I miss my father=(

February 18, 2013 8:11pm CST
Its been two weeks ago when my father past away..but until now, i consider he's still here with us. All the things he have gone through with his illness still fresh in me how he suffered so much. I still felt the feeling of guilt that i contributed to his pain when i sometimes become impatient with his irritable behavior due to his condition..i feel sorry for that, but i did hurt him already and that was still makes me feel bad. His last words to me was "forgive me wowie", i feel hurt and only cried as i was staring on him and prayed because of his critical condition when we were in the emergency. I was hoping that time that his going to be fine soon, but the next day..when my mother and all my siblings came to be with him and whisper to him to fight for his illness and tell him that we love him so much, a few minutes after, he stop breathing. it seems that everything had stop knowing that his gone. I miss my father..
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17 responses
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
19 Feb 13
Wahwee,i'm so sorry to hear that and many people would go through the same thing.So just cheer up and make yourself better to let him proud of you.Time indeed heals the wound and hope you become better soon and find the direction in your life.
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• Philippines
19 Feb 13
yes, its only hard losing someone precious to you.. Its just sad that he will never comeback.
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@caopaopao (12395)
• China
19 Feb 13
Sorry about your suffering and your loss, when I read your discussion, I can feel what you feel now and also the period when your father was ill, it's really a suffering when we lose a family, on the other hand, your father has ended his misery, the illness is also a suffering for him, I think. Anyway, it's sweet that you and your family whispered to him to fight for his illness and told him you love him, he must be happy for that. He left without regret. We can't stop losing a fimily, but we can treat the other family well. Hope you can feel better soon, I know it needs time.
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• Philippines
19 Feb 13
Yes, because we wanna make him happy and we've seen on him how he really fight for his illness and tried to respond to us through his teary-eyed.. thank you caopaopao.
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@redredrose (1105)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Remember only the good times an memories you shared with your dad and none of the bad. Don't feel guilty because now he is no longer in pain or sick. It is very normal to miss your father as you only lost him 2 weeks ago. Remember him with smiles and laughter not guilt and sadness. I know he knew then and knows now how much you loved him then and love him now. Prayers to you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss but it will get easier with time.
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@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
So sorry for this , i know no intense pain as losing a dad. I too experienced that one.I am a nurse but i was not able to nurse dad when he needed me most. Up to now it's 5 years ago pain is still same and i kept missing dad . As if he was round just bit far from us and as if one day he will be coming home again. You don't worry , your dad is at peace now. He is happy with our Father now and he watches you from heaven, in spirit he will always be with you. You need to move on because your dad won't be at peace if seeing you in misery. He wanted you to be strong and to continue your fighting for your dreams. Actually we are so lucky for having that greatest dad , it was a privilege having them in our life ! God bless friend !
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@elenaliu (149)
• China
19 Feb 13
Don't blame yourself anymore,I think you are not on purpose to be angry with your father when he was ill.I think your father had forgiven you already.
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• India
19 Feb 13
I am so sad to hear that and I really wish him to be in peace of heaven. I am sure that you will feel better with time and it is not possible at all to forget our dear one but it is possible that we remember them always with good memories. I had an uncle who passed away from cancer. I remeber the last time I saw him, he become so slim and while I wanted to handshake with him my backpack fell dawn and his tinny skin injured and had blood. I was so sorry and wanted to take his hand but he hide his hand and kissed my hand even. I was too shy and after few day he passed away. I still can not believe he has gone and I miss him alot. He was too kind and for that I always try to keep good memories of him in my mind.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
19 Feb 13
I'm so sorry to hear about the lost of your father. Losing a loved one is very difficult. Especially when we have seen them go through so many things. I lost my father at a young age and it was a very difficult thing for me to endure. Keep the memories of the good times that you and him had together fresh in your mind.
@cttolledo (5455)
• Legaspi, Philippines
19 Feb 13
Very sad story, but good thing you have the chance to share it to atleast alleviate your sadness from your loss. Don't worry wahwee.. all of us will be soon there.. its just a matter of time .. what is important is that you and your dad parted ways with smile and acceptance. Cheer up!
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
20 Mar 13
Hi, I feel very sad for your father. The persons who are in critical condition and going through painful situation are very depressed and sometimes they behave badly unwillingly. The persons who are taking care of them also get annoyed by their behavior. there is no one's fault. The situation force the person to do like this. There are moments in life when we miss someone so that we just want to pick them from our dreams and hug them for real. So once they are around us we should appreciate them more.
@nitinnair89 (2900)
• India
19 Feb 13
Sad to know this. May his soul rest in peace.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
19 Feb 13
i am very sorry about your loss,please take hurt and know he is in a better place not suffering anymore.i lost my dad two years ago and you never get over missing him, needing him and wishing you had done some things differently,you have to be strong and trust this was meant to be,we will all die some day.we can never really have enough time to say bye to our loved ones nor can we blame ourselves for what we didn't do while they were still with us,just dwell on the happy times and memories you had together and share this good thoughts with people close to you ,it helps ease that pain,cry if you must,just never bottle in this pains.
• India
19 Feb 13
Sorry to hear this.I am deepest condolences to you.I can understand your feelings and emotions.I understand what you are going through.You might have emotions running down and its natural.Well,its tough that we all have a limited life and sometimes some of the things are unfulfilled. Atleast you were able to share here and many are there to console you.I lost my dad 8 years ago.It was tough on me,my mum and brother.Things have never been same even now.But then time is a great healer.Well,even now i believe my dad is there with us and is guiding us through different things.Just remember the great times you had with you dad.Those memories should help you through this time and future.But then you need to now make your father more proud as he is in heaven.You need to ensure you will be good and work towards the betterment of your family.Do things that would have made him proud.I have been doing things for my career,life and family for 8 years.Not sure if my dad is fully satisfied but i am sure he is happy and proud of me from heavens.So think in the directions and work towards all of these.
• Philippines
20 Feb 13
yes i will make him proud of me, thank you asokavaradhana..
@tyleremy (170)
• China
19 Feb 13
I'm starting to love my father now.I used to hate him for he didn't understand me.Not until now have I found how a great father he is!All I'm saying is don't hesitate to do or to say something before it is too late! I'm really sorry about your loss.He's gone but he has still lived in you mind.
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@mani118 (146)
• Pakistan
19 Feb 13
It's a sad news.But everybody has to left oneday this world.This is the rule of nature never feel bad.Yes we always miss our beloved one's. Time will keep going and will not stop. I also had lost my grandfather 20 days ago.I always remember them.they are not going out of my mind.Because he was the man who taught me how to walk. I hope that time will pass.And new time will bring happiness for you.
• Philippines
20 Feb 13
Im looking forward to it, but it would take a long time for us to heal.. he's a cool, sweet dad and happy to be with. He taught us a lot of things he knew about living. Thank you mani118..
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
19 Feb 13
My sincerest and deepest condolensces for you loss! I cannot, with good faith, say that time will help you heal, but it will lessen the pain, somewhat. My dear Father, passed some 40 years ago...the picture on my avatar is where I spread his ashes..and my screensaver is his picture. And today, I still love and miss him as much, but I do know that he is in a better place where he is pain free! Welcome to myLot...it is a wonderful place!
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
19 Feb 13
I understand what you are going through there. I lost my mom a year or so ago. And even today I miss her. Try and remember all the great times you had with your dad. Take care there.
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
19 Feb 13
I am sorry about your loss and i wish you all the best in the world you will always remember all the good times and try to forget any of the bad times it will get better in time