12
Mylot is very good platform to learn and earn. I Visit mylot as i have lot of queries related to computer, mobile handset or understanding people in day to day life. Please don't consider mylot as your only source of income, as per my understanding, mylot is for those who can able to explore more and more about different subject and enjoy interaction and can able to give spare time after doing your all day to day activities. Looking at above example which you have given, i feel person is wasting lot of time, as if he is only doing mylot and no other work. Mylot will never make any one rich, so one should do any activity moderately considering all other factors.
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• India
17 Dec 12
For me mylot is one of my Best Friend , where friends from all over the world, give suggestion which are really very very helpful to me. When i am not present in mylot, i always miss this place a lot, if i have any query related to any topic.
@else22 (4317)
• India
18 Dec 12
Hi Life,I fully agree with you.I admit that I failed to convey what I wanted to through this discussions.I didn't want to say that a person should ignore his offline job and keep participating here for hours.If someone does so,then definitely he or she is wasting their time.You can't depend on Mylot for a full time,sustainable income. What I wanted to say is whether participating on Mylot has the stress that we experience while doing something else for our survival.When you participate on Mylot,you don't undergo the stress that is associated with doing our offline jobs.In that sense,you can't say you are working even if you keep participating here for hours.Our offline works generally leave us tired whereas Mylot refreshes you.
• United States
17 Dec 12
"Working?" I am always baffled by people who see myLot as some sort of job. It is not a job, and the people who use this site are not "employees" but, rather, are "members." This is a fun site to spend some time and earn a bit of money at the same time. While there are online jobs out there, this does not fall into that category. People should be here because they enjoy the site--not because they are looking to this as some sort of job. If they are expecting to gain great riches from their time on the site, they will inevitably become disappointed in the site. Yes, the site can supplement one's income (as can a number of other sites), but it is not and never was designed to be the primary source of one's income--because it is not a job.
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@else22 (4317)
• India
19 Dec 12
I appreciate you for your well thought over views.I fully agree with you.People don't join Mylot as a work.They join it for fun.They enjoy participating in debates going on continuously here without getting stressed or feeling tired.Participation in Mylot does not have the tension,stress or tiredness associated with our offline jobs that we join to make both ends meet.I agree with you.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
17 Dec 12
I don't think that Mylot is a waste of time. Even if the money is your only motivation you can benefit from Mylot in more than one way. The money that you earn from your participation is not going to make you rich, but you have the chance to read and participate in discussions about money making and you can learn and get inspiration from others when you read about the way that they earn money online or offline. Mylot gives you the chance to earn directly (participation, tasks etc) as well undirectly (the things you learn about money making which you can use in your own life) That is the the financial side of it, but there is much more than that. You can learn a lot about other countries and find friends from around the world
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@else22 (4317)
• India
19 Dec 12
Participating in Mylot is making a constructive use of your time provided you participate here after doing your main job.I agree with every word that you have said here.We learn a lot of things form Mylot.Mylot is a fun way of making a little money.We don't get tired here.We don't undergo stress here either.It's not a work,yet we earn here,although only a little.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
18 Dec 12
If I concentrate and have more time, i don't get a few cents here. I get good amount. And so, I am not wasting time here in Mylot I am working here too. so basically I am working 16/24 working hours. Not bad at all. Relaxing and working at the same time.
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@else22 (4317)
• India
20 Dec 12
Wow!Working continuously for 16 hours at a strech!That's great.I know you can definitely earn a good amount from Mylot every month provided you get an hour or two more.I wish you all the best.
@else22 (4317)
• India
22 Dec 12
And you are making a very good and productive use of your time that you spend on Mylot.I wonder resting time too can be used so productively.A mind like yours can really think of making an equally productive use of your earnings from Mylot.All my best wishes.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
20 Dec 12
oh yes else.. what else can I do here. I am on line anyway, so why not think of a productive way spending it. Wish you all the best too. Dont get me wrong, I don't spend 16/24 hours here else... this is just for the idle and resting time. so more or less during nighttime here
@Hence27 (450)
• India
17 Dec 12
Mylot is of course a very good platform to earn money,but we can't earn an income with mylot. We have to depend on other sites also to earn an income online. But i am in mylot not only for money,but also for learning new things,interacting and hang on with friends and have fun.It's not a waste of time in my opinion.Sometimes especially when we are newbies and start our days in mylot, then we see our lesser earnings,because at that time we are newbies,so we keep thinking that mylot is a waste of time,but it's not like that.
@else22 (4317)
• India
18 Dec 12
I can't agree with you more,Hence.We can't have a sustainable income from Mylot no matter how hard you work here.Participation in Mylot can't be dubbed as 'work',because it does not have the stress associated with whatever jobs we do for our survival.It doesn't leave us tired and stressed.Instead,it is a platform where we relieve ourselves of our stress and mental fatigue.And since we learn a lot here,it is not a wastage of time either.
