Stay with Mylot

@jrjohn (49)
March 2, 2013 3:23am CST
I am going to try to stick it out as much as I can with mylot. I have read many discussions here on mylot, and they have a common theme- I started mylot, left it for three years, and now I come back and hope to earn some more. you have to stick with a job. You can't just think that it will wait for you forever. Someone said that they had been off for four years. Just think, if they had simply continued for those four years, they could easily have an extra 1000 bucks in their bank account right now. I am going to try my best to turn out to be not one of these people.
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37 responses
• Hyderabad, India
2 Mar 13
If you most people who've been here for years are here for the money or those coming back are looking for money, you're seeing it the wrong way. myLot is small community of people who not only have the ability to come up with sane discussions but also keep them alive unlike any other social community on the net. There can be times when other things become a person's priority forcing him/her to quit myLot but most people do come back for the love of it and not the money. I'm sure you'll realize too as you continue your myLot journey.
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• Kiryat Ata, Israel
2 Mar 13
Exactly the spirit, my friend. I sometimes don't touch mylot for some days because I don't feel like I have something to tell that I already had discussed about. I forget the fun side of it. The fun side and the informative side feed each other. The money can sometimes bring one to stop using mylot, thinking it's a waste of time. At the first of January, I decided to make a huge progress with mylot and I hoped to get to payout before 100 days were passed. It was too hard for me and I lost my motivation. (10 cents per day is easy as long as you have time and things to talk about). I sometimes need a break to live my life and only then to discuss about it.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
2 Mar 13
Welcome back to MyLot. First, you need to make sure that your old account was properly closed. If you can still see a profile, then it was not. It is strictly forbidden to have more than one account here at a time and you should make sure that you have closed any old accounts before you open a new one. Second, you should read this section of the FAQs carefully: Kazakhstan is NOT on this list: and so MyLot will not be able to pay you. Only countries where PayPal supports withdrawal to a local bank account are eligible.
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
2 Mar 13
hi jrjohn! That is a good take on how to go about it! =) i love the persistent in your tone to make it and earn from mylot. he he i have left mylot myself before, about a year when i get too busy with my work and life and had no other free time to do mylot. however now i did stick around and its been 3 years now that i am here straight. As you have said, if we are all able t stay here and even manage to get to the $10 minimumm each month, collectively that would have been $120 each year, and that is not a bad amount of money. ;)
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• Kiryat Ata, Israel
2 Mar 13
But, how can one earn so much in a short time ? I sometimes have good days of 0.42$ and it requires me to spend the most of my day on mylot. It requires opening discussions, having a lot of things to write about, even 0.10$ per day requires me to plan in advance what to do. I have no referrals and I sometimes forget about mylot. I have things to do everyday. What about the inspiration and motivation ? Staying active in here is complicated, it's not just having time for it or inspiration. It also depends on what mylot is for us.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
4 Mar 13
mylot is one site that will keep people coming back, even those that have left for a very long time, and decide to come back again. It is nice when someone who has been gone for a few years, decides to come back and just simply have fun in here. i have never been gone for to long a time, as I would miss it if i couldn't be in here at all. I do come in most days, and I will post some, take a break and do other things, and then I will come back later. It is usch a great place, that I really don't want to be gone for to long. I have so much fun in here, and have learned so much from others, that when I am gone and can't be in here, I really miss it. However, I can mylot from my phone if I want to, so I wouldn't miss it then either. i am so glad that I am part of the mylot community, and I am here to stay. Take care, and have a great day.
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@buddha3 (1026)
• India
4 Mar 13
*Raising my hand* I am one of them who came back to mylot after a long long looooong time, i.e 4 years (more than 4, actually). I had not 'left' mylot though, I just forgot about it after joining and posting a couple comments. It was just graduation days and I didn't have a computer of my own. I used to use the computers at the internet centre of my school and hence I couldn't really use mylot and eventually forgot about it. After more than 4 years I somehow came across mylot again and remembered of having joined it. Then I got back my username and password and started off again :) It's been 2 years since I came back, and even now I'm unable to spend as much time here as I intend to, but it's going fine :)
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
Hello! Welcome to myLOt. I am here in myLOt for many reasons. I like to read, I like to write and I like the way that my thoughts are being responded. Earnings is at the bottom of my list as you can see. Its an additional factor though. It is like being rewarded on what you like doing.
