How to find recipes

chick peas - looking for recipe
@ctryhnny (3460)
United States
February 12, 2013 8:54am CST
I read that beans are good for you and I remembered a dish my Mom used to make with chick peas that I loved. Unfortunately, I never got the recipe from her before she passed away. So, I got myself a can of chick peas and asked a family member if she knew my Moms recipe which she does not and doesn't have one of her own. I've searched online and haven't been able to find anything near my Mom's dish. Where do you get recipes from? Are there recipes that have been handed down in your family from Mother to daughter? Do you have any recipes using chick peas that I might try?
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8 responses
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
12 Feb 13
If you know a few of the ingredients in the chickpea recipe you can enter them into a search engine a hope for your recipe to be listed. ie: chickpea/chicken broth/rice/recipe You might try something like that. What are the ingredients in the recipe you need? I make several different dishes with chickpeas but I use the dried peas and not the canned. I think they taste better.
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@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I've never tried the dried peas but you have me a good idea. I also am going to try putting the ingredients tomato sauce and pasta in a search box and see what I find. Thanks for the idea.
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@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Feb 13
Today there are many ways to find the recipes. The most convenient way is to search it via the net. I always learn new recipes via the net. Besides, sometimes eating a nice dish in a restaurant can be helpful because you will gain inspirations from it and you can copy the similar dish by yourself. Of course you can also learn from some cooking TV shows.
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@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
13 Feb 13
The cooking shows seem to have such extravagant recipes and not usually anything I would cook for myself.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Feb 13
ctryhnny I used to go to to get recipes when I was cooking for myself,.I always found what I was looking for . YOUr picture of chick peas looks like garbanzo beans to me or are they the same?I will check and co me back if I find a chickpea recipe for you.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Feb 13
hi go to and they have tons of different chick peas recipes good luck maybe you will find your mom's recipe there Good Lu ck.
@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
1 Mar 13
They are the same, Hatley. Garbanzo is the name in Spanish.
• United States
12 Feb 13
I generally don't follow recipes step-by-step. Rather, I use them for inspiration. My mother has a notebook of recipes, but I've never been inspired to ask her for any of them. Why? Because she really is not a good cook. This is the woman who cooked turkey burgers in water--and without any seasonings, not even salt. I bookmark all sorts of recipes on different sites. I also pin a lot to Pinterest, and I have many favorited in Gojee. However, the Pinterest and Gojee stuff is more for the pretty pictures... Yes, I am one of those people who loves photos of good food. I have no interest in people's photos of their rubbishtastic fast "food" or the like, though. Chick peas are primarily used in salads here. However, I have also tossed them into vegetable or tempeh-and-vegetable dishes that I've cooked. They are also a good addition to stews, but I never think to add them in when I'm making stew.
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@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
12 Feb 13
lol...your poor Mom! My Moms recipe consisted of tomato sauce and pasta. I'm going to have to keep searching.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
12 Feb 13
I usually find them online, I have wanted to make recipes that I have made while out. I usually know a few ingredients, and will search. These squares my aunt made years ago, I ended up finding the recipe hours after searching.
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@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Thanks to all the responses I think I have found the recipe I was looking for.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
12 Feb 13
I go online alot, Ive found alot of blogs about great recipes. I love these the best. Good luck to you.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
12 Feb 13
hmmm...I never tried a recipe blog but have checked different recipe sites.
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@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
24 Feb 13
I have a recipe blog,you can check it out sometimes,for great meal ideas.I beans are very good,source for protins,an it is very good for us.I will check and is if their is any online for you.yes my mom have some great family recipe that has pass on to her. are you can try to do one for yourr self,try an cook the chick peass with something.
@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
1 Mar 13
THere are many sites online where you can get recipes by simply stating what you want. Try googling "chicken peas" or "garbanzos". I prefer my chicken peas with pork. I either buy legs or shoulder and boil it in the pressure cooker until tender. I take out the meat and cooke the garbanzos there for about 10 minutes or until tender. I then add diced onion fried with crushed garlic and whatever else you like. Serve it with some of the meat. YUMMY! I cannot help you with canned legumes as I always buy mine dry and cook them myself. Try them: they are a lot cheaper and can be frozen.