Speek Freely While You Still Have Time

@MoonGypsy (4606)
United States
March 23, 2013 7:01pm CST
it is a shame, but the only place you can go to have a free conversation about anything you want is facebook. why are we censoring each other online. for example, why do we do it here to one another. i have seen it so many times. someone post something that someone doesn't like, and it is seen as goading. i don't understand that. i thought we were here to have free discussion and be exposed to different points of view. pretty soon we will have a block button feature on here. so, that you can block the discussions you don't like. how about just not reading the post or responding to it. people are allow to have different points of view. we have to do so much holding our tongue offline. it's a shame we can't seek refuge in that freedom online. anyway, you better speak you mind now while you can. you won't have to worry about the admins of your social networks, you will have to worry about your fellow members being the thought police.
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5 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Mar 13
That's the same with television, people often moan about programs being on, but they have the right to turn over, they don't have to sit and watch that particular channel, now there are thousands of channels to choose from, yet they choose to complain about a program, switch over! The Freedom of speech, sadly has become a thing of the past. Sometimes I have discussions and ideas that I want to post but hold back because I know they will evoke a lot of bad feeling, euthanasia for example is one subject that I refuse to discuss, because I know just how emotive that subject is! So I don't talk about it.
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
24 Mar 13
i know you would come up with alot of good conversations. it's a shame.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
24 Mar 13
we are all free to pour out what we feel here but it doesnt mean that we have to be rude. if having peace means a lot to someone then be at peace by making chillin and light discussions. we're here to relax, i suppose.
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
24 Mar 13
i supposed it's good to have a stress free topics, but what about a section where anything goes. that way you can choose to be a part of the discussions or not. someone else suggested that and i think it is a good idea.
@marguicha (216950)
• Chile
24 Mar 13
I didn`t even know that there was a feature here that can censor a post or an answer. What I do here (and I bet many people do the same) is that we don`t answer those posts that have nothing to do with our interests. As for speaking our mind, I guess we more or less do it and the only thing we can ask of each other is not to be rude and unpolite.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
24 Mar 13
I totally agree with you! It should be our own discretion if we want to be part of that discussion or not. But saying our own opinions should not be stopped. Well, we are aware that some would be pushing their limits, which we could really just let it pass.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
24 Mar 13
the block button feature is quite new and you will get exposed to and one thing is for sure only when we have time and ample free time,utilise it well and cater to our needs and make sure we utilise to reach heights for sure