Do you think it's rude?

Bath set - the mini travel bath set.
@911Ricki (13588)
December 25, 2012 4:29pm CST
My younger brother's girlfriend came to our dinner today. She bought (from her and her parents) my sister, me, and my Mom these bath sets. I will take a picture of it, but it has a scrub pad, roll on deodarent, 2 lotions, and those bubble bath circles. Now I thanked her for it, and wont tell her this. But I wont use it, I know I will break out by even touching it. I wont even pull it out, as I will break out in a rash, and itch like crazy. I was going to either resell it, or regift it to someone else. My sister said that is just rude, but I wont use it, and why throw it out to waste it.
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44 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Dec 12
My sister is the same way, she breaks out from anything scented. So if she gets a bath set that is scented of any kind she will get a rash and itchy from head to toe. I don't think its rude to give it someone else. You got it for free so I think its better to give it away but that is just my opinion...
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
I sent a friend a message asking if she wanted it, but noone else I know would use it (it's a rather horrible smell honestly). I know my sister would say I;ll use it, then sit there for years. I've done that in the past, and she has boxes in her room full of things. If my friend doesn't want it then I will try and sell it on a Facebook group, or regift it for someone.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Dec 12
If no one wants it then sell it. Shoot, let someone get some use out of it. Lol.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
My friend declined as she actually has one, and hates that smell. So I will resell it for a few dollars, and it wont collect dust here, and someone can use it. If not, I will regift it to someone else in the future.
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• United States
27 Dec 12
I know how the allergy thing is. I've had enough sinus misery due to things beyond my control to last several lifetimes. The gift is your property to do with as you please. If it were me, I would re-gift it, donate it (for instance, to a charity auction) or resell it.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
28 Dec 12
I was thinking of giving it to the charity auction I particpate in. It looks really cheap gift, and many would want to buy it.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
28 Dec 12
Better to kept it, friend. That is a kind of gift, which is important to any person that give a gift. Even if we don't like it. The important thing was to accept it with our heart for not disappoint the person who gives the gift.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Dec 12
I would say that you should hold on to it and then next year when it comes to the gift exchanges that you do at your various jobs, you already have a gift that you can give for that. In other words, I don't think that it is rude at all to regift it if it is something that you wouldn't be able to use. Instead, I think it is nice of your brother's girlfriend to bring gifts for all of you when she really didn't have to do that at all.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
28 Dec 12
I was thinking that but it looks like a cheap gift honestly. I opened them and you can tell they have been sitting around for awhile.
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@Arieles (2473)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Of course it is not rude. It was thoughtful of your sister to give you the gift, but if you can't use it then by all means give it to someone who can. There are three things we need in life other than a home. Food, soap and love. If you have these three things you are very blessed. A wise thing to do is to give it to a homeless shelter. These women have none of those things and would appreciate a gift like this. If someone can get some use of this gift, it's the joy in giving that should make us happy. I wouldn't regift this item to anyone in the same circle as your sister though and why hurt her feelings by telling her you can't use it.
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• Indonesia
28 Dec 12
I do not think it's rude. After all you are allergic to them and can not use it Because you'll break out if use those products. I think re-gift it to someone who appreaciate suitable to them and to get them will be the best. Since it's a waste if you can not use them, better to let someone use it. Well of course it's the best that you will not let the person who give them to you know that you want to give his gift to anyone else. But rather than throw them away it's better to be used to the make someone else happy after all.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
26 Dec 12
It's not rude to do with as you please now since it belongs to you. It would be rude to tell her that you can't or won't use it, though. Just don't say anything other than "thank you" and don't worry about it.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
26 Dec 12
That's what I thought, and my friend said as well.
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• United States
25 Dec 12
If I were to get a bath set for someone and not know if the person is allergic or not, I would get a bath mitt that is made of 100% cotton, a little bar of soap that is made of all natural ingredients, and a little candle that is fragrance-free for ambience. I've been knitting bath mitts over the last several months and have been looking for soaps and candles to make up little bath gift sets to sell. I've not come across those that I could buy at a reasonable price. I might have to make them myself.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
25 Dec 12
They spent no more then 5 USD on that I am sure, so I wouldn't worry about it. It was very nice of them but you can't always use everything people gift you. Re-gift it, and don't worry about what your sister says. I got a gift today as well, not something I will use but I have a friend who will so I will most likely ship it to him. It's the thought that counts.
