Does your city/town fluoridate its water?

@Catkin (480)
United States
March 7, 2013 6:49pm CST
There are several fluoride-related discussions up on myLot, but I am curious who all lives in an area that does or does fluoridate its water. I know that certain countries have decided upon other ways to deliver fluoride to the general populace, such as in salt (just like iodized salt, except fluoridated). There are a number of cities currently stopping fluoridation, but at the same time my city is trying to begin it! It wasn't even going to be something that we citizens would have a chance to vote on, the city council simply decided to go ahead with it. But tens of thousands of us would not sit idly by and let this happen, so a referendum was filed and enough signatures were gathered over the period of a month for the issue to be scheduled for inclusion on the next ballot. Voting will happen in May, but it's hard to say what the outcome will be. I am anti-fluoride as far as my water supply goes. I understand that it may be beneficial in small quantities for one's dental health, but putting it in water makes little sense. There is no way at all to monitor how much fluoride any one person --especially children and babies-- might be absorbing when it's in the water...something we drink, cook with, bathe in, water our vegetable gardens with. Not to mention the source of the fluoride used for water fluoridation (it's basically industrial waste)... What are your opinions? I am not going to post links to any of the pro or con sites, but I stand firm by my anti stance.
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2 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
8 Mar 13
Many people may not be aware that their water contains added fluoride. Here is a list of countries and US States which do add fluoride, have done so in the past and those which don't. People may want to check whether their water is fluoridated or not: There is currently no reliable evidence that certain prescribed levels of fluorine in water are anything other than beneficial in helping to prevent tooth decay. All the studies which claim that fluorine is toxic are of very low quality and highly suspect. The most cogent arguments against fluoridation tend to be based on the infringements of human rights associated with 'mass medication' and the anti-fluoride lobby ranges from people believing this to the 'conspiracy theory' proponents, who are now regarded by the majority of "anti-fluoridationists" as merely a ridiculous 'lunatic fringe' who do nothing to help the cause. It is notable that many countries in Europe have discontinued the fluoridation of water, though several are still nominally in favour of the practice.
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• United States
8 Mar 13
ours does-and the strange thing is,almost everybody i know has bad teeth. there is a school of thought that too much can actually weaken the bones,and this may be the case here. all i know is ours tastes terrible(metallic),and smells of chlorine.