@else22 (4317)
• India
19 Dec 12
Of course,Mylot enables us to communicate with each other on various issues.I agree with you.
@Hence27 (450)
• India
18 Dec 12
Yes,i completely agree with you that mylot is not a wasteof time.I am not saying that.I mean that you can't earn an income from mylot, but it's easy for us to make good amount of money from it.It gives us a divine feeling when we participate in mylot.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
21 Dec 12
Personally, there are a lot of people who are on here a lot and posting back all the time. I would never say someone is wasting there time by being on here. I have made so many wonderful friends in my yrs. here and learned a lot, so anyone who says he is wasting his time has never come to learn what myLot is. It is way beyond the pay, it is about friendship and having a place to come share and talk in.
@else22 (4317)
• India
24 Dec 12
True,Krause.Participating in Mylot does not amount to wasting time if someone participates here in his or her spare time only.If we participate here without ignoring our regular job,then we are making a quality use of our spare time.Participation in Mylot improves us mentally.We get mentally matured here.
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
22 Dec 12
i don't know ow this guy dedicate daily on mylot anyway in many gpt sites you must work hard before joining the payout and so in many cases you won't earn big dollars but it is always an income as regards mylot probably is a good gpt site from this point of view but naturally many people have a personal view about stay here and writing much and gain just cents or a dollar daily...
@else22 (4317)
• India
24 Dec 12
Hi tony,this guy participates in Mylot only after his office hours.He doesn't ignore his regular job.If he starts watching tv in his spare time,then,I know,peopke would not object that he is wasting his time.After all he earns something here and most importantly improves himself.
@UmiNoor (4483)
• Malaysia
23 Dec 12
It is true that you can't get rich working at myLot but there are other benefits to myLot than just for earnings. What about those people who waste time on Facebook? Do they earn anything? At least at myLot, you get to know people from all over the world and you will learn a lot of things. I've learned many things from myLot. In fact, I discover other ways to earn online from other members on myLot.
@else22 (4317)
• India
25 Dec 12
The guy I have mentioned in my post is employed.He just relaxes himself here.Whatever he gets here is just additional.He learns a lot from Mylot besides improving his English.He has a lot of friends here from across the world,but for survival he depends on what he earns from his company.In my opinion,he makes a productive use of his spare time.
• Marikina, Philippines
22 Dec 12
Hmmmm.. its not wasting a time if he's just focus on having fun. Its a waste of time if he focus on earnings. myLot is not a job. Its for an extra income. If he wants to earn money by working too hard, he should look job online on internet.
@else22 (4317)
• India
25 Dec 12
The guy doesn't participate here for money.He is employed and participates here only to relax himself from his work stress,although he keeps participating for hours and spends all his spare time in Mylot.Of course,he earns a little here,but that's simply a plus,immaterial.I don't think he is wasting his time.Had he been spending his time watching tv,I am sure his critics would have been silent.
@namiya (1713)
• Philippines
17 Dec 12
It depends on how you view or what is your purpose in joining mylot. Mylot for me is one way of learning about things, activities, places, people and issues and, the earning I get by involving in its activities a bonus hence, this is not a waste of time.
@else22 (4317)
• India
18 Dec 12
Hi namiya,for me it is not a 'work.'Work generally leaves us tired.We do our offline jobs,because we have to survive.We do them whether we like them or not.This is not the case with Mylot.We log on to Mylot and participate here to get ourselves relieved of our stress.We enjoy participating here.And we willingly participate here.That's why we can't dub it as a 'work'.It's fun.
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@namiya (1713)
• Philippines
18 Dec 12
agree with you, mylot is a stress reliever after a days routine and entertainment when i'm alone at home.
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
I just can't help but to respond again for I have found out who the guy you are referring. I don't know if we are referring to the same person. I think he is stressing himself here in myLot but I envy him because he is earning a lot in here. Maybe he is a good typer but I think he is not enjoying. This is just my thoughts..
@else22 (4317)
• India
24 Dec 12
As i have said,he is my neighbor and he has not joined mylot for money.He knows very well that mylot is not a site for making money.He has joined it only to relax himself of his work stress.And he says he gets relaxed here.
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
Hello there! I wonder who is this guy that you are referring? If anyone here in myLot is for earning, I think he or she is just wasting his time. MyLot has many things to offer than earning! I consider myLot my friend. It is here that I get to do my love for reading and writing. I get good insights and advices here too. I feel that anyone shouldn't stress themselves in earning here. Earning a few cents in just a plus. Earning here is only secondary for me. It is better than earning nothing in social networking sites, right? Happly Lotting and Happy Holidays!
