Delays In My Prayer

January 10, 2013 2:04am CST
Do you always get an answer to your prayers? Well, I used to make a list of prayer items every time the new year begins. These prayers would be waited to be answered for the whole year. Every year-end, I would check if everything in the list has been answered. It is exciting when I see a lot of checks by each item. Unfortunately, there are also some items that have not yet answered. With regards to the unanswered ones, I am still hopefilled that they would be soon come to real. I still have faith that God is at work with these prayers and I believe that He often has to delay his work in us in order to accomplish something for His purposes that can only be achieved in delays. How about my fellow mylotters, what is your view about delays in God's answer to your prayer?
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9 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
10 Jan 13
Hmm ... so you are keeping tabs on God's performance, are you? Do you have a yearly 'performance review' and what do you do is His productivity is low? Have you ever considered that God is NOT your 'employee' or 'servant' or 'gopher' to answer your 'prayers' (and to be brought to book when he doesn't perform the way you think he should)? If you are still thinking like this then you are thinking like a child who asks for things from his parents (or from Santa) and expects to get them, as if by magic! Please grow up and realise that prayer has NOTHING to do with asking for things and expecting them to happen just because you asked for them! Prayer is about meeting with God - just being consciously in His presence ... and LISTENING to what He might have to say to you. He already KNOWS what is needful (which may not always be what you want); asking Him for what you want is really only useful TO YOU (verbalising your desires, wants and worries helps YOU to be rid of them and is part of the process of 'answering your prayers'!)
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
10 Jan 13
"what do you do if His productivity is low?" (Spell checking only works if a word is not in the list!)
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
10 Jan 13
Reading this topic and what you have wrote here gives me HOPE! I have not list out what my prayer request for this year but God answered all our prayers in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. The best things that I learn from God is :- "When God Bless us, He will bless us with the best"! and much much more than what we asked, God is Great! The best Heavenly Father anyone could ever ask... Praise the Lord! The only one thing that God have not answered me was I always wish to have a brand new imported car ....still in my waiting list :) As you said, God have God's timing for the best, He has his Reason and in His Season.
• Philippines
18 Jan 13
Wow! Your comment also has enlightened me. When God blesses us He will going to bless us with the best. Yeah, and only Him who knows the best.
• Philippines
11 Jan 13
I believe that God answers all our prayers only He answers it at the right place and at the right time so there are times when what we ask Him takes time to be granted. God only wants what's best for us so I still keep on praying and never lose hope that one day when it's the right time for me to have it, God will never hestitate to grant that prayer. He's never failed me yet and I'm grateful for His mercy. Happy myLotting! :D
• Philippines
18 Jan 13
That's what I do too. Let'd keep the faith and be hopeful. Happy myLotting! :)
• Philippines
18 Jan 13
Yes, you are absolutely right. God answers at the right time..It is just that my timing really differs from His timing. Well, I trust His ways so i just keep asking until the prayer happens.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
I do not see them as delays actually, i see it as God gives it to us at the right time He deems right. It is came not on the time i want it, therefore that is not the right time.
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
10 Jan 13
God knows best.
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• Philippines
10 Jan 13
Indeed! Short but it-says-all comment. Thanks Sishy!
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• Qatar
11 Jan 13
There may be delay in God's answer to our prayers but rest assured that it is for our best. Remember this:God always answer our prayers, sometimes yess, sometimes no, but sometimes.....wait!
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
11 Jan 13
I believe all our prayers are answered in some way. Maybe it is a yes, maybe a no, and sometimes He answers with a not yet. What I sometimes might prayer for may not be the best thing for me in the long run. I don't know. I guess that is why I have to trust that He has my best interests at heart.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
18 Jan 13
I have to ask what are those unanswered prayers about? Have you ever heard the song. Sometimes God's greatest answers are unanswered Prayers? I also believe in being careful what you pray for because you might get it too.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
10 Jan 13
It is true that God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we expect Him to do so. I think we need to be open to God's answered and guidance and direction when we pray. I seek His wisdom and guidance when I pray, not just pray and expect Him to do what I think ought to be done. God is a lot wiser than I am, so I seek His wisdom. So, with unanswered prayers - sometimes they are indeed answered - just that the answer is different from what we expected. Perhaps we need to understand God's answers to our prayers. When I do that, I have a much deeper and bigger answer to my prayers than I expected. And then I appreciate God's bigger picture and bigger promise and hope to my life.