Too many activities, few time

March 28, 2013 6:49am CST
Time sometimes seems to be our enemy. There are days where we would like to do so many things: Study, activities, watch a movie, meet friends, staying with our family and so on.. But we have just 24 hours every day and we have to decide how to spend the time we have.. also because, we need to sleep and rest if we want to be full of energy to face the next day.. So in your opinion what can we do pratically to spend better our time and do as many things as possible? In my opinion the only thing we can do is setting some priorities of the things we have to do and try to kill the time where we do nothing at all.
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15 responses
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
29 Mar 13
One should really plan out things so as to maximize the amount available in a day to do things. We just couldn't do all of them in a day! Or we'll end up either sick or crazy!
• Italy
29 Mar 13
Yup...That's true Jenny..
• Philippines
29 Mar 13
I agree. Life is to precious and we wouldn't want to waste what little time we have by getting sick!
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
28 Mar 13
I don't think time is our enemy but we are our own. We seem to think that everything should be done at once. We find it hard to set priorities and even harder to make some relaxing time for us. We think we are only a somebody if we have a big carreer, big car, if we are better as others... although all these things will end one day. Get rid of your watch, the ticking of the clock and live as much as possible without time.
• Italy
29 Mar 13
Yes this is true WakeupKitty, sometimes we have so many things to do that we may forget to enjoy the time we spend. It's right to be responsable but neither we should become stressed.. Good point
• Philippines
29 Mar 13
You're right..time is ticking but time is also gold which means that we have to use it the best possible we can. And if others prefer to use it by acquiring big cars and big houses and having big careers - let's let them be..:-)
• Marikina, Philippines
2 Apr 13
Time budget? Ahem. Time budget. Create a time budget so that we can do all that things that is important to us. We must first prioritize the important things to do and put it in our schedule and those that are less things that we do, well, we can put it in our time schedule. That is how I do if I have too many activities in my life.
• Italy
2 Apr 13
Doh, sometimes I realize i'm so much disorganized, for me it's not easy to create and follow a schedule. I always use to go out the schedule at the end, maybe that's why I feel like I never have enough time :P
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
28 Mar 13
Hi, You are right. We have only 24 hours for one day and we have to do many so many things. While working we have to take rest. i think we should fixed priorities and then try to concentrate on one thing at a time. If we are thinking of so many things then no work can be done effectively. So we should try to complete one work and then think about other.
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
28 Mar 13
Having a steady job takes a lot of these questions or issues out of the picture. Somebody else is making a decision as to which activities are important. Of course, during your free time, you tend to go through this time management dilemma.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
Yes roshigo it is true! we have to focus one thing for time, because I've noticed that when we do not focus and think about the many many things we have to do, we risk finishing doing nothing at all because we think too much
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
1 Apr 13
I am preparing a checklist. Checklist for the things I need to do urgently or those which can wait. I prioritize things that I think need immediate attention and if I am able to accomplish them, I use the remaining time doing other things I enjoy to do like watching movies, going out with friends, bonding with my kids and all other stuff that I have the luxury of doing them.
• Italy
2 Apr 13
Yes, I believe that we realize how much our time is important only when we have few free time. When we have plenty of time we don't realize how much it is important to use it the best way, that's why children usually use it not too wisely. That's a lesson they learn when they start having a kind of "frenetic" life like parents have to eheh..
29 Mar 13
sometimes someone says that time is money. :)
• Italy
29 Mar 13
Yeah it is surely a very valueable money, since we can't buy it and it doesn't come back when wasted :D
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
28 Mar 13
Spending time is the most valuable currency. We cannot turn back any wasted time, therefore we should spend it wisely. Yes, it seems 24 hours is not enough for all our activities. As long as we know our priorities- then we knew that we are spending our time wisely no matter how short it is.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
28 Mar 13
Me too, I feel sometimes like I don't have enough hours in a day.I'm trying to spend less time in front of TV because it's the most time consuming and tiring activity of all.Sometimes I catch myself watching random Youtube videos and think:what the hell am I doing here?:)It's incredible but some people spend several hours on Facebook and Youtube.It's like an addiction.At the end of the day they feel exhausted and have no energy for more important tasks.I've tried several time saving tips, but they only look good in theory.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
It is true, it is sometimes so easy to be caught by useless distractions. Doh..
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
28 Mar 13
I knowwwww... I'd like some more hours in the day. That way I could go to my appointments, have social times, read as much as I'd like and mylot as well... But it is impossible. I usually try to make a time schedule for myself to help myself.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
eheh let's make 48 hours lasting days :P But still they wouldn't be enough, because time remains the same, always running out. Have a nice day :D
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
28 Mar 13
I spend my time earning here online, and I don't have time to do other things,I have other web site that I earn from, but to me those web site can wait, until I finish earning from my important web sites, that ones that are paying.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
Eheh I see, so your purpose is earning online.. eheh but when you earn, what do you do with your money? (Just curious :D)
• Philippines
28 Mar 13
You always need to have an organizer in order for you to stay in the right track of your priorities. I used to have my organizer for years now and I must say that it always remind me of things I need to do. Without it, I just do little stuff here and there, I mean everything seems so disorganized. It is important that at the start of the day, list the things you have to accomplish the whole day. Never put a lot of things that you think you can't manage to do, remember there is always tomorrow.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
Eheh yes, having an organizer is a smart way to remember what we should focus on to face things one by one.. Also, sometimes when time isn't really enough whenever it's possible we can do things the following day..
@Adval2013 (436)
29 Mar 13
This has always been my problem...lack of time to do the things I want and need to do. However, through the years, and with much experience, I have learned to prioritize, organize things and do a systematic way of handling things. To me, God comes first, then family and myself, next is business. When I am happy and content and have peace about these three, then, little by little, I squeeze in the "others" in my list.
• Italy
29 Mar 13
that's a great method adval :D And also I think these mentioned by you are the most important priorities: God, our family and us :) God bless you!
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
28 Mar 13
Hi friend, time is our enemy. I think so, in our live there are many business that we want to do but we have 24 hour per day. So, time going so fast...sometimes there are many people that reduce their time to sleep because they have so many activities to do and prefer consume some medicines to increase their stamina than going for sleep. I think it is not a good idea. I think the best way is set your priority of your business, so you can use 24 hours each day for benefit and happy activities. Have a nice day.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
Yes specially modern man has fall in this frenetic lifestyle and sometimes even loses health or live with stress to be able to do many things every day.. But as you said it's right to rest, because our health must be one of our priorities to live well
• Philippines
28 Mar 13
I think the key to living a full life is to prioritize the things we want to do. You're right, setting priorities is the best way to enjoy what life has to offer. I also believe in taking chances so when there is a chance, i try to rearrange my schedule to accommodate that rare chance at happiness.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
Well said witty, escaping the routine can be a great thing to not finish living situations like "usual stuff" we have to face, and to do it we have to take the chances when we have them.
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
28 Mar 13
Do the right things. That means choosing effectiveness over efficiency. If an activity can be eliminated without little or no side-effects, the activity is not really necessary. On the other hand, if an activity cannot be eliminated without seriously disrupting your life, it is an important part of you. Hmm. This means I should give up playing Facebook games.
• Italy
28 Mar 13
ahah yeah mate, I think I should give up different things.. :P We all need also some time to relax, but relaxing too much also make us feel like we wasted some time. I think we need to find the righr balance to allright