What Does Easter Mean To You?

@gtargirl (5376)
United States
March 11, 2013 2:31am CST
In the 80's there used to be a Christian rock band called Barren Cross. Someone asked them once what the meaning of the name was. They simply answered, "He's (Jesus) not on the cross anymore." Easter for me is a celebration ... yes that He died, but also that he rose. And He did it all for me ... and you. I recognize that it's one of those "holidays" that has become commercial. But that doesn't change what Easter is. Yet, I would love to know. What does it mean to you and how do you celebrate, if at all?
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3 responses
@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
19 Mar 13
I am not Christian, and we don't really celebrate Easter day in my country, except for Christians, I suppose. I knew about Easter day only when I went to Australia, hence I learned about it through the commercial way. I am going to tell the story about Easter to my children, and I am looking for a story that is suitable for a 4 year old kid, hence I am researching on this.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
22 Mar 13
That's pretty awesome. There's pretty cute and appropiate books about Easter for 4-year-olds. Lots of simple crafts too, something mom and child can do together. It's fun. How did you like your visit to Australia. I used to live there. I miss it a lot.
@GardenGerty (158132)
• United States
12 Mar 13
Traditionally I go visit my brother, he has a really small church that he pastors. If I can, I help with the egg hunt they sponsor. Often it is for children who do not attend but just show up the day of the hunt. While we helpers hide the eggs, he tells the children the Easter story about Jesus. I know when I taught a preschool class we talked about the egg as being like the sealed up tomb in a rock. We have Good Friday services, and I hope to be there. This year, because it is a fifth Saturday of the month, on Saturday we will have an area wide "singing" with locally well known singles and groups sharing Christian gospel music. Sunday I usually do some special music in the service. I have a song picked out for this year but I have not ordered it or learned it yet. It is just a song that I heard recently that touched my heart. We will have Easter morning services, my brother often gives a small gift to every family in the church.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
15 Mar 13
Wow!! Sounds like an amazing weekend. I love small churches who are pillars in the community. Watching kids hunt for Easter eggs is such a blast. And a small gift for each family? So awesome! You better order that song soon. Have an awesome service, my friend.
• United States
11 Mar 13
Easter is "...He has Risen..." yes most holidays are commercialized but Easter remains one of my favorites because Jesus took all my sins and problems to the grave and then came back! He did that for all of us! And that gives so much hope and joy! How could I not celebrate that?
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
15 Mar 13
That's a big AMEN, my friend.