do more

@leateagee (3667)
March 14, 2013 12:37pm CST
. . . OF WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! With all the struggles that we do each day, we have forgotten to live. To live the way we should be. Instead of just thinking about work, money, office, loan, debts and other pressures in our life, let's take a break. Guess what? I did. After doing the daily routine I am allowed to do around and instead of whining and thinking about negativity, I did more that makes me happy. I took care of my baby the whole day. I played with her too. I read a lot of books. I cross-stitched. I ate cinamon-chocolate bread. I drank chocolote milk (hot). I slept a lot. And now, I'm in mylot. What about you? What are the things that make you happy and tha you have to do more? Live life to the fullest. Make sure you don't regret whatever you do.
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18 responses
• Canada
15 Mar 13
Sounds to me like you are enjoying being a New Mommy. Good for you lea, I agree with you we all need to from time to time to stop and smell the roses. Oh that cinnamon chocolate bread sounds really tasty.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
Indeed I'm enjoying. So, what kind of craft did you do? Wow, you have a pet. It's fun to play with them.
• Canada
15 Mar 13
Hi leateagee I have many crafts my favourites are beading, (making jewelry) and scrapbooking. I am trying a new project soon I am calling it beads on glass, it is something new so I hope it turns out. I have two pets I am very lucky indeed.
• Canada
15 Mar 13
I forgot to tell you what I did today, I did some crafts, and some housework and I spend time with my two dogs, I usually will walk them daily but we still have a lot of ice here, and then I made supper I had a pretty good day!
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
15 Mar 13
Yes we all need to do more in our lifes than work, house work. But for me there are only 24 hours in a day. i need at least 36.........
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
If I can only make your wish I will grant it now. Take care of yourself too.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
16 Mar 13
Oh, you need more than I thought. Let me think about if I'll grant your wish or not.
• Mexico
15 Mar 13
thanks, or I need 2 fridays then 2 sat. Now that makes 48 hours.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
15 Mar 13
Hi I gave up on being happy a long time ago.having a low income job. im 51 still single no kids no wife which is what I want it life. if it was not for my part time job.oy I would be bord all my friends are married so it hard to hang out with them to.they all have families. it not in the cards for me to have one.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
17 Mar 13
I am an only child. Now in my present life, I have learned that I could have what you call "acquired family". These are possible people whom you became friends or colleagues who became special to you. In times of difficulties they are there. I have turned to them many times because my relatives usually cannot be relied on. I know I am alone but I also know that when I needed help there will be people who will help that's why I am still happy. You need a lot of people to be happy. Just enjoy what you like to do. Love yourself. And respect the people you meet.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
14 Mar 13
Well leateagree, you have had a way busier day than I even think about doing today,,However I had a wonderful day, took my shower and washed my hair,made myself a smoothie and had something to eat and now I am on my bed enjoying this beautiful sunshine that come in my bedroom window every sunny day between 2:00PM and 4-5:00PM..It is still winter but that sunshine is absolutely makes me very happy...
• United States
15 Mar 13
Its good to enjoy the sun when you can, its healthy for us.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
Aaah, I love what you did. That is so relaxing. I wish to do that . . . enjoy the sun.
• India
14 Mar 13
My job is to work the whole day and at night watch TV and before sleeping do some mylot. That's all but on Sunday I do a lot of my lotting. My lotting has become one of my daily chores.
• United States
15 Mar 13
I suppose anything we do too much can feel like a chore. We should take time to appreciate other things when it happens.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
I could not agree more. When it becomes a chores, it is a necessity do so. I agree echoforever, slow down and appreciate what we have.
@meumeu25 (917)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Mar 13
Hi, Lately I find it hard to do the things that make me happy, with all the stress I'm going through caused by people around me. Spending my time with little kids makes me happy too, as long as they don't cry , sometimes I sing out loud even if I'm out of tone and dance. Books make me occupied as well but I get bored sometimes. Being around with the nature and be isolated with stressful people also makes me feel better.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
I am glad you have ways to de-stress yourself/ It is only us who can really help ourselves. Take care of yourself.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
16 Mar 13
. Good for you. Let's love ourself.
@meumeu25 (917)
• United Arab Emirates
16 Mar 13
That's true, we don't really have much of choices, it's either we let stress take over us and be sick or fight it. I will certainly chose the latter :). Thank you and have a nice day too.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
15 Mar 13
I love it! The activities that you do rhyme too. Totally agree with you, makes everyday counts! Live life to the fullest. I always plan to do something productive and spend quality time together with my love ones. Do whatever in your wish list, so that we will never regret. If you want to climb the mountain, go ahead. Do not wait till the leg and knee weak, then it will be too late. I wanna go somewhere for a vacation.... I must go.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
I got the message my friend. Good thing I'm already doing it. Being productive and at the same time enjoying it. Go ahead ... have a vacation just don't take too long, we will miss you here.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
15 Mar 13
I am just a very simple person. Just having my "ME" time is enough for me to be happy. I do not want to sound like a self-absorbed person. It's just that, as a mom, I get to do a lot of things in the house and for the family. And there is no such thing as a vacation. So just being able to get things done on time and being in my small world, is pure pleasure!
