Working day vs holiday with computer.......... for me.

February 27, 2013 9:40am CST
My days of life currently can be categorized into school working days and holidays. And can you imagine what can correctly mark the distinguishion between both??? It is like this: " If the number of words typed on computer exceed the number of words written by pen on notebook, then it is holiday. " And if, number of words written in notebook exceeds number of words typed on the computer , then it is working day. So this is enough to prove my addiction towards computer. Even though I am able to control my computer craze during school working days and concentrate on studies. But, I just can not control myself on holidays and I don't know how time passes on sitting in front of computer......... Are you too addicted to pc like me?
4 responses
@LoKoMoMe (511)
• Belize
27 Feb 13
im addicted to computer like you if I get luck of energy only using computer. most of the time I use my computer for only 1-2 hours because I cant stay looking in the monitor for long hours.. after using my computer ill rest for a while and back to computer again..if i can stay in computer for long hours i think I can be here without leaving my computer.
28 Feb 13
Yes, i too turn of my pc only keeping in mind the passage of time and worrying about my eyes.
@LoKoMoMe (511)
• Belize
4 Mar 13
yes that's our only opponent :) computer wins at all hehe..
• India
27 Feb 13
I do not have any other option than being addicted to computers.Being a software engineer I have to spend most of my time when I am awake in front of computer only. So it does not excite me now much. But I would say that now whenever I get spare time I do mylotting.
28 Feb 13
Oh, so in your case working day itself involves the computer as you are software engineer. So, yes , it must not be exciting you much.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
27 Feb 13
i am, all days are the same for me here. i work in my cafe 12 hours a day. And I work online 12 hours per day. i do both, and like both. it doesnt matter to me what day of the week it is. Im up at 415 am to work. Holidays are just another day here for me. Take care there.
• India
31 Mar 13
at holidays i just use my computer to play games all the day. i am very addicted like you because i have internet connection so i can play lots of online games with my friends and can watch movie which i want.