Snow Snow And More Snow

United States
February 21, 2013 6:52pm CST
My hubby came home from work today and couldn't get the car into the driveway because of all the ice and snow we have here in Missouri. So he goes to park in the parking lot next door and on his way into the lot the car got stuck. So for an hr he and i dug the snow and ice from around the tires pushed the car and poured pots of hot water on the snow around the tires to loosen it up. He then got into the car ans just started turning the wheel because then the tires blew the rest of the snow out and the car could move again. Tho he had yo dig a space in front of the driveway to park the car. Like i said this all took an hr after he got home. The drive home itself took 90 minutes from work and he only works 30 minutes from home. See this is what i hate about winter and the cold. Hope nobody else is dealing with this this winter. This is why i tell people i'd like to be in Florida right now.
10 responses
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
22 Feb 13
oh you are not alone. lots of people are dealing with it. and I can understand how it just got so freezing cold all of a sudden. 1 thing that might help if you put cardboard in front of your tires when it gets stuck. this way your car is driving on the cardboard and not this now.
• United States
22 Feb 13
Funny that you mentioned cardboard because in the end my hubby used some to help with the tires.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
22 Feb 13
MOst of our snow is gone but expecting more tomorrow and then again on Tuesday! I'm so happy I don't drive and can stay home nice and dry!
@yanzalong (18980)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 13
I felt how terrible it was in winter. When I was out, I couldn't hold thing properly due to the stiff fingers. I was in the UK in January many years ago, and I experienced the worst weather in my life. I could feel how you and your hubby felt during the winter season. No matter how bad it is, winter is unavoidable time people have to go through and they have to put up with it patiently, right?
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
22 Feb 13
Hi I alway carry a shovel in My this year I got A 4x4 drive.and I still Carry the shovel with does help.
• United States
22 Feb 13
Ohio had a bad Ice storm last night, so people were scare they would be stuck in the house of course they were running to the store, me I always be prepared. I'm hoping NO more snow until next winter, I really only like it for christmas. Be careful and be safe in that snow. I'm the Frugal Bree
• United States
22 Feb 13
So glad that the spring is coming~~
@lowloy (316)
• United States
22 Feb 13
i had similar problems 2 days in a row in my own driveway, and had to call AAA to pull the car out. any other car would been ok but i have a tiny 4 door that won't do much in snow. this was backing out a long driveway, but driving in it was alright. i heard the mess is coming my way so wish ohio luck in the next 24 hours. i hope all will be ok for you tommorrow!
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
I than God that we do not have to deal with snow. But I have also wished to see snow and play with my kids. I guess, wherever we are, there are just things that we don;t want about our place.
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
22 Feb 13
I moved from a tropical country to the midwest. And now we are having our turn for the snowstorm. Well, what can I do, my husband lives here. At first I thought I can definitely play i the snow. That is until I feel the wind and I almost cried because of the cold. But I guess after 2 months of being here, I am getting used to it. I am learning how to drive in the snow, and just this afternoon, I helped scoop the back porch. Tomorrow, I will have to dust the snow off my car in the driveway and help scoop out the snow in our cobbled pathway so we can easily walk in and out of the house.
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
22 Feb 13
oh how i remember thouse days i use to live there