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
You just reminded me that now that I am a mom, there is no vacation. But my happiness will come from my child. Indeed, it is a pleasure.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
15 Mar 13
Yes obviously we can do more ,put an end to all bad things and also read lot of books and get inspired all the way
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
Books can inspire and motivate us in many ways. I am reading a book now "Moms, How are you doing?" Carolyn Buss. So far I'm enjoying and learning some things about motherhood.
• Indonesia
15 Mar 13
Yup,, life is so short to live it in stress. Doing something that makes us happy is the best way to enjoy life. Everyone of us have struggle on something but it should not keep us away from being happy. If we want to be happy we have to do something that can bring happiness to us, don't let the pressure of life steal our right to be happy. Enjoy life
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
Well said my friend. So what did you do that made you happy today?
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
15 Mar 13
I am happy reaching my dreams. As of now I don't have small children in the house anymore and because I am dreaming of having greater achievements in life, I consider my online activities as my happiness. From time to time, I would ask my husband to go to some places around the area just to unwind from everyday stress. Have a great day!
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
That is so good. Lately my husband was a little busy that we seldom have a long conversation. Doing some reading ro cross-stitching relaxes me.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
16 Mar 13
Hi, Really you are enjoying your life. Very small things in our life can give us happiness. You are more happy because you have new little member in your house. I am 54 years old and my wife is 50. So we become happy with my son's progress. He is 24. He has a good job. Now some days after we will be happy by his marriage, having nice family. We have nice happy family.
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
15 Mar 13
We need to enjoy whatever it is we can in life. At times we want things we just can't have at the moment. When those times arise we need to take the fun things we can do because if we get in the downers its really hard to get out of that. Life gives us what it wants to sometimes.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
15 Mar 13
I agree. Let's be contented of what we have and enjoy while it lasts. We cannot have everything. We make our life.
@krizzay (22)
15 Mar 13
I wanna eat cookies and cream flavored ice cream! I wanna eat cakes, really with S, because I would love to eat a lot of its. I also wanna spend time with myself on a quiet place or a quiet island for relaxation after the very stressful things I've encountered nowadays. I'm happy in everything. :)
@leateagee (3667)
• China
16 Mar 13
Cool! I wanna do what you plan to do. I love to eat anything with "s". I am happy, you are happy.
@betlynfrnds (4065)
• United States
15 Mar 13
Love your day planner, leateagee. I remember telling a friend some time ago that I have a very busy schedule. At first, it sounded like I was very busy doing work related things and other necessary chores that otherwise wear me out. I then clarified to her that my busy schedule included down time, also known as me time. Me time consists of sitting on my back porch watching my cats play and listening to the lovely birds sing. Me time also includes listening to pleasant music or even playing music on my work station. It includes reading wholesome books and magazines, especially anything that is Bible-based. My husband and I regularly go to massage therapy. Not only does that feel great but it's great for the health. Speaking of health, me time also includes fun exercise, like walking or bike riding. Oh, and by the way, me time means that my phone is turned off and out of site. I don't allow myself to be bothered by calls. I am absolutely positive that I do not regret these things that I do on a regular basis. As long as I'm expected to function in life and be responsible for all of the countless things I have to do, you'd better believe that I'm going to take plenty of time out for myself. If I didn't I'd be worthless to everyone including myself. That is just unacceptable.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
15 Mar 13
I definitely feel you on this statement and I wish that we were all allowed more time to do what made us happy rather than spending our time doing what needs to be done. I spend a lot of my time working and it can get pretty stressful, I also spend a lot of time on college classes as well as all the work around college such as applying, researching classes, and pooling resources to be able to transfer to a new school. When I do have free time though I try to utilize it with what makes me happy. I try to cook up a lot of good food when I have free time because I really love cooking and on my double shifts I usually get home to tired and unmotivated to cook food. I like to try and play as much basketball as possible because it is my favorite sport and it lets me get some real exercise. I also like to watch basketball both NBA and college. I enjoy playing video games and doing online work such as mylotting. I love to read and I love to write but I haven't had as much time as I would like to do either of the two. I also love to play music but my instruments have needed fixing for a while now and I just haven't quite made it to the shop to get them fixed yet. I'm hoping to get them done soon though.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
15 Mar 13
I agree if you keep active doing the things you love to do negativity can't get inside of you. The things that make me happy for sure is doing yard work such as gardening and just cleaning up the yard to make it look pretty. I also love to read and watch good movies. Right now I'm enjoying putting a 1000 piece puzzle together so I can frame it. Its a picture of an Indian and its beautiful. I also love playing Word with friends and of course my favorite thing to do is mylot with all of my friends.
@bux123 (96)
• India
15 Mar 13
I would like nothingnothing you what what are you know what are you okay what is your name when you do come here when did you come here