Helping others

February 23, 2013 10:20pm CST
I really like the feeling of showing people how you care, and how you give them help when they are in need even the simplest thing that we cant believe, they are very grateful. Very inspiring, i experience a lot that's why i love people. I remember, the one who now finished her college degree and working in a big company, currently helping her sibling in University.Very very good feeling. Thanks God a lot for everything.
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16 responses
24 Feb 13
This is really appreciating that you admire helping others. In my views, when I help someone, it gives me some kind of satisfaction and even, it boosts my self-esteem. Those who do not give a helping hand to others, they never get it in returns and become alone some time. Besides, helping and treating others with humanity is also enlisted in all religious practises as a must thing.
24 Feb 13
Hi you are right. Thank you. The blessing is also fast if you encounter challenges or problems. I sometimes think wow God is always with me. I have a lot of problems but i manage them all. I cant believe myself, and very grateful of the people who are with me.:)
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Feb 13
hi Rovelyn welcolme to mylot.Yes its a great good feeling to know you are helping others. I worked for years as a nurses aide helping others then my last 23 years I worked in the local library helping others again.I not only shelved media but when people asked me where a certain book was I also told them even though it was not my job. I loved my job and loved the crew I worked with too.
24 Feb 13
Hi, thank you so much for the nice message. i appreciate it a lot. You are incredible. you helped a lot of people. Being a nurse is not n easy profession and so as a librarian. Keep it up. Love to hear from you. Take care:)
@julianmac (396)
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
Helping others is an art of a great virtue. It is a kind attitude that we should adapt. Not many realizes that by helping others we are actually helping ourselves. By assisting and improving you are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up. God Bless!
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
Yes, it's really a great feeling when you help someone. Just be kind and be always to ready to help someone in need. God will give you the reward :)
@nyssa102 (748)
• United States
25 Mar 13
Good post. I believe in helping others. Some people call it a survival instinct and say that it is selfish to help others only because we are doing it because we feel good afterwards. I just bypass all of that silly talk and say 'screw all the psychological bull crap', I'm going to be there for someone. However, you are Never Helping if that person does not want you in their life. Believe me, you are never helping them if they cannot stand your presence, you will be contributing to their illness if you keep pestering them about helping them. Killing with kindness is a very wicked thing, and it can be done on purpose under the guise of ignorance to the effect of the person involved, or it's done because the helper is just clueless about the person they have targeted. Bottom line: Helping is good, just make sure that they want and need that help. There is a fine line between busy body B.S. and sincere assistance that actually benefits someones life without causing them stress.
• South Korea
25 Feb 13
helping others gives so much happiness to the one who really has the heart to give... So, may your dreams come true...!! goodluck!
@allknowing (130518)
• India
24 Feb 13
Help can be rendered in several ways but the biggest help one can give others is to show them how to help themselves. There is a saying somewhat on the lines that says that we should give the fishing tackle and not the fish. While doing this it is possible those who got the fishing tackle might forget the help rendered as it will be just once may be that person will come in one's life but if fish is provided each time it is needed then the one that provides the fish is remembered. It is for remembering that some social workers prefer to give 'fish' than the 'fishing tackle' . I prefer giving the fishing tackle.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
I do find satisfaction in helping others. Only if I had the means all the time, will I dedicate my life in helping to who really need it.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
24 Feb 13
for sure it is a great thing to derive confidence out of and i would say always keep it up for the good
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
that is so good of you that you helped a person finish his studies. of course the feeling is very delightful. you helped that person to be in right track of his life by helping the education. very wise. if all the people have a heart like you, i guess, no one will suffer in this world. so keep it up
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
24 Feb 13
Helping someone is beneficial for both, the benefits go both ways. The one helping feels good about himself and he gets this feeling of fulfillment that helping someone genuinely can only give; and the person receiving the help of course gets the support that he needs and an opportunity to better himself. It also inspires people, as those who have been helped pays it forward as they also want to bring back the help that themselves received when they are at their lowest.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
It is written, "never tired of doing good to other people for in time it will be rewarded." It is really amazing when some people still want to help other people despite the difficulties nowadays. God is pleased with these people.
24 Feb 13
Indeed there is no great feeling than in giving and helping other people and in return so much blessing it will bring you.
• India
24 Feb 13
careing is good thing.if u care for someone u should get care by others.we care for somone we like.its great feelings .care ur loved one bcoz there are one of kind.
@marguicha (216896)
• Chile
24 Feb 13
Welcome to mylot, Rovelyn! I, like you, am inspired by people who try to help other people. Some people do a lot, without even thinking about it. I try to do as much as I xan, but I confess that I`m not so generous as my late husband was. I feel blessed to know such people and think that the world is a better place with them.
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
I admire you having that sense of obligation of helping other people. It also makes me feel happy and relaxing every time I was able to help another person. Sometimes I know I was not able to give everything that I can give to someone who is need but I feel guilty afterwards. We should help each other and I believe I should help someone so that when the time comes that I need help, there will be somebody who will give me a helping hand too.