When the people you trust betrays you

@maxen07 (882)
March 13, 2013 11:48pm CST
Family, friends, relatives, co-workers, classmates, there are so many people who you likely trust the most might be forced or deliberately betray your trust. In my case, when uplines tend to leave out important details about programs he'd want me to sign up on and on a good day when I actually feel like reading features of the site, I'd find out that my upline really did after only my money. Guys, be careful about the people outside your family. These days there's very few pwoplw you can trust. It only takes money to backstab people. That's how desperate the people are nowadays.
10 responses
• Philippines
15 Mar 13
Hello maxen, I find it hard to believe at first during my teenage years that a relative can betray you and say things behind your back. but then i learned it through the talks of my mom with my aunties, so sad such reality exist. there was I myself was like that to my brothers, but then i realized myself, if i can't make myself rely and trust my family, whom am I gonna trust.
@wdwgirl (23)
• United States
15 Mar 13
People are people, people aren't perfect. I don't agree with back stabbing or anything on those lines either. There are good people out there too however they are hard to find. I have a few friends I have had for many years that I would trust with my life. Out of the many many people I have met throughout the years, I can count on one hand how many actual friends I have.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
14 Mar 13
It is very sad thing that we are cheated by the people whom we trust a lot. However, sometimes we trust people without any logic or reason and we ignore all sorts logics and reasons not to trust that person. In such situation we have to blame ourselves only. It is not necessary that the person who seems to be a cheater, is a cheater in reality. It is quite possible that the person had no intention of cheating or even he or she has done something just under some special circumstances and not with the intention of hurting. So we should give enough consideration to all the possibilities and then only decide if we are really cheated or not.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Precisely- even our family and loved ones will betray us for the sake of money. It's really hard to trust people nowadays and it's very sad that sometimes even the closes person in our heart betray our trust.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
14 Mar 13
Such exploitations are there for a long time ever since the when people become civilized. The only difference is that earlir it was nomadic and now it is in a polished decent way. If we look back into 'History' also the matter is not so different. What we can do? Think properly and act wisely. The people around are always cunning and looking for chances to do anything. We need to identify and pre-assess their motive and act accordingly. May be people from family, friend circle, office or anywhere, this trend and tendency is always there. The betrayal in the form of money, physical (love affair and others) and many more are around in diffrent shapes. The best way to resist such things are that we need to be careful and do not be so passive to others. If they estimate us as 'can be test or used', they will always try to exploit. So, be bold and strong enough and don't give chances. Even I am also a best example for all such kind of betrayals and exploitations only as I kept trust and true to those people and my trust and faith on others got misused and I lost a lot of money and reputation due to it. thank-s
• China
14 Mar 13
Anyone could betray us even ourselves. If we keep no trust about everything and anyone out there, life could be warmless Just like the love between a couple, who can make sure they would really love each other all their whole lives? So it is also the same when it comes to people around us, who can make sure our most loyal friends or relatives or someone else could be loyal to us forever?
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
14 Mar 13
I feel really bad if someone i really trusted choose to betray me,it would be hard to imagine how they think of me and did that.But we have to be mature and life is long,we may meet different people,so learn to accept and learn to judge your real friend.That would be help to me,i think.But heart broken to see that.
• India
14 Mar 13
We don't know more about our online friends. Some times our offline friends whom we know a lot may betray us. So it is really hard to believe an online friend whom we don't know about a lot. Better to avoid trusting the unknown persons to avoid disappointnents.
@patnopy (721)
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
so it is time to remove my trust for them but i still i can give them a 2nd chance to rebuild the trust that gone but that was not easy for them, for sure
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 13
Hi max, you are right, we must be careful with the people outside our family, most of them just want take some advantages form us. Currently, there are many people that want rich quickly by advantageous somebody else without care how they will disappointed about their actions. Ye, be careful is the best way to avoid some fraud around us.