@theselan (74)
• Malaysia
2 Mar 13
If you are interested in mylot by joining our discussions and want to earn at the same time, you should always and constantly be active in mylot , so you need to set up your target as 10-15 comment plus post per day and get a reward each day , then you could make a larger amount of earning in the end of year. earning with mylot is not a easy task but a real commitment and hard work will pay you. All the best.
• India
2 Mar 13
Yes, we cannot earn much from Mylot. We will waste a lot of time here by posting comments. if we utilize the time some where, we can earn better than this.
• United States
3 Mar 13
Sometimes life just turns out where it is not worthwhile to do something. Not a priority. You cannot make much here. If that is the only thing someone was coming here for, they may give up quickly.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Mar 13
Discussion here is not deleted unless there is a cleaning of the server and or the discussion violates some rules and regulation here. But even if the discussion stay in a longer years. The discussion not just simply earn in that sense because we are earn here with the activity we can do...
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@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
2 Mar 13
I guess you would have to be really persistent with all your activities here on Mylot to earn that much money. I find it really hard to stay on Mylot because it really is time consuming to look for certain discussions that I would have an interest in replying to so that I can earn money from posting. Plus I would have other stuff to do outside Mylot and don't remember to post everyday.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
3 Mar 13
Welcome back, no doubt mylot is best one and reliable site. Earning is depends on time which we devote on this site. It is very helpful site.
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@surekharathi (14146)
• India
3 Mar 13
hmmmm why you leave mylot this is great site for sharing our feelings or understanding others feelings start good discussions and comment back then definitely you will get more money. Some time use search engine for surprising incentive.
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@jricky1 (6800)
• China
2 Mar 13
I'll stay at mylot forever since i love this site so much,i gained and learned how to make friends here and share my all.It's a wonderful place for me to say anything out.Hope you all the best and enjoy a good life.I know the way would be hard but we can stick on it.
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@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
2 Mar 13
Hi ! This is a good site , some stayed for 7 years here like our experts here. Earning are not that big but if you are just sincere and active here , you can earn those little and make it big ! Actually it is all in our hands in reaching that big earnings. Not only that earnings are great here , the people are amazing too ! So many inputs you will be getting here ! Welcome back !
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@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
3 Mar 13
Hi jrjohn, i like mylot very much. I get a lot of useful information from mylotters, and is a good place to earn while enjoy mylotting. So far, this is the best site i have ever come across. Hope to stay in mylot as long as i can. Welcome to mylot, and hope you enjoy mylotting here as long as you can too. All the best!
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
2 Mar 13
Welcome to Mylot! This is indeed one great site that you'd see yourself coming back to everyday. I hope you'll be able to see how this helps a lot of us here. It is not merely wanting to earn, but having an online support group,too especially to those who need advice.
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@Pegasus72 (1898)
7 Apr 13
I still consider myself quite new at this but from what I can tell from others I am doing ok although I would like to get more discussions started myself.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
3 Mar 13
I joined Mylot last September last year and as much as possible if I have a quality time in here, I spend time in here. I do not have any internet connections at home because it is just a luxury and not practical. Good thing there is a connection here in our office. After my duty, I am logging in here and I can stay here as long as I can. I was very happy when I had my first pay out here and so I was more inspired to stay in this site. A learning and earning site.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
3 Mar 13
Welcome back. ahhhh that's great to know it means that you have missed mylot a lot and mylot waited for you.. after three years this site is still running...Welcome back
@ayano678 (441)
3 Mar 13
welcome to MyLot, whether you believe will be active for 4 years?
• India
2 Mar 13
I am new to my lot i have replied to some discussions here but most of the discussions i just read and you are plannin to stick to my lot.i use my lot during evening time when i am free hope i can also earn a little
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