People who wear non-prescription glasses

United States
January 27, 2013 6:25pm CST
As someone who needs to where prescription eyeglasses, it always bothers me when people where non-prescription glasses for fashion. I Finn't like wearing glasses and wish that I didn't need them. I would never think of putting on eyeglasses for a fashion statement. Would you wear glasses if you didn't actually need them to see?
1 response
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
28 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well wearing sunglasses for fashion is absolutely alright but other than that, glasses should never be donned with prescription or prior advice from the doctor. It is very risky to wear non-prescription glasses as it might hamper your eyesight and might interfere with the functioning of your eyes. What say?
• United States
28 Jan 13
Actually sunglasses are for more that just fashion. They serve a purpose. As for the non-prescription glasses they are just clear glass and won't damage your eyes at all. My point is that I never wanted to wear glasses and was sad when I was told I needed to wear them. If I didn't need glasses to correct my vision or use sunglasses to cut down sun glare, I wouldn't think of putting on a pair of glasses just for a fashion statement.