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@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
25 Dec 12
No I don't really think it is too rude to return gifts that you won't use especially in this case. A lot of different personal care products give me bad skin reactions as well that's why I'm pretty particular about what I use. I normally use natural soaps and hair products and such to avoid all the weird nasty petrochemicals that are in many personal care products. I certainly wouldn't let the person know that I returned their gift or anything like that so I don't make them feel bad. However if someone returned one of my gifts I would understand because at least the money I invested into making them happy could be used to actually make them happy.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
I am the same I use specific products and all natural chemical free. I am unsure where she got the gift, so I will either resell it online, or regift it for someone who I know would use it.
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@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
26 Dec 12
It's kind funny, didn't she get anything else to gift you? I can't even imagine gifting it to someone, I've no idea what to suggest you but this kind of gift is not normal.
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• India
26 Dec 12
If someone is a musician, you'll gift him a musical instrument, if someone is good at playing football, you'll gift them a football. Similarly, you imagine whom would you gift soap and deodorant.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
26 Dec 12
No, this is all she gave me. Why is it not normal?.
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• United States
26 Dec 12
Some people think its an impolite sort of gift with a hidden meaning. That would depend on how the gift receiver wishes to take it. A don't know of any female who gives a perfumed bath set with any other thought behind it than that the person will enjoy the lovely scent as they relax in their tub or shower. I'd be more worried if it were some standard bar of soap.
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• United States
25 Dec 12
It's not rude. Someone else will live getting it for a gift. It would be wasteful to just throw it away. I'd register it, if it were me.
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• United States
26 Dec 12
That's a typo. The iPhone said register when I wrote regift it. It tries to make sense of a word if its not in the iPhone word directory. I had to cancel the word offered to get the word I wanted in there. Regift.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
26 Dec 12
Oh Ok, I was going to say what does registering it do. I hate auto correct, always changing the words.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
26 Dec 12
Register it? I just didn't want to throw it out as it's perfectly fine.
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@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
25 Dec 12
I think you should would for a long time after Christmas so that their gifts would be more likely out of their thoughts already. Don't sell it and don't use it yet. Maybe you can let other members of the family use it. Just leave the gift alone for now and keep it somewhere.
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@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
25 Dec 12
would = wait sorry
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
25 Dec 12
Its the thought that counts. Like the 11 fruit cakes I got. i sure would never tell the people I hate them. Have a merry xmas there..... See ya dear.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
Exactly, I wouldn't tell her I didn't like it, or wouldn't use it. But I wouldn't want it to go to waste.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Dec 12
That was your opportunity to tell her of your allergy. You could've offered to return it to her or let her know you will pass it on to someone who can appreciate it. I don't think the action of re=gifting is rude but keeping the info from her is rude.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Dec 12
hi Ricki if you cannot use it without getting all rashed up no its not rude to regift to someone who can use it. just so yow do not regift it to the giver lol lol.I think most people have done that at least once in their lives.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
28 Dec 12
I would rather regift something that I can't use than to throw it out. Throwing it out would be a waste, and I'm sure would hurt the giver's feelings should she get wind of it. I usually put unwanted gifts in the box to go to the thrift shop.The type of gift you mentioned would be welcomed at the battered women's shelter, also.
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
25 Dec 12
I think it be more rude to throw it away. It's yours, you can't use it for very good reasons, why not sell or regift it? I would.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
That's what I thought, and another friend said.
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• India
31 Dec 12
Yes you are correct ,if you really do not want to use that then why to open and throw them out to waste and better to re-gift that to someone else in some occasion.I used to get so many gifts in my birthday and I never use all of them.I just check them one by one and if not find interesting then search for a occasion to re-gift them to my friends.Its really good as you can save some money in that time for buying gifts.
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• Argentina
25 Dec 12
It is OK, do as you please, for now it is yours. Will it really be that bad to keep something hazardous for your body, even when it's your propierty?
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
That is very true.
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