@else22 (4317)
• India
24 Dec 12
The guy is my neighbor.He does a 9 to 5 job and participates in Mylot only after his office hours.He has not joined Mylot for making money.Like you he too considers Mylot as his friend.He says participation in Mylot relaxes him of his stress.But his relatives and neighbors don't understand him.They say he is wasting his time.What is interesting is that they have no idea about Mylot.
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@00zero00 (30)
24 Dec 12
For me, it depends on how much time a person spend on mylot. It would be a waste of time if you're putting all your effort and time in making money online. a "part-time" job would be the best description for online works...don't put your whole life into it...
@else22 (4317)
• India
25 Dec 12
He spends all his spare time- from 5 pm to 9 pm- here.All the rest of his time is spent on his regular job and other necessary works like sleeping and taking his dinner,talking with his family members etc.Don't you think he is making a very good use of his time?
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
Well if the person really has nothing else to do, then I guess he or she is not wasting time. You get to learn a lot in my lot as well as gain friends. It is better than other social networking site since it shares its earnings to the members. But this should not be construed as a good source of income and if there is work may it be off line or online who pays better then that should be the one that is given more attention. I actually treat mylot more of a learning site and sharing site rather than for income purposes.
@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Dec 12
The guy has a 9 to 5 job,and he has joined Mylot just to relax himself after his job is over.His job is his source of earning and he knows Mylot cannot replace it.So I don't think he is wasting his time.He says he enjoys participating on Mylot.That means he feels the joy of expressing himself.In addition,he gets paid a little for doing all this.I don't think he's wasting his time.I agree with your views.
@allknowing (130523)
• India
19 Dec 12
If that person has come here to earn cents and spends most of his time here then he needs to think again. As this is not a place to earn on's living. It is a place to unwind, interact, socialise, exchange knowledge and while engaging in such activities myLot pays its users.
@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Dec 12
Agree,my friend.Mylot is not a site where you can have an income.But this guy has a 9 to 5 job and he participates here only when his job is over.He says Mylot relieves him of his stress and prepares him for the next day's work.I don't think he is wasting his time.
@sjvg1976 (41132)
• Delhi, India
19 Dec 12
Hi else, It varies from person to person some people here work only to earn money and some work here to have fun and earn money for me just Mylotting for earning is not good as one cannot expect to earn huge amount from Mylot though he/she works for hours though it someone has no source of earning then its not a bad idea to work more here and earn for it.
@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Dec 12
I don't think,my friend,you can have a huge income from Mylot.This guy too is earning from his regular job to sustain his family.He participates in Mylot after his office hours.Here he gets relaxed.I think,he is not wasting his time.
@STOUTjodee (3572)
• United States
18 Dec 12
It depends on what the person's attitude is for being here is. What motivates him for being here? If he's just looking at mylot as a job, maybe he is wasting his time. If however, he's looking at it as an adventure in making friends with the bonus of earning money then it's not a job.
@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Dec 12
I agree with you.It all depends on why you are here.If you are here for money,then certainly you are squandering your time.Mylot can't replace you regular business or your regular 9 to 5 job.You can't make a sustainable income here,because it is not a site where you can make money.Here you learn,learn how to express yourself,share with your friends and get paid a little for doing all this.It is a wastage of time when making money from Mylot becomes your aim here.Otherwise it is a place where you can spend a quality time.
@wishjui (271)
• India
20 Dec 12
Hi! I find Mylot as a stress buster!This is a platform where I speak my heart and also get responses which soothes me and directs me in a right direction.About the earning part,I haven't earned anything big and not yet received my first payment.... still I find this place worth spending.Yes! one should work outside of it too for earning but if at the end of the day one wants some relaxation with something earned too...I thing nothing can be better than this!
@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Dec 12
You are right,wishjui.Mylot is a place where you get yourself relieved of your stress.Earnings are not essential.Mylot is not a site for making money.It refreshes you and that's what matters.It prepares you for the next day's work.So I don't think the guy is wasting his time.Instead,he's making a quality use of his time.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
20 Dec 12
Well, a lot of people waste their time playing games online or video games. At least we met interesting people and earn on Mylot. Also, we have an opportunity to develop our writing skills. It may not be a lot of money earning on Mylot but it does add up. And, who knows where it can lead. My goal is to earn a full time online income. So, I don't think Mylot is a waste of time and besides, it is fun connecting and communicating with other people from around the world.
@else22 (4317)
• India
23 Dec 12
I don't play online games,but am told that that you can earn money by playing games online.I have never tried it.So far as Mylot is concerned,I think one should join it not for making money,but for making a quality use of one's time.The guy I have mentioned in my discussion participates in Mylot only after his office hours.Here he gets refreshed and ready for another day's work.So,in my opinion,he is not wasting his time.